
About T B Markinson

T.B. Markinson is passionate about reading, traveling, sports, and movies. While living in Colorado she worked at a newspaper in the news and advertising departments. Most recently she has moved from Boston, Massachusetts to London, England. Currently she is working on the draft of her first novel during her work hours and exploring her new city whenever she gets the chance. She loves to read all types of books, including young adult, literature, science fiction, fantasy, mystery, travel writings, history, politics, and biographies.

Review: Katerina by Rita D’Orazio

Katerina by Rita D’Orazio is the sequel to her first book, Don’t Look Back; however if you haven’t read the first one, no worries. This can be read as a standalone. The author does a wonderful job of not referring to incidents or characters that only readers of the first novel would understand. In fact, if the reader didn’t know that this was the sequel they might not even have guessed that this work is a continuation of Katerina’s story.

Katerina Balducci has lived a full life and she’s only fifty. The novel opens with Katerina attending a Beach […]

2014-05-05T21:27:47+02:00November 4th, 2013|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: James Clyde and the Diamonds of Orchestra by Colm McElwain

James Clyde and the Diamonds of Orchestra is a wonderful addition to the young adult fantasy adventure genre. The story is entertaining, fast-paced, and imaginative. James Clyde, an orphan, along with his two friends, Ben and Mary Forester, must safeguard a magical diamond from an evil man dressed in black. In order to protect the diamond, the children need to travel to Orchestra, an alternative world. Each step of the way, the trio encounters trials and tribulations and the army hunting them is merciless. Will the children be able to overcome all obstacles and keep the diamond out of the […]

Review: Preina by Megan Lane

Preina is the second book in the Cassiea series by Megan Lane. Cassiea, “Cass”, is a woman who doesn’t know a whole lot about herself. This doesn’t mean that she’s going to therapy to discover herself. No, things are that easy for her. You see, Cass is the keeper of an evil witch’s magic. And this witch died years ago. Many, many, many years ago. Not only does Cass discover that she now possesses magical powers, but she also learns about the Elvains, a race who have been residing on earth unbeknownst to humans.

The start of the book is […]

2013-09-21T09:19:07+02:00September 21st, 2013|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Solar System Blues by Andrew J. Patrick

Solar System Blues by Andrew J. Patrick is an exhilarating read. As Burton and his teenage assistant hurtle through space in search of a habitable planet, the reader is taken along for the ride. The opening pages do not offer many answers or reasons as to why Burton is in space. In fact, the beginning is so ambiguous that some readers may wonder why they should continue with the story. But that’s the point to the beginning. The author is using this vagueness to draw you into the story and to make you ask: what and why.  And to get […]

2013-09-10T13:52:46+02:00September 10th, 2013|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Roan – The Tales of Conor Archer by E. R. Barr

Many years ago, the Tinkers went into exile. Hailing from Ireland, the men had dalliances with the shape-shifting Roan. These sea-wives appeared as seals with their pups. As soon as the pups touched the land, they changed into human children. The Tinkers called these offspring the ‘dark ones’ and took on the duty of raising them. Once they arrived in the New World, they settled where two rivers converged and steeped in mythology. For 150 years the Tinkers hid the ‘dark ones’ and their town never divulged their secrets.

In present-day Chicago, Conor Archer is experiencing one of the weirdest […]

2013-08-19T05:13:46+02:00August 19th, 2013|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: A Change in Management by RJ Johnson

RJ Johnson’s Change in Management: A Jim Meade Martian PI Novel, is an interesting mix of science fiction and detective story. Jim Meade, a Runabout, doesn’t have much going for him. He has no money and is trying to make ends meet by competing in Zero-G fights. These contests, which often result in death, entertain the colonists on Mars. Meade doesn’t concern himself too much with the political situation in the world. In 2097 there are two main powers: The Consortium and Coalition. All Meade cares about is winning his next big fight.

When that fight goes awry, Meade finds […]

2019-01-24T19:46:04+02:00August 1st, 2013|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Thank You SPR

For over a year, I’ve been reviewing books for Self-Publishing Review. I can’t remember how many I’ve reviewed, but I do know I have learned much from each and every author. I joke now that I shouldn’t have wasted the money on college to chase my dream of becoming a writer. Instead I should have dived head first into reviewing books. Luckily I’ve read many novels from self-published authors who have knocked my socks off. Their writing encouraged me to continue down my own path. Years ago there was a stigma about publishing your own work. It was the last […]

2014-05-06T10:19:35+02:00July 24th, 2013|Categories: Features|

Review: Andy Smithson: Blast of the Dragon’s Fury by L. R. W. Lee

Andy Smithson has never heard of the Land of Oomaldee and he has never met Imogenia. However, he’s soon to begin an adventure of a lifetime that involves both. Ten-year-old Andy has parents who are always harping about being respectful and responsible. Andy hates the lectures. It seems that’s all his parents do is lecture him when they aren’t too busy running their own companies. Fred and Emily Smithson are CEOs of multimillion dollar companies. His sister is Miss Perfect. Poor Andy is ignored most of the time by all of them, except when he’s in trouble. Andy’s father is […]

2019-01-22T17:50:03+02:00April 30th, 2013|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |
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