Member Blog

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Hello SPR from Renvyle Blake

Dear Reader, I am newly self-published, and like many of you I suspect, keen to get my work to a wider audience. My book, ‘The Himalayan Assignment’ is now available and there are details at I will leave the plug at that!

I did try to get published, but not very hard. I guess I had a fairly standard number of rejections, all of the very unhelpful “good luck elsewhere” pro forma type. One agency lost my manuscript twice, and several never replied. I looked carefully at the Thriller genre in the traditional bookshops and I was amazed […]

2020-02-21T06:12:58+02:00August 22nd, 2011|Categories: Member Blog|

New Book on Kindle: What Happened to KayLee, Tears of a Child

Press Release

KayCee Antonee gets electric chair in new book: “What Happened to Kaylee, The Tears of a Child.”
San Francisco, August 18, 2011: announced the much awaited release of new EBook that blows the lid off of what happened to baby Kaylee Mary Antonee in Carol Denise Mitchell’s: What Happened to Kaylee, The Tears of a Child.

On July 5, 2011, KayCee Mary Antonee, aka “Hot Mom,” was acquitted of murdering her 2 ½ year-old daughter, Kaylee Mary Antonee. The shocking “not guilty” verdict seen all over the world sent viewers on a whirlwind of conjecture. And […]

2017-03-24T07:36:46+02:00August 19th, 2011|Categories: Member Blog|

Interview with Jason Holmes on the e-book “Sample Letters on Debt and Credit”

I have written an e-book “Sample Letters on Debt and Credit” in collaboration with Peter Samuels, my friend and a Debt Samaritan in DebtConsolidationCare Community. I have been associated with DebtCC Community for past 6 years. Apart from participating in DebtCC forums, I also like to share whatever knowledge I have by writing financial articles for DebtCC and have also contributed in several community websites. I feel very happy to help anyone in getting rid of debt problems or to solve their financial crises on their own.

Here are the answers of the interview questions about me and […]

2011-07-15T12:29:27+02:00July 15th, 2011|Categories: Interviews, Member Blog|

New eBook Talks Directly to Parents of a Child Addicted to Prescription Drugs

I recently published, “Help! My Kid is Addicted to Prescription Drugs: A Parent’s Guide” as an eBook for the Amazon Kindle. I am a writer, private addiction counselor, and in recovery myself for more than 10 years. I know what works. I wrote this eBook in pieces over about a 6-month period, only adding to it when I had the right words in my head.

Then there was a quadruple murder-robbery of a pharmacy not too far from me. David Laffer, an Rx addict in his early thirties, went into a local pharmacy intent on accomplishing two […]

2011-07-15T12:31:56+02:00July 13th, 2011|Categories: Member Blog|

The Mystery of the Missing Amazon Public Notes

Prime Suspect: The New Amazon Upgrade Program

Amazon Public Notes look like they are taking a turn that only a detective can figure out.
I blogged in February about the Great News of Amazon adding a new feature to their eBooks called Public Notes in which readers could share highlights and notes with other readers. In that blog, I detailed some areas I thought were potential high benefit areas.

Public Notes have caught on with Kindle 3 users as more and more readers add their ideas and thoughts. If I follow the instructions, I can add my own notes as […]

2017-03-24T09:34:11+02:00June 30th, 2011|Categories: Features, Member Blog|Tags: |

To be an authoritative reference on publishing requires allowing all voices to be heard

There once was a time when Absolute Write stood as a beacon to protect authors from unscrupulous business people and practices. But they have become so entrenched with how publishing has operated in the past, that they are disallowing individuals from sharing their experiences with new models and opportunities. I’m referring to a recent incident where I and author Kevin O. McLaughlin were banned from that site. A post in the Self-Publishing and POD section posed the following question: Can I try and traditionally publish after making a kindle/e-pubbing? Several people pointed out that since the first publication rights had […]

2011-06-08T15:24:53+02:00June 8th, 2011|Categories: Features, Member Blog|

A Journey in Self-Publishing

Recently, I published my first book, Managing Behind the Wall: Lessons in Leadership from Inside the Big Box. It’s a book that talks about some of the lessons I learned inside big box retail as I spent nearly five years on the front line of the largest retailer in the world.

I chose to self-publish because I wanted my voice to be able to get out sooner rather than later. Traditional publishing is nice and I would jump for the opportunity, but not wait for it.  Usually, unless you’re famous, already rich, connected, or already established, a publishing deal is […]

2011-06-06T13:31:07+02:00June 6th, 2011|Categories: Interviews, Member Blog|

Ebook Authors: Travel Guides are the Ultimate eBooks

Do you want to create a travel guide that is the centerpiece of your reader’s travel experience? You know an ebook that is the foundation of their travel decisions. A travel package that they have at their fingertips. One that will help them with every part of their journey.

You can do this but you need to look at your ebook differently. You cannot create just a copy of your bound version.

Last week I got involved in a discussion on Linkedin which was started by Nola Lee Kelsey of ‘The Voluntary Traveler’ about creating travel guides as eBooks.

This […]

2019-02-18T12:20:47+02:00May 26th, 2011|Categories: Features, Member Blog|
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