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About Our Editor

Cate Baum is a postgraduate-educated professional editor and writer from Cambridge UK, living in LA and Spain. She has over fifteen years experience with the English language and has edited all kinds of books, scripts and manuals in three different countries (UK, USA and Spain) for commercial, specialist and literary audiences. Please hire Cate to edit your book here

Member –
Editorial Freelancers Association USA
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Editor – Indie Book Editing (2014- Present)
Editor – Self-Publishing Review Website (2012 – Present)
Contributor – Ole! (2014)  – Essays
Author – The Bull and The Ban (2012)
English Teacher – Marbella […]

2019-04-28T13:10:35+02:00May 19th, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|

How Do We Know Our Priorities Are Right?

Do you have a set of priorities in your personal life? Oh, maybe something like: Family > Work > Play…

Do you set priorities in your mind for what the government needs to do? How about your priorities for what your customers need?

How do you decide you have the right priorities? Is it basically a hit-or-miss, experiential kind of thing? Do you consult with folks you consider experts? Or, maybe, you don’t set any priorities ’cause you think they’re a waste of time…

[ So, let’s see: One of my priorities for this post is to get my readers […]

2020-02-21T07:17:38+02:00May 1st, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|

Paid Reviews – A Reality Check

FireShot Screen Capture #591 - 'About I Caribbean Book Blog' - caribbeanbookblog_wordpress_com_aboutThe New York Times exposé on the infamous and the shenanigans of its founder Todd Jason Rutherford, has unleashed the mother of firestorms on the Internet. Bloggers from all over the blogosphere have pounced on the scandal and many of them are gleefully fanning the flames. Smelling blood, some traditionally published writers are circling the indie publishing camp, happy to remind all who care to listen that they had been warned.

Initially, the source of the public outrage was the mercenary nature of Rutherford’s book-review scheme and the blatant collusion of writers like John Locke. Justifiably, many viewed the […]

2014-04-25T17:34:39+02:00April 25th, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|

What Makes a Good Book Marketer?

bookwhirl-logoBeing a good book marketer is just as important as writing a good book, and requires certain qualities for an effective campaign to bear the fruits of success.

Being a good book marketer, however, does not necessarily guarantee profitable sales but they are nevertheless the ideal values that authors should have and manifest so that the book will be made known to its demographic readers.

Whether you are a self published author or a book marketing services provider, it would be helpful to appreciate the importance of the following book marketing values and qualities in order for you to market […]

2014-04-22T13:21:18+02:00April 22nd, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|Tags: |

Self-Publishing Can Be Just As Creative As Writing

I could say creative writing is right-brained and publishing is left-brained; writing is artistic, publishing all business. I could say that and I’ve heard it said by some “experts” but, even though I did just say it, my experience of both realms forces me to say it ain’t so.

For twenty-some years I wrote creatively and paid scant attention to publishing. I used to get my books published but never saw many sales. In fact, all my books except the one I’m working on now are free to download. I could apply what I’ve recently been learning about […]

2014-04-21T13:53:17+02:00April 21st, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|Tags: |

African Dream: The Dawn of a New Day

african dreamWhy is it that although Africa is filled with natural resources, the vast majority of African people are still living in poverty? How come people are starving in Africa when there are many billionaires around the world enjoying extravagant lifestyles in their big yachts, private jets and big mansions? Why are innocent children dying in Somalia when mountains of food are thrown away everyday here in Britain and other places around the world. What should the rich do to help the poor in Africa? And finally, when are the people of Africa themselves going to take responsibility for their own […]

2020-02-20T13:18:48+02:00April 11th, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|Tags: |

What’s The Relationship Between A Writer & Their Characters?

relationship between writer
Here I go again, treading into dangerous territory.

I’m calling this dangerous territory because the word “danger” comes from roots that mean the “power of a lord or master”. And, the last thing I am is some kind of lord, master, guru, or expert. So, putting my thoughts and feelings about writers and their characters out into the communal space of the Internet is dangerous because it might seem like I think you should believe what I say. In the last post, I mentioned that my thoughts would probably make some folks want to argue with me and it will […]

2019-01-22T07:16:35+02:00April 5th, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|

Rewriting While You Read ~ We All Do It …

What? We all rewrite what we’re reading? How in the world can I propose such an idea?

Matter of fact, I proposed it in two posts on my other blog: ReadWriteReadWriteReadWrite… & What’s It Like Inside When You Read A Book?.

In the second post just mentioned, I gave a little formula to help explain what I mean:

“Reading is to Writing as Hearing is to Speaking.”

Then, I asked a question:

“Do we always hear exactly what the other person’s saying?”

So, when we read, do we always get the meaning the author intended when they wrote the […]

2014-03-24T12:46:16+02:00March 24th, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|Tags: |
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