Wingspan Press Review
[…]“Our focus is on quality and customer service. Our business rules are
[…]“Our focus is on quality and customer service. Our business rules are
Instinctively, when I came across VBM a few years ago, I held off reviewing them. In many ways, […]
In the past few years there are signs that this kind of publishing model (a commercial publisher also offering self-publishing services) may form the basis of where the future lies. If you like, it has become a kind of hybrid of publishing or centre ground. I […]
Please note that this article is from 2011, and since 2020, Infinity has been bought out by FastPencil. If you are an author looking for help and support on your Infinity contract, please read our article here.
There is one factor which singles out Infinity Publishing from many other author solutions services. From the very beginning, in 1997, Infinity Publishing did all their POD printing in-house and offered authors a non-exclusive contract. They describe what they do as ‘originated book publishing’, but the self-publishing industry and the world at large doesn’t really need another way to describe an author solutions […]
[…]“All too often, authors are lured by a low up front cost – but, it’s not the publishing fees that ruin
Most POD publishers have little or no manuscript screening process, but BookLocker does, and their aim is to continue to publish quality books at a low cost-efficient price to every author who signs a contract with them. BookLocker is highly driven by book sales and a glance at the homepage below directs traffic to 30+ advertised titles. Author services are only […]
[…]Lightning Source, an Ingram Content Group company, is the leader in providing a comprehensive suite of inventory-free on-demand print and distribution services for books to the publishing industry. Lightning Source gives the publishing community options to print books in any quantity, one to 10,000 (POD or offset print runs), and