Member Blog

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Selling your book bit by bit

With ebook sales on the rise and considering the number of ebook readers, tablets, and smartphones that provide readers access to your book why is it that your book isn’t providing you steady income?  Their are tons of reasons why people choose to buy or pass over any given book.  One reason is that we live in a “review driven” society.  We don’t buy shoes, books, clothing, etc. without reading the reviews first.  How do you get reviews if no one will buy your book because it has no reviews?

A lot of authors have taken to giving away their […]

2020-02-21T07:17:48+02:00March 24th, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|Tags: |

9 Reasons Why I’m Choosing to Self-Publish

I’m writing a book! Did you hear? I’m writing a book! A bonafide, original content book! And I’m going to publish it. All by myself.

That’s right. No agent. No publisher. No distributor. No PR machine. No query letters or manuscript submissions or external validation. I’m doing it by my own damn self.

Recently a friend mentioned something to me that made me firm up my decision to do this on my own.  She pointed out that the sample of the manuscript I sent her was in the wrong font and spacing for agents to read and that they would […]

2014-03-31T11:47:30+02:00March 4th, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|

Book Profits for Charity

I am a clinical psychologist who has been practicing in Santa Monica, California for 45 years. I have written five books, the most recent of which was published this year, Living Life From the Inside Out: Who You Are Matters (I will describe this book in a subsequent post.) Now that I am in my 75th year of life, I no longer practice in order to earn a living. I do it simply because I love what I do.  It is now time for me to focus on giving back, examine my legacy, and put more energy into making a
2014-03-04T11:54:03+02:00March 4th, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|

Jabujicaba by Rosa da Silva

Here’s a book that will save the rainforest!

bookA young journalist Carmen Macedo finds herself on an assignment to uncover corrupt land deals in the Brazilian Amazon. The investigation takes her back to her roots, forcing her to confront painful memories from her childhood and inspiring her to make an emotional connection with the jungle and the legendary fruit of the Jabujicaba tree. The e-book, Jabujicaba, paints a sensuous picture of a living, breathing rainforest, a place filled with life, colour and the potential to save lives, but one that is at the mercy of those who would exploit it.The

2014-02-20T09:43:51+02:00February 20th, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|

Submissions Welcome For The Crossover Alliance Anthology

For many months now, The Crossover Alliance has been an online community in existence to cultivate the relationship between readers and writers of edgy Christian speculative fiction – in general terms, science fiction/fantasy/horror/supernatural fiction with Christian themes and edgy content, such as sexual themes, language, drug use, and violence. The term ‘edgy’ doesn’t only encompass this type of content though – it can also be applied to certain situations/themes/character deficiencies that are not typically found or ‘allowed’ in conservative Christian fiction. Edgy Christian speculative fiction crosses the lines of both secular fiction and Christian fiction, and creates a new breed […]

2014-02-20T08:56:53+02:00February 5th, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|Tags: |

Publishing Progress – The Highs and the Lows…


Writers, almost all of them, want to be published. Not so many years ago, the only way to be published that let the multitudes receive your work was to find an agent and have them present your work to editors who then might decide to work with you toward publishing.

There are many stories of writers’ works being published in forms that they really didn’t like; yet, they really wanted to be published so they caved…

To be fair, most respectable publishers worked hard to bring the manuscript to a form that was marketable as well as true to the […]

2020-02-21T07:17:56+02:00January 19th, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|

Reader, Writer, Publisher ~ Wearing Three Hats Can Be Dangerous

Three hats
Do I really mean that being a reader/writer/publisher is dangerous? Well, when I look at the word history of dangerous, I see that it comes from roots that mean the power of a lord…

And, “lord” comes from roots that mean “one who guards the bread”…

So, yes, if you’re contemplating using your experience as a reader to power your writing as you promote your way toward self-publishing, you’re becoming the lord of the process and guarding that bread can become dangerous.

Lest I overlook that word “bread”, let’s hope that this dangerous process leads to a very nourishing food […]

2020-02-21T07:17:59+02:00January 15th, 2014|Categories: Features, Member Blog|

What’s The Writer’s Job? Recording Or Creating?

zoltaiI’m venturing into dangerous territory with the title of this post…

Let me clarify the exact bit of territory I want to defend.

First, when I ask if the writer’s job is recording or creating, certain easy and obvious answers come up:

* Journalists mostly record, though they can do it creatively.
* Essayists and article writers can slide back and forth between recording and creating.
* Fiction writers create, though there may be a bit of recording in some of their work.

In this post, I’m only going to talk about fiction writers and the specific territory I want […]

2014-01-11T17:07:02+02:00January 11th, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|Tags: |
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