Member Blog

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The Pros and Cons of Independent Publishing

I published my novel, “Dead Spell”, myself and not necessarily because I had to, but because I wanted to. It’s niche genre fiction and has found its home in the horror community at large. Some of the reviews have been beyond my wildest dreams awesome and from their content, I can tell I really reached my readers on the intended deeply emotional level.

I’m a huge fan of the independent publishing movement, if it’s done right. Writing is a craft that one hones over years and years of practice and persistence. It requires a commitment to quality and form and […]

2014-05-05T22:36:44+02:00May 18th, 2011|Categories: Features, Member Blog|

My First Self-Publishing Experience

To introduce myself, my name is Ashly Lorenzana. I’m twenty-three years old and I live in Portland, OR where I’ve worked as an escort for over five years. Over these last several years, I kept a personal journal/blog about my life in general, both as an escort and a drug addict. I never thought anything of it, until I was contacted by a local published author (who wished to remain anonymous) who asked me if I’d ever considered publishing it. Surprised, I wrote him back and said no, it was just my silly journal. He told me he was even […]

2011-04-28T10:01:14+02:00April 28th, 2011|Categories: Features, Member Blog|

Self-Publishing Changed My Life

As of today, I have self-published my fifth novel. I began this journey with absolutely no clue what I was doing. I took a chance and my family took that leap of faith with me. Last fall I published four novels, no editor, basically four manuscripts that needed a lot of cleaning up. The stories held up, but the grammar, well, let’s just say I went back to school since then.

One of those novels (The Girl Back Home) hit number one in lesbian/fiction/romance on,  in November, and just stayed there for months. It’s still in the […]

2011-04-25T14:20:16+02:00April 25th, 2011|Categories: Member Blog|

What indie publishing is like: “I’m a Fool”

No, I am NOT referring to the “fool” part of the title.

I’m no more a fool than anyone pursuing a vocation.

I’m a Fool is a 38-minute film made n 1976  as part of the PBS American Short Story Collection. It dramatizes a short story by Sherwood Anderson. It stars Ron Howard (yes, that Ron Howard) and Amy Irving, and was directed by Noel Black.

Traveling from town to town during the summer of 1919, young Andy (Ron Howard) has left his Ohio home in search of adventure and romance as a horse trainer on the country

2011-04-15T20:07:15+02:00April 15th, 2011|Categories: Features, Member Blog|

Author Interview: Will Granger

Hi! I’m the author of Anabar’s Run, book #1 in my Anabar Trilogy.

Sixteen-year-old Anabar has less than twelve hours to get to the capital city. This is the final test in his training to become a member of the Scouts, a band of ruthless swordsmen sworn to defend their nation. If he doesn’t make it, he will have to return to his farm, but that’s not the worst thing. His mentor, Omalof, wants the test to be as realistic as possible, so he reports Anabar as a dangerous criminal, and every soldier between him and the capital has orders […]

2011-04-15T19:56:44+02:00April 15th, 2011|Categories: Interviews, Member Blog|Tags: , |

Tim Ferriss teaches book promotion secrets – for $7000.

Although Tim Ferriss (4 Hour Work Week, 4 Hour Body) isn’t self published, his success is due entirely to his own promotion and marketing tactics. Pretty much single handedly he’s created a book promotion campaign strategy that is keeping both his books high on the best-seller lists, for years. A couple days ago he announced that he’s going to hold a private conference with only 200 people, and share the secrets he’s developed to launch a bestseller and keep it selling. And you can join – for $7000. Yes, it’s too pricey for most self-published authors; but it is […]

2011-04-15T19:50:30+02:00April 15th, 2011|Categories: Member Blog, News|Tags: , |

Author Interview: Jim Wills

I’m new here, but not to Indie publishing.  As an introduction, answers to the questions on this site follow.

  1. I worked as a developmental trade editor, professional business writer for more than twenty years; got me nowhere in fiction land, so I went Indie.
  2. Started with Amazon/Create Space, then Smashwords; so far, so good.  Smashwords is very impressive.
  3. I’ve used every marketing venue out there, including radio interviews, book readings, local print advertising, library services.  Working on a trailer.
  4. I was compelled to write A Few Men Faithful: A Kavanagh Story I by my lifelong interest in Irish history, mythology,
2011-10-09T19:29:48+02:00April 11th, 2011|Categories: Interviews, Member Blog|

Ebook Authors: The Kids Are Coming

One of the great opportunities ahead for ebook authors is the wave of new readers entering the digital book world. These gadget centric-readers are kids and young adults. You know the ones that don’t shy away from a computer screen or the digital world. With their cell phone or ipad in hand, they are going to drive the ebook industry to new heights in the near future.

This wave of new readers is going to create a new wave of authors. These writers are going to write directly to the ebook platform, bypassing the current paper to digital conversion process. […]

2019-02-18T12:21:48+02:00April 4th, 2011|Categories: Features, Member Blog|
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