New Releases

SPR’s book reviews of new self-published books

Wreck and Return by Tom Kranz

Wreck and Return by Tom Kranz Probing the complex emotions of a first responder and the physiological strain of getting by in America today, Wreck and Return: An EMT’s Journey Into and Out of Darkness by Tom Kranz is a powerful narrative loosely based on the author’s own dual life.

Moonlighting as a volunteer EMT while navigating the career perils of local news broadcasting, Griffin Ambrose is used to stretching himself thin, as well as calming his mind with an evening drink or three before switching career caps. Living in two separate high-stakes worlds begins to fray his nerves, and when a tragic swerve derails his […]

2024-03-08T12:37:43+02:00March 8th, 2024|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Deep Heavy Stuff by Don Ake

Deep Heavy Stuff by Don AkeAn insightful collection of personal essays and thought-provoking anecdotes, Deep Heavy Stuff: Thoughts and essays for enriching your life by Don Ake is an inspiring work of contemporary writing that is alternately raw, funny, and hopeful.

Addressing some of the deep spiritual and social wounds of the modern age, this collection is in turn a pandemic journal, a revelatory memoir, and a call to action, detailing relatable traumas and struggles so many people have faced in the past few years.  Ake shares his thoughts on everything from Christmas traditions and quiet miracles to corporate loyalty and the curse of not […]

2024-02-14T13:43:52+02:00February 14th, 2024|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

The Further Travels and Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen by Ross Stein

The Further Travels and Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen by Ross SteinA new chapter of unbelievable escapades and impossible achievements awaits in The Further Travels and Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen by Ross Stein, a witty, whimsical, and poignant reimagining of the famous character.

Told as a relentless stream of clever rhetoric and effortless philosophical debate with a drinking companion, the legendary baron spins a masterful tale recounting his infamous journey across the tumultuous United States, from spontaneous speeches in Washington and the construction of ironic border walls to signing up for Twitter and undermining the medical industry’s corruption. Tiptoeing the line of absurdity and cultural commentary, the novel hilariously addresses […]

2024-02-06T16:14:02+02:00February 6th, 2024|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Imagine There’s No Heaven by Frederick Von Heisenberg

Imagine There's No Heaven by Frederick Von Heisenberg Laying out a compelling argument for atheism, or at least a more intentional relationship to whatever faith you choose, Imagine There’s No Heaven: The Born Again Atheist by Frederick Von Heisenberg is a personal reflection on God’s potential existence, or lack thereof.

Beginning with a thorough review of the major global religions and traditions, Von Heisenberg moves into his personal journey towards non-belief with counterpoints to many religion’s premises and assumptions. Using scientific data and widely accepted truths, he dextrously deconstructs the beliefs and facts upon which faith is built. The final section is the most original and affecting, as […]

2024-01-26T15:20:42+02:00January 26th, 2024|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

The Blythe Girl by Alex Webster

The Blythe Girl by Alex WebsterObsession and desperation lead to scandalous deeds and sinister consequences in The Blythe Girl by Alex Webster, a fantastically dark period drama.

William is a Regency gentleman torn in two – determined to fulfill the duties of husband and father, but also driven to the edge of madness by an infatuation cut tragically short. When William’s long-suffering groundskeeper offers him the chance to bring the headstrong Miss Blythe back to life, he makes that fateful choice, unaware of the ulterior motives behind the supernatural proposition. Miraculous as her revival initially seems, the veil of death is not crossed lightly, and […]

Starmen by Francis Hamit

Starmen by Francis HamitA richly imagined tale of cowboys, aliens, and an ethnographic clash of cultures, Starmen by Francis Hamit is a genre-bending adventure with enough historical touchstones to brilliantly blur the line between fact and fiction.

In this slightly alternate universe, legendary anthropologist George James Frazer travels to El Paso, Texas in 1875 as a young man, acting as the ‘advance man’ for an aeronautical angel from Liverpool with a dirigible at her command. His academic fascination with native cultures, myths, and traditions soon leads him into the secretive world of the local Apaches, as well as the investigative purview of the […]

Shitamachi Scam by Michael Pronko

Shitamachi Scam by Michael PronkoFollowing the money from a sleazy rip-off ring leads to bigger and more dangerous fish in Shitamachi Scam by Michael Pronko, a high-stakes hunt for justice in Tokyo.

In a city where real estate is profitable enough to kill for, a group of clever con artists are scamming older people out of their pensions, identities, and even the deeds to their homes. The authorities are aware of the scheme, but the seemingly juvenile sagi group has ties to powerful people and surprisingly sophisticated methods, so cracking the case proves more challenging than expected. With multiple bodies in the morgue and […]

2024-01-17T17:10:16+02:00January 17th, 2024|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Dreaming Under an Electric Moon by Kris Powers

Dreaming Under an Electric Moon by Kris PowersModern society’s culture of entertaining escapism becomes a nightmare realm of mind control in Dreaming Under an Electric Moon by Kris Powers, a gritty and sinister sci-fi mystery.

Two agents of the nearly defunct FBI, Mason and Zahra, are given a seemingly open-and-shut murder case, but their prime suspect reveals a dark secret – the real killer was actually inside the victim’s mind, puppeteering the young boy to his death. In this tech-mad carnival mirror of America’s fractured future, citizens can escape the brutality of life by existing online in a fully immersive augmented reality, but like any digital space, […]

2024-01-16T17:58:43+02:00January 16th, 2024|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |
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