John Staughton, Senior Reviewer

About John Staughton, Senior Reviewer

Providing exceptional writing, editing and publishing services to hundreds of international clients, ranging from nutritional copywriting and long-form ghostwriting to substantive editing, assessment/analysis of academic texts and structural/content editing for bestselling novels.

Review: The Frog Hunter by TB Stamper

The Frog Hunter by TB Stamper

Author TB Stamper launches a searing blast of wartime memory in The Frog Hunter: A Story About the Vietnam War, an Inkblot Test and a Girl, a relentless memoir of Vietnam and the aftermath it wreaked for those soldiers who managed to come home.

From the author’s very first steps into the unknown, the story is engrossing and immersive, plunging readers into the swampy murk of Vietnam, along with all its unknown horrors, both physical and psychological. This memoir is also revelatory on a personal level, revealing Stamper in his pre-war state of mind – a clever rascal and […]

2022-03-29T02:07:57+02:00March 7th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Elections by Lois Ann Nicolai

Ordinary People, Extraordinary Elections by Lois Ann Nicolai

Lois Ann Nicolai dives into another fascinating chapter of her own life in Ordinary People, Extraordinary Elections: A Memoir of International Democracy Builders, an insightful and passionately penned memoir.

Reflecting on political subjects and personal experiences that are both timely and timeless, readers are given a behind-the-scenes view into the nuances of contentious elections and culture in a myriad of countries, across Bosnia, Croatia, Sarajevo, Macedonia, Georgia, Kosovo, and more. This may not sound like a suspense-filled premise for a memoir, but given the particular locations and high-stakes geopolitical contexts of the author’s travels, many of the anecdotes are […]

2022-03-25T10:23:22+02:00March 3rd, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: The Spawn of Spiracy by Jesse Nolan Bailey

The Spawn of Spiracy by Jesse Nolan Bailey

Jesse Nolan Bailey unveils another epic journey in The Spawn of Spiracy, the second installment of his Disaster of Dokojin series, a high fantasy of the highest order.

After narrowly avoiding defeat in Book 1, the Sachem’s plans to turn on the Decayer Device and summon Spiracy remain alive. The dokojin in disguise has the Stone of Elation and is threatening to merge the realms, which would release untold darkness across the Unified Tribes. In the face of impending devastation, Jalice still believes she can heal the Sachem of his afflicted mind, but success may just cost her […]

2022-03-25T05:51:15+02:00February 28th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Utopia? by R.A. Rowlingson

Utopia? by R.A. Rowlingson

Author R.A. Rowlingson launches readers into an eerily familiar dystopian world with Utopia? The titular megacity may be a last bastion of humanity bulging behind massive walls, but there are dangerous powers growing both within and without, in this sinister work of speculative fiction.

The masses of the Commune outside the walls are beginning to realize that fighting amongst themselves isn’t the way forward, while the political stability within Utopia is being offered up to the highest bidder. In a shifting landscape of power brokers, blackmailers, and infiltrators, the smoking man and the pixelated man villainously vie for control of […]

Review: The Voice in My Head is an A**hole by Darryl Blake

The Voice in My Head is an Asshole by Darryl Blake

Author Darryl Blake offers raw words of wisdom on our lifelong inner conversation in The Voice in My Head is an Asshole: How to Tame Your Inner Critic. Utilizing personal anecdotes along with research in the realm of psychology and neuroscience, this tongue-in-cheek guru delivers a matter-of-fact masterclass on mastering your own mind.

The title of this book may come off as aggressive, but it reflects the dangerous and widespread condition of negative self-talk and a lack of self-love in the modern world. Current events seem to be perennially overwhelming, and after two years of a pandemic, increasing climate […]

2022-03-17T07:51:46+02:00February 24th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Reflection (The Lenka Trilogy Book 3) by John Righten

Reflection by John Righten

Closing out The Lenka Trilogy with a nail-biter, author John Righten delivers yet another smart and adventurous thriller with Reflection. All of the lessons, enemies, losses, and sacrifices of a mysterious and selfless Irish heroine come to a head in a dangerous race against a Christmastime clock.

Lenka Brett remains as indomitable and entertaining as ever, taking up a tall task in South America to deliver essential medical supplies amidst a landscape of violence and outright corruption. The wear and tear of her previous two missions have clearly taken their toll on Lenka, both physically and emotionally, but […]

Thomas Jefferson: Family Secrets by William G. Hyland Jr.

Thomas Jefferson: Family Secrets by William Hyland A rarely told chapter in the life of an American legend, Thomas Jefferson: Family Secrets by William G. Hyland Jr. is a revelatory look into post-presidential life – a detailed and enthralling peek at the man and his experiences, but also the ongoing state of the young nation.

Most Americans have some image, opinion, or high-school recollection of Thomas Jefferson, but this biographical tome offers a different glimpse into his life, focusing on a less-discussed era of the 3rd US president. Charming scenes of high-ranking visitors arriving at Monticello to find barefoot children underfoot give the aging president a humanness […]

2022-02-17T07:56:13+02:00February 17th, 2022|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Review: Academy Award Winning Movies 1928-2020 by Diane Holloway Cheney

Academy Award Winning Movies 1928-2020: How Movies Have Changed Through the Years by Diane Holloway Cheney

Author Diane Holloway Cheney celebrates her clear passion for cinematic history and keen skill as a researcher in Academy Award Winning Movies 1928-2020: How Movies Have Changed Through the Years. With a confident and knowledgeable pen, Cheney hosts a historic rundown of the legendary Academy Awards ceremonies, overflowing with backstage insights that will pull in any lover of the silver screen.

Ideal for movie lovers who like to have a bit more background info or even Hollywood gossip to inform the cinematic experience, this book connects the dots in movie history, without getting bogged down in too many of the […]

2022-03-15T01:31:57+02:00February 16th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |
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