Member Blog

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So, You Want to Write a Book

Each of you has a book in yourself. After all, you all have your life stories. That is a starting point; at least it was for me. I wrote my memoirs about recovery from multiple addictions and mental illness. It helped me to heal and to learn how to put my thoughts down on paper. You can do that too.

Each of you is creative energy. You may not realize it. Just let yourself sit with that thought for awhile. Then try putting a pen to paper when the inspiration comes. You will be amazed at what can come out […]

2011-03-22T21:39:44+02:00March 13th, 2011|Categories: Features, Member Blog|

Thank God for Humor

Where would we be if we couldn’t laugh in this world that is frequently too serious for its own good? One of the greatest gifts I’ve come to discover is how to laugh at and with myself. I’ve spent most of my life taking myself and things way too seriously. It’s wonderful to have a sensitive heart, but it’s so important to shield it from unnecessary pain. That’s where a good dose of humor serves the spirit and leads us all to let go through wonderfully releasing belly laughs. One thing is certain. Humor not only helps us, it heals.[…]

2014-05-11T22:12:21+02:00March 13th, 2011|Categories: Features, Member Blog|Tags: |

How to create a Kindle ebook? Anyone can make this stuff up.

The following is a recipe for the creation of a Kindle ebook.  The results can be viewed on a Kindle ereader or by any of the ‘Kindle for’ software apps including MAC, iPhone, iPad, Blackberry or Android Phone.

Recipe for Great Stuff(ing), Kindle Style

Starting Ingredients

1 Windows PC

1 Microsoft Word

1 Kindlegen Software app from Amazon (Download)

1 Kindle for PC Software app from Amazon (Download)


Write your content in a Microsoft Word document (merge text, links and pictures as needed)

Save content as a Microsoft Word DOC file format (DOC is preferred […]

2019-02-18T12:22:11+02:00March 12th, 2011|Categories: Member Blog, Resources|Tags: |

IndiePub ~ Amanda Hocking Just Might Not Be a Pioneer

I’m going to buck the trend in this blog entry by not rehashing Amanda Hockings’ impressive rocket success on the ePub scene. One might inadvertently take Ms. Hocking for a pioneer on the IndiePub scene, maybe look upon her story as the exception, a first, or a singular phenom. Make no mistake about it – the numbers are a knock-down, but let’s take a look at some of the pioneer IndieAuthors who just might have inspired this spunky little punk.

I learned of Boyd Morrison’s story at the 2010 Pacific Northwest Writers Association Summer Conference. Morrison has described the journey […]

2017-03-24T09:27:58+02:00March 10th, 2011|Categories: Features, Member Blog|

The Writing Process

Writing takes me to new heightsOne of the things I love best about DVDs are the special features. I love learning how and why a movie was made as much as (and maybe more than) the the movie itself. The same goes for books. I love learning about the process that went on from conception to publication and all the steps and changes that happened along. So in that spirit, I thought I’d share my own writing process for those who are curious about where my stories come from.

First I don’t sit down and say to myself, “Self, you must come up with an […]

2011-03-03T15:26:28+02:00March 3rd, 2011|Categories: Features, Member Blog|Tags: , |

Help Shaina quit her day job. Please. Please?

So, why do free eBooks exist? Why would any person go to the trouble of typing so many words on a page, then spend money to create a cover for that electronic book, only to give it away to people with no expectation of a monetary reward?

It’s because we need reviews.

Reviews of our free books help to perpetuate sales of our books that are not free. In addition, free eBooks generate interest and publicity by getting our work into the e-reading devices of a lot of people. And a LOT of people love free stuff. Hopefully if they […]

2011-03-03T15:26:09+02:00March 3rd, 2011|Categories: Features, Member Blog|Tags: |

The Dark Side of Reviews

In the past, I’ve blogged my thoughts about the review process, and I’m at it again. It’s the wonderful experience when publishing a book. Every author, whether self-published or traditional, has a star-filled future from one to five.

After being in the public eye since 2008, I’ve come to one conclusion. The entire review process is so – what’s the word I want to use here – LAME! Why lame? Because frankly, folks, it’s a broken process limping along that has little value, if any, these days.

Why do I say that? Recently, I’ve discovered a very disturbing trend […]

2011-10-08T14:00:16+02:00March 2nd, 2011|Categories: Features, Member Blog|Tags: , , |

e-Textbooks: How do they stack up against traditional textbooks?

I will start by stating that I believe e-textbooks are a great opportunity to improve the quality of education. But the players have to start thinking outside the box and stop resisting the new concept. E-textbooks should be a wake-up call to professors and students, publishers, authors and content providers.

I have been championing ebooks and ebook authors for a while how and listening to the educational community’s reasons for not adopting the new technology. Oh I know about the current pilot programs and the studies being conducted. Some schools are even being forced into using them because of their […]

2017-05-26T05:27:19+02:00February 28th, 2011|Categories: Features, Member Blog|Tags: |
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