Member Blog

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Getting to a Self-Published Cozy Mystery Series

It was natural for me to want to write mysteries.  My parents loved to read them and I became one of those kids who hid with an apple and a book to get out of something more responsible I was supposed to be doing.

For a number of years I wrote and occasionally submitted, trying to stay abreast of what was selling and which publisher was buying what.  No success with fiction, some with nonfiction.  Then I published a mystery/romance with what is now Author House, and I did about 50 percent of everything wrong.  Typos aside, it wasn’t my […]

2013-01-09T14:42:51+02:00January 9th, 2013|Categories: Member Blog|

What Stages May Come: Free Book Reviews

I never suspected as I researched and wrote my book what further stages of the process were yet to come. I’m probably preaching to the choir a bit here, addressing a lot of people who won’t be surprised by what came next.

Self-publishing with CreateSpace without going for any of their paid services was one challenge. Reformatting for SmashWords was another.

But the real grind came with promotion: establishing a web presence and seeking reviews.

I’ve kept at it doggedly and learned a lot and even found a few kind folks willing to do reviews for my book, which is […]

2013-01-04T13:41:26+02:00January 4th, 2013|Categories: Member Blog, Resources|

How do you become as successful and well-known as Harry Potter or 50 Shades of Grey?

It seems to me that self-published writers are looked down on – that they’re just using up space in the market; that if their work was good enough to get a proper publishing deal it would have done; that they’re putting out any kind of rubbish just because technology allows them to. All of this went through my mind when I was considering whether to go ahead with it myself. Will I be a part of that stigma? Will people look down on me? Should I bother? Is my book good enough?

But what’s the alternative? I thought about not […]

2020-02-21T03:54:59+02:00December 7th, 2012|Categories: Features, Member Blog|Tags: |

The Write Stuff

I wrote this on my own blog, and thought it may be interesting for fellow self-publishers to share my experience.

I wanted this blog to be about writing, so I thought I would share how I came to write my first book.

In July I left work after being made redundant. I had wanted to write a book since I can remember, and I finally had some spare time, I thought, to have a go.

I have notes on a novel I have been working on for a few years now, but didn’t feel ready to go with that. Instead, […]

2012-11-28T13:27:29+02:00November 28th, 2012|Categories: Member Blog|

Novelnook – The First 100% Free Self-Publishing eBook Store

Novelnook was founded in August 2012 as an LLC in the state of Colorado. At Novelnook, we strive to offer the best services to our self-published eBook authors – for free. We also have constructed a community that fosters social networking and interaction. Readers will not only get to browse a variety of eBooks but also get a chance to view and post comments and ratings, message their favorite authors, and earn points toward additional features.

What is Novelnook?

Let’s start with the groundwork. Our idea is based on the current eBook fever that has gripped readers around the world. […]

2012-09-26T08:40:28+02:00September 25th, 2012|Categories: Member Blog, Resources|

Why I decided to self-publish my own novel

Author’s note: The following post was published on

Like many writers, for years I’ve pinned my hopes on getting that one “yes” from either an agent or a traditional publisher. I was afraid of taking the self-publishing/independent publishing route because that didn’t “validate” my author status. However, practically every agent that answered my query gave pretty much the same answer, like this agent’s answer quoted below:

Thank you for your recent query.  Unfortunately, I feel that in today’s market, I cannot take on projects unless I feel strongly about them. I’m sorry to say that it didn’t

2012-09-16T10:44:04+02:00September 16th, 2012|Categories: Member Blog|

Why Writing is Like Laying Bricks

Giacomo & Slick

Anything Good Takes Time.

I have read a lot of articles and advice from people about writing, and how writers should just write. Hurry up and write. Write. Write. Write. Somewhere in the article they mention, in passing, about making sure the quality is there, but the focus usually shifts back to writing fast so you can get more books out and help sell your other books.

These experts come armed with impressive data, showing that the more books you write and the more books you have available to sell, the more money you’ll make. I have […]

2012-09-11T21:20:52+02:00September 11th, 2012|Categories: Member Blog|
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