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3 Essential Apps for Self-Publishers

Author Apps
I’m a big believer that the vast majority of apps ‘talk the talk’ more than they are able to ‘walk the walk.’

This is understandable. Have you ever been let down by a major company? Anyone who ever purchased a Microsoft Zune can tell you how that feels. If even the major companies such as Microsoft fail to deliver on your expectations, you start to expect that even the smaller organizations will similarly disappoint.

Thankfully, there are many apps out there that buck the trend. Apps that over deliver on your expectations and truly make a positive difference to your […]

2020-02-08T15:59:13+02:00December 17th, 2018|Categories: Features, Member Blog|Tags: |

Should You Fight Back Against Ebook Pirates?

Piracy The first time you find your work stolen is a strange situation.

On the one hand, your pulse is racing. You think back to the hours of blood, sweat, tears and, well, coffee, you poured into a project in order to see it through to completion. The fact that someone else has stolen it, for whatever purpose, can drive you crazy.

On the other, it’s somewhat flattering. Think about the rock stars of the world. Is their work not pirated all the time? The fact that someone has stolen your work means they see something of value in what you […]

2020-04-30T05:28:46+02:00July 10th, 2017|Categories: Member Blog|Tags: , |

3 Valuable Scrivener Features for Self-Publishers

ScrivenerIt’s often difficult to take the leap and change your way of working. As writers, we often become accustomed to our way of doing things. When we find a process that works for us, we cling on to it, stubbornly refusing to change, even if there may be a better way of getting things done.

While there may be a certain charm to holding on to tradition and routine, there is no excuse for passing up an objectively better option that would improve our craft and make our lives easier.

Writing software is a prime example. How many people use […]

2017-07-10T04:13:29+02:00July 10th, 2017|Categories: Member Blog|

Essential Knowledge For Every New Self-Publisher

Self-publishing can be equally exciting and overwhelming. On the one hand, it’s the best opportunity for most of us to realize our dream of publishing a book. Who wouldn’t be excited by the thought of expressing their ideas creatively and hopefully making some money in the process? There’s a heck of a lot to learn. Dave Chesson of Kindlepreneur takes a look.

Writing a book is only part of the process. To experience success, self-publishers must be effective in many different areas, including marketing and strategy.

It can be tricky to know exactly where to focus our limited time […]

2019-02-03T09:38:04+02:00April 25th, 2017|Categories: Features, Member Blog|Tags: , |

3 “Great” Book Marketing Ideas That Were a Waste of Money

Indie author Duke Diercks talks about Facebook Ads, digital marketing, and how he “stalked” Adam Sandler…

Small Town HoIf you’re paying attention, I put the word great in quotes. That’s because perhaps I alone thought these ideas were great – at least one of them anyway!

Here’s the deal: as a newly self-published author, I was eager (read: desperate) to get my book noticed. I also have a background in digital marketing so I am familiar with certain online advertising avenues. Immediately, I came up with two ideas to get some exposure:

  • Facebook Advertising
  • Advertising on a High-Traffic Blog

The third idea[…]

2018-05-26T15:50:28+02:00March 23rd, 2017|Categories: Features, Member Blog|Tags: |

3 Powerful Ways To Level Up As A Self-Published Author

AMZProfSometimes it can be a challenge to stand out from the crowd of self-published authors.

It seems as if almost everyone is publishing their own writing these days. One of the things which sets self-published authors apart from traditional writers is the need to be business savvy. This includes marketing yourself and your work in a way which is best able to connect with your readership.

It’s not enough to be just another vanilla author with an unimaginative online presence. To really stand out from the crowd, you need to be imaginative and put as much thought into crafting your […]

2017-02-07T10:59:43+02:00February 7th, 2017|Categories: Member Blog|

A Writer’s Day in Motion: Seth Mullins

Seth Mullins Books

An inspired state of mind reminds me of the dreaming state in one crucial respect: No matter how hard you try and revive the memory of it later, that recollection will never be quite as vivid as the original manifestation. I keep a notebook close by, as often as possible; in my backpack when I’m hiking; beside me at the table in a restaurant or café. The Muse tends to visit me when I’m on the move, when the sounds of life are stretching out all around me and new sights are constantly unveiled before my eyes. She tends to […]

2017-04-14T06:52:56+02:00August 17th, 2016|Categories: Member Blog|Tags: |

Which E-Book Subscription Services Will Survive the Year?

E-book services come and go. With the current state of the economy, even some of the biggest publishers and services are struggling to survive in the market. Scribd has just heavily reduced its e-book service. Oyster, at one point an industry giant, has just announced its complete closure.

Ebook Store


For self-publishers, these e-book platforms are a saving grace for distribution, so committing to a service only to find that it’s gone under can be extremely frustrating! Fortunately, we’ve compiled a list of services you can rely on to stay open this year and many more years to come.

Amazon’s Kindle […]

2018-10-29T12:19:47+02:00June 16th, 2016|Categories: Member Blog|
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