Book Reviews

The latest indie book reviews from Self-Publishing Review

Review: Masque: Choices by Caridad Martin

Masque:ChoicesBilled as a “fresh retelling” of the classic book The Phanton of the Opera by Gaston Leroux, Caridad Martin has tapped into the public domain treasure trove and settled on adding to the overflowing list of Phantom “adaptations” available online.

It’s a given that any  book that retells a classic story must be incredibly different from the original in order to be acceptable as a work of the author. With Masque:Choices, it’s hard to really say that this has been achieved with the overall plot as such, but certainly the style and writing itself is lively and entertaining, adding […]

2015-01-09T02:34:02+02:00January 9th, 2015|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Venus Lionheart: The Witch and The God by Dino Costi

dino costiVenus Lionheart: The Witch and The God by Dino Costi is an action-packed Young Adult fantasy novel.

Venus Lionheart isn’t like the other kids in her small sleepy town. At the age of twelve she’s experiencing visions and out-of-body experiences. This troubles her. But when a mysterious man shows up at her house on the last day of school Venus’s life is about to get much more complicated. Galahad tells Venus that she is indeed different. In fact, she’s a witch and there are people who want to harm her.

The hunters are the Grey Men, who are merciless in […]

2015-01-08T07:01:41+02:00January 8th, 2015|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: It’s Like Here Only Better by Robin Landry

It's Like Here Only Better by Robin LandryIt’s Like Here Only Better by Robin Landry is a telling of real events of a lost son whose inspiring messages from the afterlife continue to give his family and friends hope and comfort about his unexpected and devastating fate.

Landry describes how after her son Tim’s premature passing in a tragic traffic accident, he returned to his loved ones in their dreams in time to deliver news of his time on ‘the other side’, and how he continues to watch over those left behind, speaking of other loved ones, and passing advice down to his living associates.

Otherwise unexplainable […]

2015-01-06T08:59:46+02:00January 6th, 2015|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Want by Magus Tor

wantWant, by Magus Tor, is a Young Adult dystopian pageturner.

Aurelia Cole is only seventeen when the story starts. She’s just finished school and has been hired by Lunar City Hospital as a med worker. She’s bright, kind, scared, and ambitious. When the shuttle she’s on is attacked, her entire life changes. Nicholas, a Clone she met hours before the attack, rescues Jonathon Hansen, who many think will be the next Earth Empire President. Aurelia is torn between Nicholas and Jonathon. Who can she trust and who should she believe. When the Resistance movement approaches Aurelia she has to […]

2019-01-21T09:39:48+02:00January 6th, 2015|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Cicero’s Dead by Patrick H. Moore

Cicero's DeadCicero’s Dead by Patrick H. Moore is hard-boiled Noir at its finest. The book introduces private investigator Nick Crane, who’s investigating the death of drug kingpin Cicero, a victim of a hit and run. His vixen-like daughter, Jade is searching for her brother, Richard, who’s now missing. The case leads Nick Crane to the bowels of crimeridden Los Angeles and face to face with outlaw biker gangs, Hollywood cast-offs, seamy lawyers, and a host of other offbeat characters from L.A’s underbelly.

A Noir thriller needs to have a solid protagonist, and Nick Crane is a very fine addition to the […]

2014-12-29T09:53:53+02:00December 29th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Boysie Blake: Problem Solver by Max Myers

Boysie BlakeBoysie Blake: Problem Solver by Max Myers introduces fix-it man Boysie Blake, a complicated man with a tragic past who isn’t in it for the money. He’s a bit like a way tougher Batman without the gadgets. An amateur boxer, bar owner and general bad-ass, Boysie Blake will help deserving people in need.  In Boysie Blake’s first book (this is Volume 1), he has to uncover the mystery of a counterfeit Jackson Pollack painting (hence the cover, which doesn’t really scream out “crime fiction”). The art deal gone bad takes him to power brokers in Los Angeles, the Vatican and […]

2014-12-29T09:07:44+02:00December 29th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Wonderboy by Tom Conyers

Wonderboy by Tom ConyersThe year is 1975, and Jack Bennett is living with his parents and older brother in the Adelaide Hills of Southern Australia. Despite their problems, his family are good enough company most days, if not very trendy or well-off. Still, secretly, his greatest pastime remains make-believe, despite burgeoning adolescence threatening to dull his creative spark. When a new teacher and a fast friend begin to encourage his imagination, old wounds begin to open up in the adults around them, and his relationships and ideas start to change. Rumors spring up, arguments break out, and there’s something about Jack that just […]

2019-01-22T15:51:41+02:00December 29th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Forty Bibles and Forty Dictionaries by Hae-Lyun Kang

Forty Bibles and Forty Dictionaries by Hae-Lyun KangForty Bibles and Forty Dictionaries is an autobiographical account of the lives of author Hae-Lyun Kang and her family: Korean, Catholic and middle-class, living in Sydney, from 1970 to the present. With an obsessive mother, a hard-pressing father, unusually-humored sisters, and a brother who fired two shots at Charles, Prince of Wales in January of 1994, Kang describes from her own perspective how she and her brother both grew into becoming who they are, and what may have lead her brother to the infamous circumstances in Sydney.

Advertised as the “memoir on the family of the man who committed affray […]

2019-01-22T15:52:17+02:00December 28th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |
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