John Staughton, Senior Reviewer

About John Staughton, Senior Reviewer

Providing exceptional writing, editing and publishing services to hundreds of international clients, ranging from nutritional copywriting and long-form ghostwriting to substantive editing, assessment/analysis of academic texts and structural/content editing for bestselling novels.

The New Orations: Vol. 1 by Duncan Van Etten

The New Orations: Vol. 1 by Duncan van Etten

Displaying the flexible mind of a scholar, artist, and mystic, Duncan Van Etten has built a profoundly good first-time collection of poetry in The New Orations: Vol. 1. Moving effortlessly between poetic forms of haiku, free verse, and sonnets, and dancing between complex subjects of jealousy, hope, nature, and even the futility of art, Van Etten demonstrates a versatile style, respect for tradition, and a mastery of language. Along with the more prose-leaning pieces often resembling lyrics or spoken-word improvisation, there are poems that will pique any reader’s interest, whether you love hip-hop, Shakespeare, or Ginsberg.


2021-01-14T03:36:07+02:00January 13th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Review: Ungodly by Braedon Riddick

Ungodly by Braedon Riddick

Author Braedon Riddick unleashes a sinister story of dread and doom with his debut novel Ungodly, a grim, spine-chilling horror show.

On a mysterious mountain in the wild parts of North Carolina, an unassuming town suffers the dark creep of horror as tragedy begins to strike in increasingly terrible ways, pushing the unprepared citizens to the brink of sanity and desperation. In this time-jumping, non-linear novel, readers are plunged into a puzzle of action from the very start, and must put the pieces together as they are introduced to the town’s various inhabitants, and victims.

Amanda, the central figure, […]

2021-01-29T05:43:54+02:00January 12th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Perspective to Pen, Edited by Ben C. Ward, Created by Robert A. Cozzi

Perspective to Pen: An Anthology, Edited by Ben C. Ward, Created by Robert A. Cozzi

The work of twelve talented poets overflows the pages of Perspective to Pen: An Anthology, created by Robert A. Cozzi and edited by Ben C. Ward. This collection touches on every imaginable angle of the human experience – abstract and symbolic musings, bold political statements, heartrending commentaries on love, and vivid personal recollections of childhood and lost memory.

Lisa Bain fearlessly explores grief and perseverance with unconventional structure and commonplace imagery in her work, while Brian Fuchs hurls powerful political demands as easily as he shares vulnerable vignettes of pain and loss. Shanika Benoit’s work resembles mantras and meditations, […]

2021-01-26T09:47:56+02:00January 12th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: The Greatest Hoax on Earth by Alan C. Logan

The Greatest Hoax on Earth by Alan C. Logan

Upending one of America’s most fascinating modern legends, The Greatest Hoax on Earth: Catching Truth, While We Can by Alan C. Logan is a revelatory historical exposé. For those who have seen the movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio or read the book Catch Me If You Can, Frank Abagnale Jr. may not be a an unfamiliar figure, but as this book proves, that charming and wildly successful con man may not deserve his legacy.

It is clear that the author spent years accumulating the impressive catalogue of evidence this book presents, not to mention organizing and arranging it to deliver […]

2021-01-25T04:25:36+02:00January 11th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Tropical Deception by David Myles Robinson

Tropical Deception by David Myles Robinson

David Myles Robinson raises the bar once again with the legal exploits of Pancho McMartin in Tropical Deception, the fourth installment of his series. Combining the tension of a murder mystery with the procedural drama of a legal thriller, along with a colorful cast of suspects, this novel is a quick and enticing read. Despite the occasionally flat delivery of dialogue and exposition, the story is laced with tempting red herrings, cleverly penned language, and a deftly crafted plot. For those readers seeking an immersive escape with a healthy dose of tropical swagger, Robinson makes it hard to stop […]

2021-01-11T06:51:43+02:00January 10th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Wolf Omega by Joseph Stone

Wolf Omega by Joseph Stone

An ambitious and visceral work of dark fantasy, Wolf Omega by Joseph Stone is a fantasy delight for lycanthrope lovers, and anyone who enjoys a wild, generation-spanning epic. Expanding the literary lore of werewolves in new and creative directions, this 17th century adventure is a well-researched novel of self-discovery, empowerment, family, and vengeance. Dripping with rich language, the storytelling is patient, thanks to the author’s confident voice, and undulates between dramatic dialogue, intrigue, and action. Aside from the occasional clumsy or hackneyed description, this second installment of The Lykanos Chronicles is a ravenously good read.


2021-01-08T05:31:56+02:00January 7th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Review: Shades of Black 1: In Darkness Cast by Jonathan Shuerger

In Darkness Cast by Jonathan Shuerger

Author Jonathan Shuerger drops a fantasy bombshell of epic proportions with In Darkness Cast, the first book in the Shades of Black series. Armed with a spiraling, action-driven plot, wickedly entertaining characters and bloodthirsty prose, this ambitious novel hums with sinister intent.

Throughout the novel, the author explores traditional fantasy themes of the hero’s journey, painful self-revelation, as well as the changing faces of friend and foe alike. The immersive nature of the writing and the impossibly high stakes of the story make it impossible to put this book down in the middle of a chapter.

The relationship between […]

2021-01-25T03:33:39+02:00January 6th, 2021|Categories: Book Excerpt|Tags: |

Moraturi Ring (Paradisi Chronicles Book 3) by Marti Ward

Moraturi Ring by Marti WardThe chaos and crises of humanity’s desperate survival plan among the stars continue in Moraturi Ring by Marti Ward, the dramatic third book in the Paradisi Chronicles series.

Having such a youthful team of leaders onboard the SS Moraturi is an unusual premise, and they are rapidly faced with critical challenges, from food shortages and keeping children safe from cryo-sickness to power struggles and the development of a society in space. Eva remains a captivating figure at the head of this epic endeavor, along with her charming feline companions and loyal friends. Attempting to keep hundreds of souls alive against […]

2021-01-06T09:11:10+02:00January 6th, 2021|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |
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