Book Reviews

The latest indie book reviews from Self-Publishing Review

Futureproof by Frank Daniels

Futureproof is a self-publishing success story.  Begun as a Lulu book, it is set to be released by Harper Perennial this month.  For anyone looking to promote a self-published novel, N. Frank Daniels is proof that aggressive marketing of a self-published novel can reap rewards – and getting a book out into the world can lead to good things.  Frank Daniels was able to sell thousands of copies of a Lulu book and then land a publishing deal with a mainstream publisher.

The novel began as this:

In January 2009, it will be released as this:

His marketing tactics were […]

2009-12-31T21:41:50+02:00January 2nd, 2009|Categories: Book Reviews|

North of Sunset by Henry Baum

If there’s an everyman, then Michael Sennet is every celebrity. Michael Sennet is a movie star. He should be happy, but he’s bored. What does he do after he’s achieved the best of everything: the best women, the best cars, the best homes, the best drugs? He doesn’t have an answer. Meanwhile, the Vanity Plate Killer is roaming the streets of Los Angeles looking for new victims and dreaming of fame of his own. When Michael Sennet uses the M.O. of the Vanity Plate Killer, they find something that eclipses any starring role.

North of Sunset would make a […]

2020-02-08T12:11:14+02:00December 26th, 2008|Categories: Book Reviews|
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