John Staughton, Senior Reviewer

About John Staughton, Senior Reviewer

Providing exceptional writing, editing and publishing services to hundreds of international clients, ranging from nutritional copywriting and long-form ghostwriting to substantive editing, assessment/analysis of academic texts and structural/content editing for bestselling novels.

Last Star Standing by Spaulding Taylor

Last Star Standing by Spaulding TaylorA dauntless soldier’s epic tale of rebellion, escape, and redemption, Last Star Standing by Spaulding Taylor is a dazzling and chilling vision of the future.

In a post-World War III dystopia, Earth’s problems spin even further out of control when they are conquered by the Xirfell, an advanced alien species that ravages the planet and the survivors that remain. Drawn by his duty to the scattered shreds of humanity, and determination to lead the rebel cell to victory, Aiden is a fiery protagonist that makes this outlandishly creative novel a pleasure to read. With the author’s imagination running wild through […]

2021-02-01T08:53:05+02:00February 1st, 2021|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

The YOU Beyond You by Ramzi Najjar

The YOU Beyond You by Ramzi Najjar

Presenting a compelling and optimistic approach towards living one’s best life, The YOU Beyond You by Ramzi Najjar is both a philosophical and practical guide to enlightenment and self-improvement. The author methodically dissects the classic problems that can affect our body and mentality, while also suggesting new perspectives and tools we can each use to shift our purpose, happiness, and expectations. While much of the language is abstract and cerebral, there are concrete principles and ideas throughout that can be put to immediate use, regardless of which journey you may be on. Despite a dearth of references or traditional proof […]

2021-02-01T08:41:34+02:00February 1st, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Short Stories of Space by Piers Horner

Short Stories of Space by Piers Horner

Elegant, heartfelt, academic, and profound, Short Stories of Space by Piers Horner is an entrancing and contemporary journey through the cosmos. Explicating some of the most interesting astral events of this unprecedented past year, this collection of autobiographical essays captures the author’s deep love for science and space, while also breaking down complex and mind-boggling phenomena into digestible and memorable pieces. Though the writing centers on the stars, different stories also touch on key elements of history, religion, philosophy, technology, politics, and physics, revealing an author with a keen sense of storytelling and an impressively deep well of knowledge.


2021-02-01T04:48:59+02:00February 1st, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Review: Falling by Marc Burgio

Falling by Marc Burgio

Author Marc Burgio weaves a tangled tale of desperation, murder, mercy and morality in his debut novel, Falling. A lifetime of missing memories, the sudden return of a long-lost cousin, and a stark confession of murder are the starting points for this wild revelation of a novel.

Multiple plot lines, timelines, and international adventures pepper this unpredictable story – the memoir of Julia, and the nearly unbelievable story that led back to her cousin’s door. Initially, we watch young Julia slog her way through California corner store jobs and retail prisons, wondering when the world will grant her a […]

And the Wars Went On Without Him by Jeffrey Pacitto

And the Wars Went On Without Him by Jeffrey Pacitto

With the grace of a born storyteller, Jeffrey Pacitto delivers his first collection of stories entitled And the Wars Went On Without Him, inspired by the experiences of his own indomitable immigrant grandparents. From the difficulties of growing up too fast to the visceral horrors of frontline life during World War II, Pacitto paints a vivid picture of the past through vividly crafted characters. Offering unique and revelatory perspectives on sacrifice, duty, and national loyalty, this five-story collection is tightly edited and powerfully penned.


2021-01-28T08:59:17+02:00January 28th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

The Concrete Vineyard by Cam Lang

The Concrete Vineyard by Cam Lang

Capturing the pastoral air of a classic murder mystery, The Concrete Vineyard by Cam Lang is a well-crafted whodunit with a colorful cast of suspects, and just as many red herrings. Boasting colloquial charm and an outlandish plot, this urban planning thriller carves out its own genre niche. The storytelling style is unexpected and engaging, placing a possibly untrustworthy narrator into a buddy cop framework, with Lang weaving the layers exceptionally well, given the story’s complexity. The murderous stakes feel high at times, but this detective story is a rare vintage – cleverly crafted to keep readers guessing, without taking […]

2021-01-27T08:05:31+02:00January 27th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Incarnate: Existence by Thomas Harper

Incarnate - Existence by Thomas Harper

The first installment of an eon-spanning epic, Incarnate: Existence by Thomas Harper is a colossal undertaking and an impressive achievement.

Dragged through the endless cycle of mortality, and cursed with the memories of all those past lives, Marcy Rivera is one of the most complex protagonists in recent memory. The book’s introduction offers a small slice of her traumatic foundation as a character, as well as her inner strength that has sharpened her over the millennia. In her latest incarnation, she is a high school history teacher with a sharp tongue and profound loneliness, but when she discovers that she […]

2021-01-27T05:14:02+02:00January 27th, 2021|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Tiny Planet Filled With Liars by Stephen M.A.

Tiny Planet Filled With Liars by Stephen M.A.

Author Stephen M.A. unleashes a shockingly creative sci-fi future in Tiny Planet Filled With Liars, roping readers into a savage space dystopia where military contractors rule over a crumbling empire of secrets. Brought to life with linguistic gymnastics and an impeccably sharp ear for dialogue, this is tech-heavy futurism for those who want to give their minds a workout, but the commitment is well worth the effort. Layering vivid history and mind-bending exposition between splashes of gritty action, acerbic wit, and experimental style choices, this nontraditional adventure is both challenging and thrilling.


2021-01-27T04:55:47+02:00January 27th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|
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