Member Blog

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Interview With Thomas L. Hay

Thomas L. Hay is the author of The Comeback Kid series. The Comeback Kid is the memoirs of Thomas (Tommy) Hay, written from cradle to senior citizen. From a US Navy sailor to an International Airline employee. From puppy love to an International playboy. From marriage to divorce. From UFO’s to alien abductions…

So Thomas, please, tell us a bit about yourself!
I’m married to Karen, the ‘love of my life’. My favorite place in the world is in my bed, fast asleep. It’s where I dream and come up with my imagination. It takes me to places where no […]

2013-10-25T10:42:56+02:00October 25th, 2013|Categories: Interviews, Member Blog|

Line up at a Book Fair to Get Your Share of Readers!

Are you a bookworm? Do you obsess over what is the latest book on the stands or who is the most popular author currently?  Some people are such nerds that a life without books seems dull and listless to them.  They would rather visit a book fair than visit an art gallery or watch the latest movie.  If you are one of them, don’t be disheartened as a book fair is not less grand or glamorous an event nowadays.

Book fairs are commonly held to promote new books and increase the sale of old books. If you are a novice […]

2013-10-25T09:56:49+02:00October 25th, 2013|Categories: Member Blog|

How To Sell Books With Amazon Reviews

There are tricks of the trade to ensure the sale of your book via Amazon reviews. Here are our tips for making the most of these.

When someone reviews your book (Self-Publishing Review ranks high – profile here) make sure you click ” Yes” to “Was this review helpful to you?” Amazon ranks its reviewers by helpfulness, so boosting those who review your book will help your review get seen by more people.

Pick the Hall Of Fame reviewers who like your type of book and ask them to review it. You can do this by looking at reviews […]

2014-01-14T20:11:39+02:00October 24th, 2013|Categories: Member Blog|

A Self-Publishing Romance

I know there are a few of you out there who are very pleased to hear that me and Henry Baum are getting married this weekend. But I don’t know if many people know how we met.

It’s a self-publishing love story, basically.

On September 11th, 2011, I was researching my self-published novel (not yet available) when I realized I needed to read more about The Tibetan Book Of The Dead. I was interested in the breaths of death for a particular scene in my ghost story. Long story short, I started looking on Kindle for books of the dead. […]

2013-10-12T11:57:34+02:00October 12th, 2013|Categories: Member Blog|

Self-Publishing Comic Books

One facet to self-publishing we at SPR have never really touched on is the potential for self-publishing comic books. We met three interesting self-publishers at San Diego Comic Fest whose comic books are highly entertaining, and use a slightly different model to fiction paperback self-publishers – a lot of selling is done at conventions, in shops and on their own websites as a result of their offline marketing – maybe there is something to be learned here for paperback writers!

Read on for info and free books!

Little is a highly amusing take on the vampire legend, authored by […]

2020-02-21T06:32:14+02:00October 9th, 2013|Categories: Member Blog|Tags: |

SPR at San Diego Comic Fest

SPR went to the San Diego Comic Fest this weekend, where we came across several self-published authors (see our article on self-published comic books), while sharing a stall with LA-based self-publishing press, New Texture, publishers of “Nu Luna”, a sci-fi novel by Andrew Biscontini and “Weasels Ripped My Flesh”, an anthology of vintage mens comic book adventures, as well as Kate Danley, a highly successful self-published novelist whose Maggie McKay book series is now optioned for TV.

New Texture, run by Wyatt Doyle and Sandee Curry have a slew of interesting books on their roster, seen here with New Texture […]

2020-02-21T06:51:15+02:00October 8th, 2013|Categories: Member Blog|Tags: , |
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