New Releases

SPR’s book reviews of new self-published books

ReLovenship (TM) by Mario P. Cloutier and Diane Sawaya Cloutier

RelovenshipReLovenship (TM) Look Within to Love Again!: A Workbook to Attract “The One” and Much More in Your Life! by husband and wife duo Mario P. Cloutier and Diane Sawaya Cloutier is a how-to guide for securing a long-term relationship in a country with a 50% divorce rate. What exactly does ReLovenship mean? It’s the concept that you must love yourself before you’re ever a good mate for someone else. Far from this being an emphasis on narcissism or arrogance, ReLovenship is more of a spiritual concept in which people need to forgive themselves and open up to their better […]

Dismantling Evan by Venessa Kimball

Dismantling EvanDismantling Evan is a moving and harrowing novel about coping with bipolar disorder – not just the disease itself, but how everyone reacts to those who suffer from mental illness. Evan Phillips is moved to a small town in Texas after suffering a nervous breakdown. Her parents hope that a new setting in a calmer environment will help her recover. All does not go as planned, as Evan’s family moves next to Gavin Ferguson, a teenager who has mental illness problems of his own. A group of gifted, but troubled, teenagers bond together, but become vicious targets as the town […]

2015-05-18T07:24:50+02:00May 18th, 2015|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Shades: The Gehenna Dilemma (Shades Series Book 1) by Eric Dallaire

Shades by Eric DallaireShades: The Gehenna Dilemma is the extraordinarily original and inventive science fiction/dystopian novel of a bleak future where the IRS bring back debtors from the dead as “Shades,” turning them into servants of the state. As the old saying goes, “The only thing certain in life are death and taxes.” Shades takes this literally and combines the two ideas.

The book centers around Jonah, a reluctant IRS agent (called a “ghoul”), who’s trying to pay off his mother’s debts, while contending with his girlfriend whose job is to protect the poor from becoming Shades. The novel is a perfect balance […]

Pinterest Saved My Marriage by Lisa Maggiore

Pinterest marriage“Pinterest Saved My Marriage” is the tender and amusing story about a dissolving marriage. Jack, obsessed with work but very successful, has been neglecting his wife and she decides to leave him. As a peace offering, he starts making stuff on her Pinterest boards (gourmet food, though he’s not a cook), which he hopes will mend their broken home. Though you may be guessing where this is going, the ending comes as a big surprise.

From the title, one might be led to believe this is a snarky, web-obsessed story, but that is not the case at all. This is […]

2015-04-16T06:11:39+02:00April 15th, 2015|Categories: New Releases|

The Gertrude Threshold by Christopher Brooks

TheGertrudeThresholdThe Gertrude Threshold by Christopher Brooks is a moving and harrowing work of apocalyptic fiction that asks the question: what would you do if it was the last day on Earth? The Gertrude Threshold refers to a mathematical calculation that precisely determines the last day humans can survive after Global Warming. A family spanning several generations waits out the last day in a series of tubes underground, and the narrative switches between characters, giving this short novella an epic breadth and scope.

Like the best of apocalyptic fiction, The Gertrude Threshold deals with many serious themes within a highly readable […]

2015-04-16T06:11:51+02:00April 15th, 2015|Categories: New Releases|

Status Quo by Henry Mosquera

statusquoLemat is living every writer’s nightmare: the starving artist, unknown and unheralded. He hits such rock bottom that he attempts suicide, splits up with a girlfriend and gets fired from his job. He then meets Guy, a talent agent who urges him to write something lurid and incendiary, which is more like doing a deal with the devil. Selling out his artistic soul works: he becomes famous and controversial, lands a 6-figure publishing contract, but comes to realize that compromising one’s integrity also comes at a great price.

In this day and age, with so many writers and artists clawing […]

2015-04-14T06:52:59+02:00April 14th, 2015|Categories: New Releases|

Workman’s Complication by Rich Leder

Workman's ComplicationWorkman’s Complication by Rich Leder is the uproariously funny and engaging debut novel in the McCall & Company series. Off-Broadway actress, Kate McCall, reluctantly inherits her father’s private investigator business. Her first case is investigating a construction accident, which may or may not be a scam. Meanwhile, she’s also investigating her father’s murder with a strange assortment of eccentrics in her apartment building, all the while keeping up rehearsals in a vampire musical.

A private eye novel is only as good as its protagonist, and Kate McCall is a richly defined and humorous central character. She may be reluctant to […]

2015-04-13T07:11:56+02:00April 13th, 2015|Categories: New Releases|

The Button Chronicles by Juniko Moody

Button ChroniclesThe Button Chronicles by Juniko Moody is the highly inventive dystopian novel about the very nature of human evolution. Replete with its own inventive language, The Button Chronicles is about a dark 22nd century where mysterious buttons appear from out of nowhere. When pressed, a person disappears, and soon there are buttons for every person on earth, with millions of people disappearing. No one knows where they came from or how the devices work. A suspenseful and thought-provoking read, The Button Chronicles asks serious questions about the nature of reality and how mankind can survive on its current dystopian path.[…]

2015-03-31T04:17:42+02:00March 31st, 2015|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |
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