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Choosing a Book Title that Attracts Readers

book titlesChoosing a book title is ultimately the most important decision an author will make when it comes to selling the most books possible. While writing a book is important for an author, choosing a good title is equally as important. Since the book title is what creates a spark in a reader’s interest, authors should choose their book title very wisely. Bestselling authors have known for many decades that the title of the book can do more to increase sales than any other single factor or decision they make. When authors are contemplating how to choose a book title, there […]

2015-02-23T09:29:05+02:00February 23rd, 2015|Categories: Member Blog|

Authors: Improve Your Twitter Messaging and Control

Twitter Hashtags

Social Media is crucial for people who are trying to break into writing. Today our focus is on Twitter and how you can improve your messaging and communications.

Twitter allows you to reach more people on a daily basis because of its global reach. Authors have known for a long time that word of mouth is still the most effective marketing tool for them to market and sell their books.

It is all about meeting, connecting and interacting with people whether they are readers, resources, support groups or other authors. Your followers can be a source of inspiration and encouragement […]

2020-02-21T07:44:29+02:00February 16th, 2015|Categories: Member Blog, Resources|Tags: |

How to Overcome Writer’s Block

writer's blockWriter’s block happens to every great writer at some point in their career. While this can be discouraging to some writers, it is easy to overcome. Many cases of writer’s block are a result of conflicted feelings. Writers want their writings to be perfect and want their work to be done as soon as possible.

If you are stuck in the middle of writing a novel or any other literary document, here are 4 tips to help you get back on track:

Engage In Something Creative

One way to overcome writer’s block is to step away from whatever you are […]

2015-02-09T10:54:53+02:00February 9th, 2015|Categories: Member Blog|

7 Tips to Boost your eBook Sales

promoting booksMore and more publishing success stories these days are coming from eBook publishers as compared to those who deal in print books. As a result, the number of eBook writers has gone up drastically. Though it may seem lucrative to write your own eBook and sell it, making enough sales to earn good money is not as easy as it seems. You need to learn and implement the right techniques and methods to promote your eBook. Here are some tips you should remember when seeking to boost your eBook sales.

1. Have a professional cover design

Hopefully, you have used […]

2015-01-31T03:33:54+02:00January 31st, 2015|Categories: Member Blog|

Marketing and Selling eBooks

marketing ebooksMarketing an ebook is probably the most important part of being an author. The reason for this is pretty simple – without ebook marketing, you probably won’t sell any books! In order to make money you have to take advantage of the different options you have, like the web and social media, for marketing your ebook.

Here are a few different options that have been proven to work. Be careful, it’s easy to fall into the trap of ignoring a particular marketing outlet just because you’re not use to using it. Over time you want to have many different channels […]

2015-01-17T09:32:25+02:00January 17th, 2015|Categories: Member Blog|

3 Simple and Efficient eBook Marketing Tips Every Author Should Know

market Taking the right approach to marketing an ebook is critical to selling it to your potential audience, and as long as you understand a couple of factors pertinent to decision-making, you should be able to quickly drive more sales without even having to be a qualified marketing expert.

Give It Away for Free
A great marketing strategy you should be using is giving away your eBook for a limited period of time, such as 30 or 60 days, before starting to charge money for it. Free ebook giveaways are typically best to generate word of mouth, and enable […]

2014-12-14T08:53:16+02:00December 14th, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|

The Secrets to Successful eBook Marketing Revealed: How Can You Get People to Buy and Read Your eBook Quickly?

picIn today’s ever-changing online environment, eBooks reading has become a popular choice among owners of mobile devices.

While this might constitute an excellent opportunity for independent authors to convince potential readers to take a chance on their eBooks, small businesses can also make use of eBooks as efficient channels for marketing their products or services.

Understanding your audience’s expectations is the first step you need to take in the eBook marketing process, especially because you have to make them become interested in reading your work. We have gathered a couple of tips for marketing eBooks that will help you thrive […]

2014-11-12T17:09:58+02:00November 12th, 2014|Categories: Member Blog, Resources|

Humans or Holograms: A Lesson For Writers

Miku06Who’s your favourite singer, are they human and are you sure?

Don’t be too quick to answer. You may be cheering on a holographic image. That was certainly the case when in 2010, a Japanese hologram belted out pop songs to sold-out concerts.

A trick of light creates an image that looks three-dimensional and, in the case of Hatsune Miku, sings to and interacts with a crowd of fans. While she does have certain cartoonish features, Miku is impressively solid-looking nonetheless.

I wonder if rock stars shuddered and actors groaned. If this technology gets any better, movie directors and music […]

2014-11-07T09:13:41+02:00November 7th, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|
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