John Staughton, Senior Reviewer

About John Staughton, Senior Reviewer

Providing exceptional writing, editing and publishing services to hundreds of international clients, ranging from nutritional copywriting and long-form ghostwriting to substantive editing, assessment/analysis of academic texts and structural/content editing for bestselling novels.

The Daughter of Death by Cassandra MacCheyne

The Daughter of Death by Cassandra MacCheyneThe boundary between the living and the dead blurs in The Daughter of Death, a new YA adventure novel by author Cassandra MacCheyne.

Young Aria Hades does her best to fly under the radar, but her supernatural abilities keep getting in the way, and her troubles only mount as the darker power buried within her begins to surface. Being a rare human-reaper hybrid is only compounded by the average trials of youth and the awkwardness of adolescence. This odd juxtaposition makes the fast-paced narrative both relatable and fantastical, not to mention original. This is a classic coming-of-age tale boasting […]

2020-07-02T06:06:06+02:00July 2nd, 2020|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: Take Back Control of Your Mind by Glenn N. Levine MD, FACC, FAHA

Take Back Control of Your Mind by Glenn N. Levine

Author Glenn N. Levine has produced a remarkably clear, intuitive and insightful roadmap for cognitive control and emotional stability in Take Back Control of Your Mind: A Guide to Understanding, Taming, and Controlling Your Thoughts and Emotions, and Thereby Achieving True Happiness and Inner Peace. Reflective of the length of its title, the book is packed with wisdom and applicable strategies for the average person wrestling with their inner demons and struggles, even if those battles are happening unconsciously.

Many self-help books seem to miss the mark, often rehashing old proverbs and anecdotes with updated examples, but often lacking […]

2020-08-11T09:52:15+02:00July 1st, 2020|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Uri Full of Light by Holly Sortland

Uri Full of Light by Holly Sortland

Capturing the root, growth and revelations of romance during a tumultuous time in history, Uri Full of Light by author Holly Sortland is a vivid cultural snapshot and a delicate exploration of personal evolution. Hannah and Uri dominate the storyline of this decade-spanning tale, which includes the awkwardness of youth, challenges to faith and family tradition, compassionate friendship and the pain of both real and vicarious loss. The language is authentic, the detailed scope of the characters’ lives is immersive, and the dialogue is both emotional and believable. While some expositional sections drag in terms of pacing, this remarkable story […]

2020-06-30T06:23:02+02:00June 30th, 2020|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Moments: This to the Next by Gary W. Burns

Moments: This to the Next by Gary W. Burns

Simple in delivery and profound in depth, Moments: This to the Next is a soothing collection of thoughtful poetry from Gary W. Burns. Addressing universal and abstract concepts, as well as cerebral truths and meditative peace, many of these poems read like koans or haikus – brief, but intended to be consumed slowly and with great consideration. Many of the messages are classic wisdom restated in a poetic tongue, but there are also unique observations buried in these off-beat verses that hit home. Though some readers may want more complexity, Burns reflects on unifying themes with a subtle touch, making […]

2020-07-01T05:44:16+02:00June 29th, 2020|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Review: Shock Wave 2: The Book of Vallora by Florian Louisoder

Shockwave 2: The Book of Vallora by Florian Louisoder

Author Florian Louisoder digs deep into dystopia with Shock Wave 2: The Book of Vallora. Despite a bitter victory over the nihilistic forces of evil in the first book, the ripples sent out through time have had a devastating impact on the future, which means that there is still a world to save.

Following their epic quest to the past, and Linda’s reclamation of the title Juno of Atlantis, she and Scott are shocked to wake up in the 21st century having failed. Their world-killing nemesis somehow escaped to the future, won the war for Germany in Hitler’s […]

Review: Shock Wave by Florian Louisoder

hock Wave by Florian Louisoder

When the world begins to crumble like deadly dominoes, rewriting the past will be the only way to save the future in Shock Wave by Florian Louisoder. In a race to stop the complete destruction of life on Earth, two heroes with secrets of their own are sucked into the heart of a legendary kingdom that is suddenly all too real.

Scott DeSantis and Linda, his ex-wife, have a decidedly unique relationship, but they must put their personal strife behind them when a nuclear detonation off the coast of Cuba plunges the world into chaos, followed by rifts in the […]

Love & Letters by L.B. Carol

Love and Letters by L.B. CarolThe boundaries of friendship and the challenges of personal mental battles are laid bare in Love & Letters, a novella about falling in love and finding a way to speak your personal truth by L.B. Carol.

When Ryan falls hard to Elizabeth – one of his best friend’s girlfriends – he is torn between an undeniable attraction and an unspoken bond of brotherhood. However, that is only the first struggle in Ryan’s stumbles toward connection, as he must overcome the insecurities of his situation, as well as the unique pain of long-distance romance.

Despite the brevity of the story, […]

2020-06-26T06:08:43+02:00June 25th, 2020|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Blackout: You Gotta Love Phoenix by Frank C. Senia

Blackout: You Gotta Love Phoenix by Frank C. Senia

A dissatisfied optometrist attempts to put the fuzzy pieces of his life back together and find a new direction in Blackout: You Gotta Love Phoenix by Frank C. Senia. What begins as a “Hangover”-esque mystery develops into a real-time examination of how we spend our years, and the priceless value of taking a step back from our lives. Penned with an informal, conversational tone that often dips into stream-of-consciousness prose, the writing could certainly use some sharpening, but the main character’s reinvention of his life does keep the story interesting. The pace can feel breakneck, leaving little room for serious […]

2020-06-25T09:42:28+02:00June 24th, 2020|Categories: Editorial Reviews|
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