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Review: Snapshots: Say Cheese! The World is Watching by Cara Cilento

Say Cheese! The World is Watching by Cara Cilento

Poems and short prose pieces are mated with vibrant photos in the emotive collection Snapshots: Say Cheese! The World is Watching by debut writer Cara Cilento.

The two dominant themes are Cilento’s acceptance of herself as a lesbian, and her decision to adopt two boys, a bold move, especially as both children are African American. Cilento is of Italian descent, this made clear as she describes messages (“The Facts”) from her upbringing:

…I was made from two parents

who went to school to get out of the ghetto

who tried to forget their last name had too many vowels in

2019-05-03T13:09:47+02:00May 2nd, 2019|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

Review: Midtown Madhatter by Mateo Monda

Midtown Madhatter by Mateo Monda

An American living in Guadalajara, Mexico travels to New York City to attend a wedding and hang out with his Seattle childhood friends. From beginning to end, the trip is a non-stop drug and alcohol binge. Midtown Madhatter by Mateo Monda tells of a weekend in Peter Walsh’s life along with flashbacks to his relationships with his friends and wife. He’s an unhappy man, and he’s got the addictions to prove it.

Peter’s dissatisfaction with his life comes across with every cigarette he craves, every beer he gulps, and each line of cocaine he hurriedly snorts. Under the surface of […]

2019-05-03T13:35:41+02:00May 1st, 2019|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: Splitting Bits by Joseph Gelet

Splitting Bits by Joseph Gelet

For the better part of a century, our economic system has remained largely unchanged, and given the dynamic nature of modern society, the evolution of currency was a natural and unavoidable outcome. In Splitting Bits: Understanding Bitcoin and the Blockchain, author Joseph Gelet brings this fascinating and ever-changing new area of finance into clearer focus, and also explains where it is headed.

For many people, Bitcoin registered barely a blip on the radar 5 years ago, and largely remained that way until the past year or so, when this new financial paradigm hit international headlines with massive value increases […]

2019-04-08T08:07:15+02:00April 7th, 2019|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: Cajun Chameleon by Jimmie Martinez

Cajun Chameleon: Reflections of a Recovering Racist by Jimmie Martinez

Jax Badeaux slowly finds his way through the complexities of racism while growing up in New Orleans in the Sixties and Seventies. A self-described poor Cajun, he doesn’t expect to amount to much more than his drunken father or beleaguered but loving mother. Yet change begins with his friendship with a young man, Mike Guidry, who suddenly has the race laws labeling him black instead of white.

Cajun Chameleon: Reflections of a Recovering Racist tackles weighty issues with a light, straightforward touch. When best friend Mike suddenly can’t attend the same junior high school as Jax because he lacks a […]

2019-04-08T08:03:18+02:00April 6th, 2019|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: The Promise (Book 1 of the Piecer Chronicles) by Maxx Powr

The Promise (Book 1 of the Piecer Chronicles) by Maxx Powr

In The Promise, a futuristic new thriller by Maxx Powr, readers are dumped onto an Earth of the future, where the scars of an attempted alien takeover 20 years earlier have barely stopped bleeding. When that same threat returns in even more devastating style, a young band of unexpected heroes must rise up in defense of the only home they know.

After the human population was nearly destroyed by an alien invasion, recovery has been slow, but promising. Birth rates are rising, the militarized nature of life is beginning to shift, and there is even talk of ending the […]

2019-04-04T10:25:39+02:00April 3rd, 2019|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: Leverage the Field for Success by John Jay McKey

Leverage the Field for Success: Using Quantum Reality to Succeed in the Corporate World by John Jay McKey

A data analytics expert has created a new way to look at success in business, both in microcosm and from a universal perspective, in Leverage the Field for Success: Using Quantum Reality to Succeed in the Corporate World.

John Jay McKey invites the reader to examine work life, and indeed the whole of life, from the viewpoint of “the Field,” referencing scientific principles that have established that all matter is essentially not cells, but waves of energy. Many experiments have shown that phenomena such as shared and instant communication – as seen, for example, in the group behavior of […]

2019-03-22T10:37:24+02:00March 22nd, 2019|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

Review: The Irreducible Primary by Rob Taylor

The Irreducible Primary by Rob Taylor

Rob Taylor’s perspective on existence and how to make it meaningful mixes prose and poetry with philosophy, style, and logic in The Irreducible Primary: A Dialogue on Nature, Spirituality, and the Human Condition.

In this varied collection, Taylor wishes to show how anyone can find a kind of peace that transcends politics, national boundaries, and even the boundaries we construct for our individual personalities. The titular “irreducible primary” is the human species. In this age of political division and malaise, “primary” then takes on dual meanings, with a focus on what is more essential than the policy debates in […]

2019-03-20T07:30:10+02:00March 19th, 2019|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

Review: Make It Rain: Increase Your Wealth & Financial Security by Vercie Lark

Make It Rain: Increase Your Wealth & Financial Security by Vercie Lark

A successful investor offers personal and professional tips for others to follow in the practical and encouraging financial planning guide, Make It Rain: Increase Your Wealth & Financial Security.

Basing his advice on his own investment strategies, Lark’s book begins by asserting that amassing wealth is part of the American dream. To fulfill that dream, start with education: it’s a proven fact that those with better education earn more money. It’s also true that to amass wealth, one has to have discipline. Set an educational goal and follow through with it by completing high school, college or a trade […]

2019-03-20T07:29:02+02:00March 18th, 2019|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |
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