Member Blog

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Should You Use A Copy Editor?

The answer is yes, Yes, YES! For those of you that are rushed for time and have no interest in reading an entire blog article, that’s all you need to know. I know you don’t want to spend the money and I can’t blame you. Just do it. Search the internet and find someone in your price range with a good reputation. You may now return to your normal life. If you want to know why I’m so emphatic about copy editors, then, by all means, read on.

Like all self-published writers, I can’t (or is it won’t?) afford to […]

2014-11-02T04:57:01+02:00October 28th, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|

“I don’t want to read your self-published book”

The Horn Book

Fighting words, but Ron Charles at The Washington Post has a point.

At The Post, we’re getting about 150 books a day. A day. And these are books that had to find an agent. And then a publisher. And then were professionally edited. And now are being professionally marketed by people with money on the line. Many of these books, of course, are bad, but many — far more than we can review — are interesting, engaging, informative, moving, timely and/or newsworthy for various reasons.

Are there great, truly great self-published books being produced — and ignored —

2017-09-13T15:20:21+02:00October 2nd, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|

The SharpBrains Guide to Brain Fitness

SharpBrainsGuide_3D_highre  I’ve had three serious jolts to my head, all were life altering.  Brain science is still a subject that needs a lot more study and investigation in my opinion.  The brain goes through so many changes in a lifetime: car accidents, sports accidents, kids falling down hitting their heads, hormonal changes, diet, old age . . . it’s a wonder we survive all of this trauma.  The big problem is that when these injuries occur, most people don’t realize any damage has been done.  They just know that people suddenly are reacting differently to them, they can’t do math any […]

2014-09-09T09:48:04+02:00September 9th, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|

Online Editing Resources That You Must Try

Every writer tries to write every day even if they experience a bad case of constant writer’s block. Crafting contents which can pique reader’s interest instantly is already a challenging task. However, apart from writing, there is an important skill that all writers must learn to develop. It is editing or proofreading their own work.

Some writers think like they don’t need to worry about their spelling and grammar. They believe that it is their editor’s job to pick up spelling mistakes and some basic grammar problems on their written work. Sorry to disappoint you, but it’s also the writer’s […]

2014-08-06T02:25:17+02:00August 6th, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|

Author Inspires Kids While Fighting Terminal Cancer

chemoI don’t actually remember how I first met Renee Robinson. I think it all started when some unmitigated ‘Ho wrote a cruel review about her writing, and I jumped to her defense. That sounds about like me. Anyone who could write cruelly about someone who does what Renee does with her life deserves a smack-down. Of course, I have never met her in person, but I have been corresponding with her for a while. Renee is a Terminal Cancer victim, who just received the dreaded “There is nothing else we can do” message, a message I never received myself, but […]

2014-08-02T08:52:53+02:00August 2nd, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|

Places To Share Your e-Book

Places to share your ebook
Your e-book is ready, and it is time to share it with your readers. Here’s some specific online platforms for promotion of your e-book:

Addicted To Ebooks
For those authors who have their free books on Amazon already. Use Addicted To Ebooks to promote your e-book: write a description, add a comment, and share the link to your e-book. Let more people know about your work.

Author Marketing Club
This is a platform where you can easily submit your free e-book not only from Amazon, but many other resources as well. Just register there as an author, and go […]

2014-07-21T05:52:09+02:00July 21st, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|

Meridian Qigong: The Modern Research of Meridians and Muscle Fascia

Meridian Qigong bookAuthor Tevia Feng talks about the research for the book, “Meridian Qigong: The Modern Research of Meridians and Muscle Fascia”

There has been ongoing research into physically identifying where the meridian systems actually are. In his groundbreaking book Anatomy Trains, Thomas Meyers worked on dissecting cadavers to understand the inner workings of the muscle fascia. He discovered previously unknown lines of muscle fascia that were interwoven throughout the body. He called these connections The Myofascial Meridians. At the time, he was not looking for, nor was he referring to the Asian Meridian system. It was only later that he […]

2018-05-09T12:18:11+02:00July 18th, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|

Going Mobile and Reading Favorite Reads Are Cheaper

DigitalMagazineApps-LOGONo matter which particular niche interests you, you can read whenever you like nowadays. So why not make sure that you have the best reads in your hand?

Saving money has become a priority. However, maybe you can’t stop reading your favorite celebs magazines and other attractive magazines. With trendy magazines on the mobile platform, you can now read, study and have access to many publications at the same time.

Less Price, More Enjoyment While Reading
Unlike paper printed books, you can watch videos and other media at the same time for one price.

Online Sharing is Made Easy
Unlike […]

2014-06-12T17:43:48+02:00June 12th, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|
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