Book Reviews

The latest indie book reviews from Self-Publishing Review

Review: Entanglement – Quantum and Otherwise by John K. Danenbarger

Entanglement - Quantum and Otherwise by John Danenbarger

An awe-inspiring novel, Entanglement – Quantum and Otherwise by John K. Danenbarger is a story of crime, death, love, and the contradictory nature of human relationships. Tied together by what could seem almost like destiny, Geena, Beth, Kevin, Davis, Joe, and Martin are entangled in a deeply moving novel where there is neither total damnation nor the hope for full redemption.

Professor Martin Case, Joe’s lover of many years, is working on an important theory in the field of quantum physics. He believes his work, craftily hidden to protect his discovery, will change the world, merging the lines between science […]

Review: The Message by Bill Harvey

The Message by Bill Harvey

A sci-fi thriller replete with psychic energy and covert intel action, The Message by Bill Harvey is a creative chapter of an expansive near-future world.

Instilled with the quiet knowledge that he was always destined for a greater purpose than an anonymous military life, Martin Williams is the perfect reluctant hero protagonist. His uncanny hunches, guided by “the advisor in his mind,” have made him a renowned military man, but hint that his instincts may be heightened by dormant psychic abilities. The world is changing, and the rules of war continue to shift, as do the weapons.

Williams is unexpectedly […]

Review: Pandemonium by Bill Harvey

Pandemonium by Bill Harvey

In a world where psychic agents have entered the battlefields of covert intelligence and geopolitics, Pandemonium is an apt title for this head-spinning novel from Bill Harvey.

One of Theta Force’s most powerful trainers has disappeared, and Ed Templegard is tasked by the president himself to find him. Templegard’s persistent curiosity and ability to enter the minds and awareness of others in the halls of international power makes him a perfect spy, even if that leads him on a crash-course with the same megalomaniac murderer who had once captured and tortured him. Navigating the murky waters of mental manipulation, loyalty, […]

Review: Brain Injury, Trauma, and Grief by Shireen Anne Jeejeebhoy

Brain Injury, Trauma, and Grief by Shireen Anne Jeejeebhoy

Approaching the cognitive isolation, physical impairment, and emotional struggles brought on by neuronal damage, Brain Injury, Trauma, and Grief: How to Heal When You Are Alone by Shireen Anne Jeejeebhoy is an accessible and eye-opening read for patients, caretakers, and anyone else whose lives have been touched by this tragedy.

Jeejeebhoy begins by easing readers into the concept of brain injury, explaining the unusual nature of this bodily trauma in scientific yet understandable terms. From the vicious cycle of cascading injury brought on by the body’s diligent defense forces to the slow process of re-programming brain cells, the chapters that […]

2023-02-23T14:47:46+02:00December 20th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Midpoint by Patricia Angeles

Midpoint by Patricia Angeles

An engrossing memoir telling the story of a formidable woman who has never turned down a challenge, Midpoint by Patricia Angeles is a heartwarming story about an inspiring businesswoman, mother, and author.

As the title hints, this is not a standard memoir – instead of looking back on a life already lived, Angeles is a woman in her prime who decides to take a moment to observe the present life she has built, reflect on her key memories, and her plans for a future that is still a blank page. An inspiring example of finding yourself through the act of […]

2023-02-10T16:55:33+02:00December 20th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Dream Lover by Louise Glass

Dream Lover by Louise Glass

A paranormal drama with elements of fantasy, romance, and explorations of life after death, Dream Lover by Louise Glass is an entertaining and multi-dimensional thrill for readers of a wide variety of genres.

The novel is powerfully driven by the friendship of the three young protagonists – Ali, Lizzie, and Suzanne – and their respective journeys through love, loss, and self-discovery. Ali begins as a reluctant dog walker with a deep hunger for love, as well as a secret admirer with psychic abilities, though his powers seem to hit a mysterious wall when Steve turns them toward the subject of […]

Review: The Nephilim’s Fate by Eliza Hampstead

The Nephilim's Fate by Eliza Hampstead

Adventure, sex, and magic collide in The Nephilim’s Fate by Eliza Hampstead, the first book in a tantalizing new fantasy series for adults, War of the Nephilim. With a cinematic writing style and surprising plot twists, Hampstead gives free rein to her imagination and fascinates the reader with her original take on the supernatural, mixed with a good number of steamy scenes.

Combining a memorable set of characters, fast-paced battles, and a heavy romance, The Nephilim’s Fate blends fantasy with erotica in a way that challenges the boundaries of love, pleasure, and magic itself. This is not only a […]

2023-02-03T16:09:59+02:00December 14th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: The Hell Bound Kids by Manson, Anthony Perconti, Sebastian Vice, & Joe Haward

The Hellbound Kids

Co-Authors Manson, Anthony Perconti, Sebastian Vice, and Joe Haward unveil an ominous dystopian world in their novel, The Hell Bound Kids: Wild in the Streets, the first in a longer anarcho-dystopian series.

Populated with childish but street-hardened characters like Ghost, Corpse, Pusho, Mimic and more, this is the story of rugged survival in the face of overwhelming oppression and persecution at the center of Punk City. A once civil society has collapsed into a Kid-filled wasteland of looting, murder, and depravity, with authorities stoking the fires of conflict to keep the gangs at each other’s throats, while the puppetmasters rest […]

2023-01-16T15:47:41+02:00December 14th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |
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