John Staughton, Senior Reviewer

About John Staughton, Senior Reviewer

Providing exceptional writing, editing and publishing services to hundreds of international clients, ranging from nutritional copywriting and long-form ghostwriting to substantive editing, assessment/analysis of academic texts and structural/content editing for bestselling novels.

Mysteries of a Middle Schooler by Dr. Tonmar Johnson

Mysteries of a Middle Schooler by Dr. Tonmar Johnson

A time-travel adventure packed with mystery and hard lessons, Mysteries of a Middle Schooler: Let the Adventures Begin by Dr. Tonmar Johnson is a thrilling hyper-modern fantasy for middle grade readers. The start of fifth grade for tech-savvy Marcus and warrior-poet Evie Wilkins is exciting, but their ChatGPT-fueled plan to crack time travel takes them where they don’t expect. Redefining the concept of extra credit, Evie’s trip back to 1862 gives her everything she could ever need for their history presentation, but the lessons learned extend far beyond the classroom. Exploring deep concepts of bloodlines, inequality, loyalty, and the uncomfortable […]

2023-11-30T13:23:55+02:00November 30th, 2023|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Review: Things That Go Bump in the Night by JC Bratton

Things That Go Bump in the Night by JC Bratton

A collection of slow-burning psychological horror, Things That Go Bump in the Night, Volume One: Urban Legends by JC Bratton holds four chilling and unpredictable stories, originally published separately.

In “Who’s At the Door?” a young woman named Jamie is left at home while her parents go on vacation, but two weeks of enjoying an empty house quickly turn terrifying. Whether it’s a cruel prank or something even more sinister, bizarre things keep happening at 3:33 AM, from invisible front door visitors to ghastly appearances on empty country roads. With the help of Mark the heartthrob, Jamie continues peeling back […]

ChatGPT Hacks for Teachers by Keshav Jha

ChatGPT Hacks for Teachers by Keshav Jha

Demystifying a revolutionary technology in both the classroom and the broader realm of teaching, ChatGPT Hacks for Teachers: A Comprehensive ChatGPT Guide for Educators for Teaching and Learning with Step-by-Step Instructions, Practical Demonstrations, Examples, Prompts, and Video Outputs by Keshav Jha is a thorough and useful guide for this new paradigm of education. Harnessing the power of AI for better educational outcomes of students and teachers alike is the utopian goal for many fans of ChatGPT, but understanding how to use the program effectively is the important first step. Whether you are seeking to develop more interactive learning modules, multilevel […]

2023-11-27T16:17:39+02:00November 27th, 2023|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Review: Our Cats Are Plotting to Kill Us by Jim Tilberry

Our Cats Are Plotting to Kill Us by Jim Tilberry

Peeking into the wild internal world of house cats, Our Cats Are Plotting to Kill Us by Jim Tilberry is a witty wander to the edge of the absurd.

When Julie signs up for Elon Musk’s new Cat Chat app, she and her doubtful husband find themselves able to spy on the telepathic communications of Oliver and Wendell, their two feline friends. Not only have their pets given them a variety of insulting nicknames, but they also have a laundry list of grievances, from their hatred of closed doors and being picked up to “Blondie’s” awful perfume and “Dagwood’s” tacky […]

2024-02-01T13:24:48+02:00November 22nd, 2023|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

The Lost Family Robinson by Alan Priest

The Lost Family Robinson by Alan Priest

A wild homage to time travel fiction, The Lost Family Robinson by Alan Priest is an engrossing, dialogue-driven drama about survival and loyalty in truly strange places. When a DIY time machine drops ten members of the Robinson family sixty years in the past, they will have to put their fraternal fighting aside to get back to 2028, but their fiddling with sacred timelines doesn’t go unnoticed by the Vatican’s holy-rolling watchdogs. A creative caper with a strong spine of theoretical and quantum science, this is a cleverly penned and paradox-dodging adventure in rugged recent history, with tender nods to […]

2023-11-22T12:09:20+02:00November 22nd, 2023|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Across the Kentucky Color Line by Lee Durham Stone

Across the Kentucky Color Line by Lee Durham StoneExploring racial dynamics in the context of Kentucky’s complex history, Across the Kentucky Color Line: Cultural Landscapes of Race from the Lost Cause to Integration by Lee Durham Stone is a brilliant work of sociological study.

From the color-blind struggle of miners and the gruesome history of public hangings to manifested visions of emancipation and the generations of psychic damage enacted on people of color in America, this is a relentless account of prejudice, trauma, and resilience at the dark heart of the American Dream. Interrogating the whitewashed legacy of an oppressed people through the lens of personal anecdotes, historical […]

2023-11-21T14:09:14+02:00November 21st, 2023|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Unforgettable by David J. Cook

Unforgettable by David J. Cook

A celebration of resilience, family, and joy in the face of life’s greatest challenges, Unforgettable by David J. Cook is a fearless testament to loyalty and love.

Overcoming heartbreak and tragedy as children, Althea, Gabrielle, and Stephanie are adopted by a gifted couple who devote themselves to raising smart, healthy, and independent daughters. The young women’s lives aren’t always easy, as illness, scandal, and abuse painfully find them, but they perpetually rise above, relying on the strength of their family and community. With life experiences emphasizing numerous overlapping social crises that are raging today, this is a contemporary and nuanced […]

2023-11-20T13:54:20+02:00November 20th, 2023|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

V.I. Puptonians: The Mysterious Arrival by Dr. Trueblood

V.I. Puptonians by Dr. Trueblood

A whimsical story of youthful compassion and the opinions that divide us, V.I. Puptonians: The Mysterious Arrival by Dr. Trueblood holds myriad important lessons for young readers. When Ava and her 10-year-old brother Joe discover a spaceship bearing alien babies and bottles, their opposing views on what to do with the extraterrestrial visitors highlight the fears, instincts, and societal pressures that guide countless actions in our modern world. Cleverly exploring concepts of othering, fear of the unknown, and unfair judgments, this subtle allegory demonstrates the timeless values of patience and kindness, while instructing readers on the importance of critical thinking […]

2023-11-20T13:19:32+02:00November 20th, 2023|Categories: Editorial Reviews|
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