Book Reviews

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Review: Reach: Cultivate Customer Loyalty and Reap Intel by Ellen Wunder

★★★★½ Reach: Cultivate Customer Loyalty and Reap Intel

Ellen Wunder is a customer outreach specialist who knows how to connect with clients and make and keep them happy. She shares this knowledge with readers in this informative and very readable book.

Part business guide, part psychology manual, Reach will teach management and sales and customer service teams lots of things they probably didn’t know they needed to know. It is filled with advice and insight for anyone who is interested in doing a better job of understanding and getting along with the people they deal with everyday, not just customers. If taken seriously, this book will help […]

2016-03-06T03:29:42+02:00February 21st, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Soundscape by Royce Flippin

★★★★½ Soundscape

Soundscape by Royce Flippin is a smart fast-paced thriller, set against an unlikely backdrop of great rock music and shifting political tension. Homeland Security and the Culture Hygiene Police bring to mind George Orwell’s legendary dystopian world. However, the year is not 1984 but 2024, and here you can be arrested simply for possessing illegal rock music recordings. The threat of nuclear war has enabled a corrupt government to take hold, and the future appears to rest on the shoulders of physicist Blake Hawkes and his allies.

From the get-go, Flippin grabs the reader’s attention, with a flowing written […]

Review: TJ’s Last Summer in Cape Cod by Garfield Whyte ★★★★

TJ’s Last Summer in Cape CodA sexy summer saga of growing up and falling in love

The stumbling journey of young love is often the core subject of great stories, and this amusing and compelling novel by Garfield Whyte certainly falls in that category. It is the story of growing up, making mistakes, and defining your identity as a teenager faced with all the temptations and troubles of adulthood.

TJ initially seems like your average teenage boy – easily influenced by older male role models, hungry for knowledge and eager for experience with women. Uncle Peter, on the other hand, is a wild and passionate […]

2016-02-25T05:21:00+02:00February 15th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: A Walk Through Minden by Lillian Frazer

A Walk Through Minden by Lillian Frazer

A Walk Through Minden: In the Lives of the Crone and Vegh Families, by Lillian (Sissy Crone) Frazer, is a treasure trove of facts for historians and those interested in Minden and West Virginian coal mining families.

Frazer traces her immigrant ancestors from their earliest beginnings in the United States and their travels to Minden, a small mining camp situated in the mountains of West Virginia. The family endures hardships as mining, the company, and the camp change over the decades. Throughout it all, the family and neighbors maintain strong relationships. Life in Minden is never easy, but the […]

2019-02-11T09:32:50+02:00February 12th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Mythtefied by Camille Michaels

★★★★½ Mythtefied by Camille Michaels

Caelan was born with great expectations. As the mortal son of the great god Donus, Caelan was destined to live a life of enviable greatness, and to accomplish astounding feats; however, he was born in poverty, and given nothing in the way of divine auspice or protection. Seemingly betrayed by the gods that made him, we join Caelan at his beginning, his own uncertainty his first, possibly greatest foe in a battle against fate and the ancient enemies looming ahead. Will he protect his home, live up to his foretold glory, and join his friends in a happy ending, […]

2016-03-04T03:41:49+02:00February 10th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Fast Track to Glory by Tomasz Chrusciel

★★★★½ Fast Track to Glory by Tomasz Chrusciel

Fast Track to Glory: An International Action Adventure Thriller, by Tomasz Chrusciel, is a taut adventure that doesn’t allow the reader much time to breathe.

Nina Monte, a professor of History of Religions at the University of Padua, is unexpectedly summoned to a secret meeting with three European officials. They want Nina to verify the authenticity of an ancient artefact, however, during the meeting she isn’t provided with much information, but she’s promised a “gift” to her university. The gift convinces her to push aside her doubts.

Alessandro Pini, a hotelier, seeks the man who was with his […]

2019-01-22T15:08:15+02:00February 10th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: American Stew: Hope in a Toxic Culture by Stephen James

American Stew: Hope in a Toxic Culture

American Stew by Stephen James is a portrait of America that’s at once hopeless and full of promise. Chapter by chapter James attempts to diagnose America’s problems on a cultural level – sociological, psychological, and anthropological – rather than dealing with policy. The picture he paints is not a pretty one. Though America is oftentimes called “The best country in the world,” this is something of a misnomer, given where America ranks in satisfaction on a number of different fronts. It’s not so much a pessimistic outlook, as realistic, revealing a number of hard truths about what is and isn’t […]

2019-02-11T09:38:15+02:00February 9th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Handy Andy Saves the World by E.J. Altbacker

★★★★½ Handy Andy Saves the World by E.J. Altbacker

Handy Andy Saves the World by E.J. Altbacker is about handyman Andy who saves the Earth from a marauding band of aliens. Considered the “best” handyman, according to what’s written on the side of his truck, the aliens beam him up to fix their broken spaceship. The aliens say they they’re there to make “peace,” but it turns out “peace” means killing everything, not to mention kidnapping his family to be put in a zoo, and Handy Andy must use his handyman powers, limited as they are, to defeat the aliens and save everyone.

This is a professional book […]

2016-03-04T03:42:21+02:00February 9th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |
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