John Staughton, Senior Reviewer

About John Staughton, Senior Reviewer

Providing exceptional writing, editing and publishing services to hundreds of international clients, ranging from nutritional copywriting and long-form ghostwriting to substantive editing, assessment/analysis of academic texts and structural/content editing for bestselling novels.

What I Tell Myself First by Michael A Brown, Illustrated by Zoe Ranucci

What I Tell Myself First by Michael A Brown

Crucial life lessons and empowering personal affirmations for young children overflow on the vibrant pages of What I Tell Myself First by author Michael A. Brown, with illustrations by Zoe Ranucci. Unlike many other motivational books directed at younger readers, this book addresses both the good and the bad, presenting realistic, optimistic, and self-driving ideas that can help to shape developing minds. Beautifully illustrated with a clear vision of childhood challenges, What I Tell Myself First is an honest and original take on positivity and self-help for youngsters.


2020-02-25T10:18:18+02:00February 25th, 2020|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

The Rez: An American Love Story by G. Michael Madison

The Rez: An American Love Story by G. Michael Madison

Author G. Michael Madison offers an authentically deep plunge into reservation life in the 1960s and 1970s with his powerful novel The Rez: An American Love Story. The first in a trilogy of books, this is a profound examination of an oft-overlooked culture during a historically tumultuous time. Delicately dissecting the issues of racism, family, ambition and the American Way, The Rez is a humanistic peek into another world. With vivid dialogue and a sincere respect for his three-dimensional characters, Madison has laid the foundation for a deeply affecting series that feels contemporary and relevant.


2020-02-25T10:35:31+02:00February 24th, 2020|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

The Storm 1776 by Tom Schneider

The Storm 1776 by Tom Schneider

Author Tom Schneider transports readers to the violent and inspiring crucible of America in The Storm 1776, capturing the patriotic vigor and sacrifice of the country’s tentative first steps. Told through the humble eyes of a traumatized young boy and his sister trying desperately to find their father, the writing is both heartfelt and historically vivid. Exploring themes of revenge, duty, familial bonds, and persistence in the face of tragedy, The Storm 1776 is a gripping escape that echoes with authenticity.


2020-02-24T08:54:33+02:00February 24th, 2020|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

24 Hours of Love at the Silver Bell Wedding Chapel by Jacki Gluck

24 Hours of Love at the Silver Bell Wedding Chapel by Jacki Gluck

24 Hours of Love at the Silver Bell Wedding Chapel is a heartfelt and fascinating glimpse into one of the most famous chapels in the wedding-heavy wonderland of Las Vegas.

The amount of strange love that has been founded between those walls can fill far more than a single book, but author Jacki Gluck, through direct interviews with the original owners of the chapel, Jim and Vicki Duszynski, has created a remarkable homage to this Sin City staple. The fact that the purveyors of this place are also her parents gives the story even more of a heart-tapping tone, as […]

2020-02-24T08:08:08+02:00February 21st, 2020|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Root of All Evil? by Ray Keating

Root of All Evil? by Ray Keating

Ray Keating’s perennial hero, Pastor Steven Grant, returns with his unique blend of high-octane action and spiritual gravitas in Root of All Evil? As always, Keating’s whip-smart political pen is sharpened with gritty language, dark twists, and a bold plot line that feels both powerful and timely. Beloved side characters from earlier novels return to support the warrior monk in his pursuit of righteous justice, and Pastor Grant continues to expand as a complex protagonist, once again carrying a tangled and thrilling book on his capable shoulders.


2020-02-20T06:24:26+02:00February 20th, 2020|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Truth is a Woman by Loren Jakobov

Truth is a Woman by Lauren Jakobov

Born of tragedy, anger, and a refusal to surrender, poet Loren Jakobov delivers a timely and powerful collection with Truth is a Woman. Varying widely in both form and subject, and boasting experimental styles, these pieces are a testament to the women who have historically been silenced, and the terrible injustices that persist to this day. Some poems do come across as diatribes in verse, but most of Jakobov’s poetry lands heavily. A tribute to those who have suffered most, this is not a lighthearted collection, but it is torn from the pages of reality, encasing universal messages and painful […]

2020-02-18T13:13:29+02:00February 18th, 2020|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

The Missing Son by Chamnol Cheng

When mysterious objects of a possibly alien origin begin appearing near his island home, Nakoy’s life and the safety of everyone he loves is threatened in The Missing Son by Chamnol Cheng.

After discovering a sinister metal structure in the forest, and then a slimy egg-like object floating in their fishing grounds, Nakoy’s family tries to hide these strange puzzle pieces, but they aren’t the only ones who know about these odd artifacts. A hundred light-years from Earth, a species called Asidrans have been sending their egg pods to different planets for generations, and they aren’t happy when one of […]

2020-02-18T11:46:03+02:00February 18th, 2020|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: Degrade (Tesla Expansion Book 1) by Mark Lingane

Degrade (Tesla Expansion Book 1) by Mark Lingane

Across the brutal landscape of a nearly parched Earth, MechRigs and MechCities vie for dominance in Degrade, the first book in the Tesla Expansion series by Mark Lingane. In a world where mobile cities wage desperate war like futuristic monsters, one young boy may hold the key to salvation – or destruction.

Arid Geiger is the seemingly hapless hero embedded at the heart of this story. While minding his own business in the blasted plains, searching for sources of precious water, he gets his small craft embroiled in a rig duel between two powerful factions. Miraculously, he manages to […]

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