Book Reviews

The latest indie book reviews from Self-Publishing Review

Review: Fever Dreams and the End of All Things by A.J. Massey

Fever Dreams and the End of All Things by A.J. Massey

A tireless and tremendously creative adventure, Fever Dreams and the End of All Things by A.J. Massey is a strong sequel in a deeply fascinating realm.

The trio of young heroes from the first book is summoned back to the magical land of Meridia after receiving a dire warning from The Creator – the “other side” of the Sovereign they defeated to stop The Fading. He cryptically warns them that three evil beings plague the lands they had all risked their lives to protect, and that they must return. Even though the adolescent trials of the real world are forefront […]

Review: Milieu by Jay Green

Milieu by Jay Green

Twenty-three socially weighted poems become one strong stance on what it means to be a young man in America today, and furthermore, what it means to be a Black man, in Jay Green’s emotive Milieu. This essential part of Green’s identity must be highlighted in the turbulent times in which we live, and his personal experience informs his work to a powerful degree.

In this sharply tuned collection, the poems are varied in form, mostly strong, and very rhythmic. The opening work, “Mortal Games,” channels Ralph Ellison’s work such as Invisible Man, as the rich tapestry of […]

2021-09-22T04:19:28+02:00September 21st, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: Sons of Brutality by Daniel Jeudy

Sons of Brutality by Daniel Jeudy

An intensely suspenseful thriller centering around the investigation of the brutal murder of two young women by a serial killer, Sons of Brutality by Daniel Jeudy is decidedly dark but gripping.

Plumbing the seamy depths, the novel goes underground to find snuff clubs, drug-addled Satanists, occult murder, and the mob. Los Angeles is being bathed in blood as multiple sprees of vicious murders threaten to overwhelm a police department on the brink. Detective Addison Mowbray and his partner Jed are the tenacious sleuths on the hunt for answers, but as they bounce between leads, red herrings, and horrific new crime […]

Review: Feelings Awakened by Vibha Maurya

Feelings Awakened by Vibha Maurya

A vulnerable confession of poetry coupled with striking illustrations, Feelings Awakened by Vibha Maurya lives up to its name, both in the heart of the reader and the mind of the poet.

In this reflective and relatable collection, there are more questions than answers, making this an exploratory journey that the poet takes right alongside the reader. There are occasional streams of confident conclusions, borne of the poet’s personal experience and overcoming of struggle, but there is also an innocent and cautious curiosity in many of these pieces. The poems from childhood, particularly “A Brown Girl” and “My Village,” stand […]

2021-10-25T07:27:16+02:00September 15th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Dreck by Alex Grass

Dreck by Alex Grass

Author Alex Grass creates a haunting and gritty dystopian world in Dreck, a monstrously good read penned with a masterful voice. Driven by an unflinching protagonist who takes no guff and gives no quarter, this dark and raw-edged thriller will suck you in and keep you there.

Dreck, the mystical beast from a sinister nursery rhyme, ends up on Frank Attanasio’s cold mortuary slab, but this dauntless and sardonic hero quickly learns that death is anything but permanent. The antlered monster is still glowing, appears to be doling out gold coins, and has repeatedly broken into Frank’s mind with […]

2021-10-22T03:58:21+02:00September 3rd, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Friendship City by Carl H. Mitchell

Friendship City by Carl H. Mitchell

A terrifying fling fifty years in the future, Friendship City: Hanging by a Thread by Carl H. Mitchell is a twisting, breakneck thriller that feels uncomfortably realistic. Following on directly from the events of Mitchell’s first novel, Sundown, this high-stakes story is riveting, conspiratorial, and seemingly ripped from the current state of the world.

While the sinister World Council schemes to wipe out half the human race (at least) with a deadly virus, Nick Garvey is fighting to keep the new President safe from all sides, watching his daughter fight to find her memories after coming out of a […]

2021-08-26T04:40:30+02:00August 26th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: Lieutenant General Sir Frederick Morgan, KCB by John D. Gazzelli

Lieutenant General Sir Frederick Morgan, KCB by John D. Gazzelli

The massive strategic plan known in the annals history as Operation Overlord, which resulted in the final defeat of Nazi Germany, was the vision of a man who, author John D. Gazzelli insists, has been largely overlooked and almost forgotten by those same annals, as chronicled in Lieutenant General Sir Frederick Morgan, KCB: The Planner Who Saved Europe.

By 1943, Hitler’s forces had assumed increasing control of Europe, and it rested on the British and American armies to resist and overcome German domination. However, the two nations were not in agreement about how this could and should be accomplished. […]

2021-10-13T03:13:37+02:00August 25th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |

Review: Alchemy of Revenge by Athan Noel

Alchemy of Revenge by Athan Noel

In Alchemy of Revenge, author Athan Noel unleashes a visceral and unpredictable homage to vengeance.

When a lustful mistake spins out of control into obsession, harassment, and even costlier consequences, it seems that Leo Vitali’s life is falling apart before his eyes. His lawyer and father figure has a heart attack and he confesses his misdeeds to his wife, but that’s nothing compared to being arrested for a murder he didn’t commit. Betrayed by those closest to him, the perfect life of this Miami shot-caller is teetering on the edge, as his beloved family is fed poisonous lies by […]

2021-10-12T03:26:50+02:00August 24th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |
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