Book Reviews

The latest indie book reviews from Self-Publishing Review

Review: Search for Complete by Stephen G. Hardy

Search for Complete by Stephen G. Hardy

Poetic, philosophical, and imaginative, Search for Complete by Stephen G. Hardy is a novel about love, loneliness, and friendship within a delightful fantasy framework.

As Christopher, Laura, and David strive to find their own paths to happiness, the reader is guided through a whirlwind of emotions and insightful examinations of each character’s psyche. Both lyrical and symbolic, this book manages exactly to do what its title suggests – not give straightforward, easy answers on how to achieve “completeness,” but rather to beautifully describe the twists and turns of the journey towards happiness.

Christopher has just moved away from Seattle for […]

2023-10-20T10:49:30+02:00September 6th, 2023|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: An October’s Journey: Poe’s Final Gift by James McKenna

Luring readers into a carefully crafted tale of supernatural mystery, author James McKenna delivers a profoundly puckish novel in An October’s Journey: Poe’s Final Gift.

On October 1, 1849, on the occasion of his 22nd birthday, Jonathan Brandt’s party is graced and haunted by his father’s old friend “Eddy,” though the world better knows him as Edgar Allen Poe. In addition to his attendance, Poe also presents Jonathan with a macabre gift, an unbelievable story of witchcraft, and an invitation to join Poe on a nebulous (and undeniably dangerous) adventure.

Poe is trying to figure out the ending to […]

2024-04-18T12:35:39+02:00September 5th, 2023|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: The Eternal Heir by Liv Viola

The Eternal Heir by Liv Viola

A dark, gripping work of vampire fiction, The Eternal Heir is Liv Viola’s remarkable debut novel, and an exceptionally strong first installment of the Risen World series.

In a world in which even immortal, powerful vampires have to endure cruel rulers, this is also a story about love, family, and belonging that is emotionally challenging and rewarding. As the title suggests, family history, inheritance, and the passing down of power are all a pivotal focus of the novel. Ava is an orphan and her heritage is a mystery to her, which prompts her to investigate her roots, but little does […]

2023-10-19T11:27:13+02:00August 28th, 2023|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: The Clock in the Water by Crissi McDonald

The Clock in the Water by Crissi McDonald

The Clock in the Water by Crissi McDonald is a startlingly original take on magic realism – a mixture of mythic fantasy and romance. Set in the present day on an island in the Pacific Northwest, the novel uses the ocean in all its depth and mystery as a backdrop for a story about love, family, trust, and friendship.

The characters in this story have a profound connection with the ocean where they live – a connection that transfers to the reader, drawing you into their mystical connection with the sea. The Keykwin, an ancient people who are both men […]

2024-03-22T17:47:35+02:00August 24th, 2023|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Pondering the Mystery of Life by Audrey C. Shields

Pondering the Mystery of Life by Audrey Shields

Offering a thorough and unbiased portrait of spiritual origins and belief throughout history, Pondering the Mystery of Life by Audrey C. Shields addresses some of the greatest questions we face as human beings with consciousness and self-awareness. With an engaging tone, impressively deep research, and a stated desire for clarity and good-faith exploration, this is a unique read in the increasingly crowded genre of spiritual guidance.

Beginning with early analyses of the religious instinct to create religion as a means of putting order to chaos, and the counterpoint of seeing God as a concept, rather than an omnipotent, immortal, or […]

2023-10-18T14:04:02+02:00August 24th, 2023|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Alpha and Omega: Awakening by Peter J.D. Woodruff

Alpha and Omega: Awakening by Peter J.D. Woodruff

A collision of realities, times, gods, and demons makes Alpha and Omega: Awakening by Peter J.D. Woodruff an eye-opening and mind-bending work of dark fantasy.

When the fabric of reality rips apart, Earth becomes a divine battlefield, and an apocalyptic hellscape of otherworldly fiends with a hunger for human flesh. As the world plunges into darkness, new heroes will be forced to rise, unlikely as their chances of victory may be, but some of the survivors feel more connected to this unearthly crisis than others.

Xavier is hearing things, seeing visions, and being called by an indescribable beacon. After meeting […]

2023-10-16T12:35:17+02:00August 22nd, 2023|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Delaware From Railways to Freeways by Dave Tabler

Delaware From Railways to Freeways by Dave Tabler

A photographic and curiosity-inspiring tour through the “First State” during the bustling 19th century, Delaware From Railways to Freeways: First State, Second Phase by Dave Tabler is the second installment of his eye-opening series about an oft-overlooked state.

Like Tabler’s first book in this deep-dive state trilogy, each turn of the page reveals stunning images and well-penned anecdotes lined with historical intrigue, surprising revelations, and carefully chosen details that many tourist guides would lack. The 19th century was marked across much of America by massive developments in industry, social progress, and bitter conflicts, and the history of Delaware […]

Review: The Fantastical and Mysterious Tale of Sweetpea of Monsterville by Corey Wolff

The Fantastical and Mysterious Tale of Sweetpea of Monsterville by Corey Wolff

Rhyming its way through monstrous lands and otherworldly mommy issues, The Fantastical and Mysterious Tale of Sweet Pea of Monsterville by Corey Wolff is a strange and visionary work of fantasy.

Sweet Pea may be a resident of Monsterville – and heir to the throne – but his personality is anything but horrifying, and his mother is far from happy about it. The Queen of the Monsters is one sadistic mother, and has no mercy for humans or sons who are unwilling to scare them. Her cruelty forces Sweet Pea to discover the strength he has always possessed, and stand […]

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