Book Reviews

The latest indie book reviews from Self-Publishing Review

Review: The Lycetta Legacy by SJ Oaksley

lycetta legacyThe Lycetta Legacy, Book One, by SJ Oaksley is a clever new addition to the young adult fantasy genre.

Julia Lynch is a seventeen-year-old girl who thinks she has a normal life. Like most teens her age, she hates her part-time job and enjoys spending time with her friends. Julia and her mother are really close, especially after the tragic death of Julia’s father two years earlier.

One afternoon, when Julia takes a shortcut through an alleyway on her way home from work she’s mugged. This event changes her life drastically. A mysterious man and his acquaintance come to […]

2015-01-08T00:36:41+02:00November 26th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Suicide Lettres by Jack O’Riley

suicide lettresSuicide Lettres, a book of twenty short stories is the brilliant and dark debut by Fargo-based writer Jack O’Riley. Starting with an unbelievably imaginative and original tale, this is the showcase of a talented writer.

These stories are so unusual that they take the reader into a world of lives twisted and broken by their own doing, spirals that fall out of control with unfolding events.

The opener is stunning and abstract, with a freshly-skinned animal pelt doing the talking; the following tales don’t get easier, but it is this grand uneasiness that takes the reader back to a […]

2014-11-26T13:04:02+02:00November 26th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: The Supplement Guide: An Unbiased Review of the Best and Worst Sports Supplements by Tim Mielke

The Supplement Guide: An Unbiased Review of the Best and Worst Sports Supplements by Tim MielkeThe Supplement Guide: An Unbiased Review of the Best and Worst Sports Supplements by Tim Mielke is a revised edition of a previous publication, The Book of Supplement Secrets: A Beginner’s Guide to Nutritional Supplements, an insider guide to the pros and cons of the supplement industry, and the common lies bought into by consumers. The book has been rewritten, and is now around double its original size. It now includes more research, more content, and more tips and tricks to get the most out of your supplements, and how to use them in your training properly, without getting […]

2014-11-22T10:51:22+02:00November 22nd, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: The Funny Adventures of Little Nani by Cinta García de la Rosa

The Funny Adventures of Little Nani by Cinta García de la RosaThe Funny Adventures of Little Nani by Cinta García de la Rosa is a collection of short stories for children featuring the titular Little Nani, an eight-year-old girl who wants to become a great witch. Using her magic spells she tries to help everyone she comes across, making the most unlikely of friends along the way. Unfortunately, Nani never properly learned how to become a witch, having only half-read the messages of her online witch lessons, and her spells almost always go in an unsuspecting direction. The result is a unique collection of tales of “be careful what you wish […]

2014-11-21T06:28:36+02:00November 21st, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Choices by Staffan R.B. Nordqvist

ChoicesThere is a trend in self-publishing for the “selfie” book, a written version of the frequently-seen Instagram snap that appears online so often. Choices: A Physician’s Journey On Two Continents by Staffan R.B. Nordqvist is such a book:  a memoir of a Swedish doctor who emigrates to the USA.

Sometimes humorous, sometimes hard, Nordqvist makes the step to New York in this passage,

I arrived in New York in the early evening. It was raining, cold and dark. I took a taxi to Manhattan and MSKI, my new employer. I told the driver how happy I was to be back

2014-11-20T12:35:43+02:00November 20th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: Truth Insurrected by Daniel P. Douglas

Truth-InsurrectedTruth Insurrected by Daniel P. Douglas is a highly effective science fiction thriller about the charged topic of UFO disclosure. Down on his luck private investigator, William Harrison, becomes embroiled in a worldwide conspiracy of the UFO coverup after witnessing a UFO. As he learns more and more people attached to the conspiracy have been murdered, Harrison must unravel this conspiracy that spans the globe, and make sure that he’s not another one of the victims.

Harrison is a great protagonist and springboard for the action. Injured on the job as an FBI agent, Harrison is bored with chasing after […]

2014-11-20T08:26:29+02:00November 20th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: When Elves Die by Richard Poche

when elves dieWhen Elves Die is the debut novel of author Richard Poche.  It’s a traditional medieval fantasy tale, with all the mainstays and characterizations that are expected from the dark fantasy genre.

Here we have tribal clans of elves, cruel, brutish orcs, violent martial barbarians, evil witches, pure princesses, and even vampire-like creatures called killtooths.  In essence, When Elves Die is a survival tale, following a multitude of protagonists (some fleeting, some not) including Princess Carella, Zanfire the Cleric, Kelroar the Barbarian, and a veritable host of elven (or half-elven) characters.  It is up to Carella and the rest of her […]

2014-11-21T11:10:43+02:00November 20th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Divine Roosters and Angry Clowns by Frank Crimi

Divine Roosters and Angry ClownsIf there’s chicklit, Divine Roosters and Angry Clowns by Frank Crimi should be put in the category of Dude Lit. This is especially true because the novel is reminiscent of “The Big Lebowski” and the Coen brothers at their most zany. Tarantino is in there as well. Talking about filmmakers is an appropriate starting point because this novel is distinctly cinematic. Not because it reads like a screenplay but because there’s a very entertaining movie in this book crying to get out.

Divine Roosters is an apocalyptic novel, but in a way it’s an old fashioned one. It harkens back […]

2019-01-22T10:40:02+02:00November 18th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |
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