New Releases

SPR’s book reviews of new self-published books

Reflections of an Anxious African American Dad by Eric L. Heard

Reflections of an Anxious African-American Dad by Eric Heard Written by a father for his son, Reflections of an Anxious African American Dad by Eric L. Heard stands out as a contemporary gem. Having grown up in a time and place when segregation still reigned, the perspective of Heard is striking, particularly when overlaid with how race relations are playing out in the streets today, and how current events can still be triggering, for a moving and timely memoir.

Many young people of color in America experience “the talk” in their formative years, not about the opposite sex, but about the dangerous impact of their skin color, and the […]

2021-06-14T07:26:18+02:00June 13th, 2021|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Broken Cowboy by Jamie Schulz

Broken Cowboy by Jamie Schulz A rough and rugged tumble through the Montana countryside, Broken Cowboy by Jamie Schulz is a romantic and unpredictable ride, weaving blushing eroticism with powerful bursts of action and adrenaline.

Addie and Cade are a sizzling pair, and their slow-burning connection tells readers exactly where things are headed, but the trip is worth savoring. As the stakes of their unexpected fling rise to the level of life and death, Cade emerges as a slow-spoken hero, while the fiercely independent side of Addie is allowed to break free.

Unlike so many other romance novels, Schulz spends considerable time crafting her […]

2021-06-11T06:15:05+02:00June 11th, 2021|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

China, China, Chyyna! by Chris Kanthan

China, China, Chyyna! by Chris Kanthan Author Chris Kanthan peels back the curtain on the next global leader in his deeply researched new book, China, China, Chyyna!: Greatest Disruption to American Century, an eye-opening exposé about the rise of an old empire.

After more than a century in power, the United States has fallen from grace on the world stage, the natural conclusion of political bickering and deep social divides. China has simultaneously been on a meteoric rise to power for the past three decades, leading the world in green energy development, production and manufacturing, trade, patent technologies, GDP growth, and much more.

Despite China’s […]

2021-06-11T02:53:42+02:00June 10th, 2021|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Like No Other Boy by Larry Center

Like No Other Boy by Larry Center Author Larry Center delivers a heartwrenching story of a father’s love for his son in Like No Other Boy.

Chris Crutcher is navigating a messy divorce, fighting for custody, and trying to do what’s right for his autistic son, Tommy, who wants to be with his beloved chimpanzees at the San Francisco Zoo. The chimps are very special to Tommy – he finds them to be kindred spirits, and they help alleviate his pain. Even though they are unable to communicate, the relationship between Tommy and the chimps is brought to life tenderly with great sympathy and emotion.

Told […]

2021-06-09T03:35:50+02:00June 8th, 2021|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Autumn Falls by A.R. Kingston

Autumn Falls by A.R. KingstonA desperate mother is mysteriously drawn to a serene but sinister town to start a new life in Autumn Falls by A.R. Kingston, a richly written horror novel that blends familiar genre motifs into an original work of dark fiction.

Attempting to find some normalcy in a seemingly normal town, Charlotte settles in and even begins to trust again, despite the occasional sense of eeriness she feels in her new home. Little does she know that her arrival has set off a cascade of horror that has been brewing for generations – fueled by a sinister power that has been […]

2021-05-27T07:15:27+02:00May 26th, 2021|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Thriving After Sexual Abuse by Denise Bossarte

Thriving After Sexual Abuse by Denise BossarteAuthor Denise Bossarte offers sage advice and encouragement to those who, like herself, were sexually abused in childhood by a family member, in Thriving After Sexual Abuse: Break Your Bondage to the Past and Live a Life You Love.

Part One, “Getting Help,” recounts Bossarte’s extensive exploration of individual and group therapies, giving a comprehensive overview of what to expect. “Embracing Joy” recalls her emotional and physical outlets: exercise, yoga, creative writing, and photography. “Figuring It Out and Moving On” explores the thorny issues of how and with whom she chose to share her traumatic experiences, and strategies for […]

2021-05-13T08:59:46+02:00May 13th, 2021|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Covid Chronicles: How Essential Workers Cope by Dr. Therese Zink

Covid Chronicles: How Essential Workers Cope by Therese Zink

An unfiltered glimpse into the minds, struggles, failures, and joys of frontline workers who have faced Covid-19 across the world, Covid Chronicles by Dr. Therese Zink is a compassionate and eye-opening collection of real-life stories about the current moment.

From a methodical exploration of PPE and the physical discomforts of a hospital battlefield, to the desperation of group home caretakers and the systemic racism that reared its head so often during this pandemic, these stories are remarkably engaging. Based on a series of interviews, there are lighthearted moments of resilience between overworked doctors, as well as painful introductions to […]

2021-05-07T04:05:15+02:00May 7th, 2021|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

My Key Fits Every Door by Dennis Louis Dyer

My Key Fits Every Door by Dennis Louis DyerA sharp-tongued private eye is pulled into a spiral of chateau intrigue, hired muscle, and dangerous dames in My Key Fits Every Door by Dennis Louis Dyer, a classic, twist-filled PI thriller.

In this noir drama set in the 1940s, Taylor is the gruff and grumbling protagonist with a knack for getting in over his head, and falling into bed with mysterious women. The plot moves almost as fast as the whip-smart conversations and one-liners, while the hotel setting, where much of the action takes place, comes to life through subtle descriptions and immersive narration.

While there is something nostalgic […]

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