Book Reviews

The latest indie book reviews from Self-Publishing Review

Review: Stumbling On A Tale (Time to Time #2) by Suzanne Roche

★★★★½ Stumbling on a Tale by Suzanne Roche

It all started with a book. Now three siblings are stuck together, traveling through time, once again…whether they like it or not.

Join Peri, Henry, and Max – two siblings and a half, in reverse order – as they make their way from the high spirits and high seas of an immigration ship en route to New York, and on to new adventures in the Middle Ages. Lost together in a forest after another of Peri’s bright ideas, the three find unlikely companions in a group of colorful travelers: a man and his pig, a maid searching for a […]

Review: Miss Matched At Midlife by Rebecca Brockway


For women of a certain age the prospect of dating can be social whirl of a nightmare. But when Rebecca Brockway found herself single in her 40s, she documented her next decade of dating experiences in a humorous memoir, “Miss Matched At Midlife” with a positively can-do attitude. After her marriage of 17 years ended with four kids in tow, Rebecca set out to look for The One – or at least make up for lost time in the dating arena – going on more than 150 first dates – probably more first dates than most of us have […]

2016-09-21T09:00:41+02:00September 5th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

Review: SEER: The Ghosts of Gray Fable by Eli Bloom

★★★★½ SEER: The Ghosts of Gray Fable

SEER: The Ghosts of Gray Fable by Eli Bloom is a chilling and thrilling YA novel.

With a bold plot line and an unforgettable protagonist, SEER instantly stands out as a paranormal classic. Author Eli Bloom captures youth, innocence and courage within these pages, while brushing on topical subjects that will strike a chord in readers of any age.

While the premise of the book makes it seem as though this book focuses heavily on the events of the possible school shooting, and everything Gray Fable might do to stop it, the writer is more keenly interested in revealing […]

Review: The Unusual Second Life of Thomas Weaver by Shawn Inmon

★★★★★ The Unusual Second Life of Thomas Weaver: Episode One

The Unusual Second Life of Thomas Weaver by Shawn Inmon is a gripping story of the ultimate “What if?”

The time travel genre is populated by a number of standard premises, meaning that multiple authors have discussed many of the same philosophical and ethical issues over the years. In The Unusual Second Life of Thomas Weaver the classic time-traveling tropes are present, but they seamlessly weave between highly developed characters and an emotionally gripping story line that makes readers forget that they’re reading fiction.

Thomas Weaver has not had a particularly good life, and after 55 years on the […]

Review: The Ever Fiend (Talon Stormbringer Series) by Randy Ellefson

★★★★½ The Ever Fiend by Randy Ellefson

Talon Stormbringer is many things – a thief, a rogue, a legend. Is he a fool too?

Tasked with finding the land of Everway by the very same wizard he tried to steal from in the first place, Talon must join forces with a band of misfits in order to find the legendary silver elixir for his new employer-by-force. The powerful artefact is only known from stories told to children to get them to sleep at night… then again, so is Everway, so who can tell what’s fact and fiction?

For Talon’s sake, one can only hope that tales […]

2016-11-03T09:31:50+02:00August 29th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: An Unknown Love: Secrets & Romance by Adom Sample

★★★★ An Unknown Love: Secrets & Romance by Adom Sample

He watches from the shadows of his villa, from the edge of the crowd, and through the latest newspaper that tells of her success. She has no idea that he even exists, until the love letter arrives…

Jasmine Sun-Wallace is an upstart businesswoman – easily described as a go-getter in establishing her successful cosmetics company; austere in the meeting room but with a kind and generous heart that is made apparent through her philanthropic efforts. For as strong and giving as she is for the sake of her career, her life at home is in decay as her husband […]

2016-09-30T09:27:15+02:00August 25th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Paper Castles by Terri Lee

Paper Castles by Terri Lee

The year is 1963. The American dream has begun to definitely show its ragged edges, and in sunny Georgia the manicured gardens kept prim and proper on lavish manor grounds reflect the lives of the listless housewives cloistered within. Savannah Palmerton had dreams once, but now she is a specter of a woman, drifting from social engagement to social engagement, with nothing in her life between the forced smiles and empty chatter of afternoon teas and garden parties.

After all, when the girl gets everything she ever dreamed of, the story always ends right there, before the stagnation of such […]

2019-02-11T09:20:37+02:00August 25th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Simple Simon by William Poe

★★★★★ Simple Simon by William Poe

“Cocaine overtook the lives of many people in the 1980s. That seemed especially true in the Hollywood gay scene, where I was something of a fixture in the bars, especially the seedy ones.”

Simon Powell has lived a life of many regrets – one of religious engagement and chemical addiction; of Hollywood dreams and cold nights on concrete streets, of love and loss, and the harsh bounce back from rock-bottom. Simon is a gay man from Arkansas who’s seen it all, and it’s taken its toll. Recovering from his near-fatal addiction, he worked towards a healthier existence through rehab […]

2019-10-04T06:34:20+02:00August 24th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |
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