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The Adventure of Writing a Memoir – When All Balls Drop

When you see the word ‘adventure,’ you probably think of action, travel, and the outdoors. You don’t naturally think of writing. However, I beg to defer. 

I define adventure as something new, challenging, and perhaps frightening. In almost all cases, it’s all consuming. Deciding to do it and then executing it despite the fear is what makes it an adventure. And, writing a memoir has been an adventure to say the least.

My debut memoir, When All Balls Drop, started as journal entries. I know it doesn’t sound that adventurous, but it was my way of navigating all that occurred […]

2020-02-21T07:39:06+02:00June 17th, 2015|Categories: Member Blog|

Spec Fic Writer Searches For Utopia

For all the weirdnesses in my book of linked stories New Sun Rising—e-beasts who rule the world from within Networld, witchcraft, ghosts, and a human warehouse—I couldn’t have written the stories without knowing three New York lakes: Otisco, Skaneateles, and Chautauqua. This is the literal truth: without knowing the lakes  I would not have known how to create the utopian community central to the action in New Sun Rising, or how to describe it.

Those lakes feed a thirsty creative soul.

The lake in my fictional world is named Star Lake. It is mostly based on Chautauqua. However, the […]

2017-08-24T03:44:22+02:00May 13th, 2015|Categories: Member Blog|

3 Pitfalls to Avoid While Writing a Book

three pitfalls graphicThe beginning stages of writing and self-publishing your first e-book can be a very exciting experience.  You daydream about being on Amazon’s best seller list or sitting next to Oprah while discussing the intricacies of your book to an audience filled with your admirers.  But amidst your fantasies about the “glamor” of authorship, you must make room for the realities of what you’re up against on the road to self publishing your book.  While there are many “do’s” to follow when self publishing, there are also many pitfalls you’ll want to avoid.  Of course I couldn’t possibly cover them all […]

2015-04-21T04:10:07+02:00April 21st, 2015|Categories: Member Blog|Tags: |

How to Plan and Organize a Book

organizeWriting a book can be a time consuming process. In order to write a book as efficiently as possible, authors should begin by organizing and planning their ideas. Starting to write a book without a solid plan is an invitation to failure and wasted effort. While an author may be able to reach their end goal without following a solid plan, they will most likely waste a lot of time and end up taking a lot of unnecessary detours and reaching a lot of dead ends.

While authors do not have to know exactly what they are going to write […]

2015-04-17T05:41:31+02:00April 17th, 2015|Categories: Member Blog|

My Neil Gaiman Odyssey: Twitter, The Pixies And A Lost Denim Jacket

When I was a sixteen year-old in Cambridge, UK, it was the late 80s, and it was dull as the ditchwater gathering in the River Cam that splashed onto my Doctor Martin boots ( inscribed with Tipp-Ex “Smileys”) as I walked to the local polytechnic, where I studied a sort of art A level course that consisted of me being able to take my pet dog to class, a boy who was scared of both purple and broccolli (yes we did paint some broccolli purple, and yes, we chased him with it up and down the art studio) and lots […]

2015-03-30T10:48:36+02:00March 30th, 2015|Categories: Member Blog|

Self Publish Your Way to Success: 5 Effective Guidelines to Consider

self-publishing tipsModern book publishing comes with a wide array of opportunities for budding authors. Self publishing is one such opportunity that has completely revolutionized the book industry. Nowadays, many authors choose to self publish their books as the process is speedy and options for marketing these books are also immense.  However, the path to becoming a successful self-published writer may not be as easy as it seems. There are big and small hurdles that you are likely to experience while publishing. Now, in order to minimize these hurdles and help you to successfully self publish your books, we have come up […]

2015-03-30T09:09:10+02:00March 30th, 2015|Categories: Member Blog|

Ten Issues When Self-Publishing A Children’s eBook

kids readingAre you planning to self-publish a children’s ebook? Although it may seem like an easy prospect, there are many pitfalls that have actually seen a glut of unsuitable reading material coming onto the children’s market on Amazon and other book platforms.

1. The content is not the right level of readability for the age group you thought your story was for

You may have had kids, or have been a teacher, but unless you are a pedagogical expert on the age group you are trying to write for, you may end up alienating your audience by not acknowledging reading levels […]

2015-03-15T09:23:43+02:00March 15th, 2015|Categories: Features, Member Blog|Tags: |

Suggestions For Starting A Book Club

picjumbo.com_HNCK3576There are many ways members of a book club can benefit from engaging in activities that allow them to expand their knowledge about different books they have read. With advanced technology, members can find a variety of ways to experience reading in a completely different way. By taking certain book club suggestions into consideration, members of a book club can make their readings more enjoyable and relate to others who have read the same book as they have.

Engaging in an online chat is one book club suggestion that can potentially allow book club members to gain different perspectives. By […]

2015-03-05T02:55:14+02:00March 5th, 2015|Categories: Member Blog|
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