John Staughton, Senior Reviewer

About John Staughton, Senior Reviewer

Providing exceptional writing, editing and publishing services to hundreds of international clients, ranging from nutritional copywriting and long-form ghostwriting to substantive editing, assessment/analysis of academic texts and structural/content editing for bestselling novels.

Transformational Healing and Killing Cancer by George Schwimmer PhD

Transformational Healing and Killing Cancer by George Schwimmer PhD

Diving deep into the realms of chakras, luminous energy fields, and non-traditional healing, Transformational Healing and Killing Cancer by George Schwimmer PhD is an eye-opening and jaw-dropping read. For those familiar with alternative or shamanic approaches to health and wellness, the content may not be surprising, but a layman or novice may find it harder to accept. Schwimmer’s writing style is somewhat casual, with informal language, and vague descriptions of practicable tools. While the author puts his career of study on display, demonstrating a comprehensive grasp of these complex subjects, as well as compassion and humanity for those who suffer, […]

2021-03-08T10:07:14+02:00March 4th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Nick’s New Heart by Susan May

Nick's New Heart by Susan MayAuthor Susan May delivers a heartwarming and powerful account of her son’s incredible journey of survival in Nick’s New Heart: 30 Years and Counting…

This stirring memoir is a testament to love, resilience in the face of life’s challenges, and the power of faith that fuels this compelling and compassionate family. The first half of the book largely covers the trauma and perpetual anxiety of Nick’s uncertain first year of life after heart transplantation, painfully penned through the eyes of his watchful mother. Capturing that amount of grief and worry in prose is daunting, but May is fearless in her […]

2021-03-05T09:17:18+02:00March 4th, 2021|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Work Spouse by Pax Sinclair

Work Spouse by Pax Sinclair

A steamy slice of workplace romance with roots of passion that run deep, Work Spouse by Pax Sinclair is the latest in the erotic and entertaining Love@Work series. Though the story starts a bit slow, the tension between Chloe and Jaxson is immediate and intoxicating, to the point where the occasional romantic tropes end up feeling like charming payoffs, rather than predictable. The balance of romance and authentic character development is done very well, and there are enough close calls and suspense-building to keep the pages flipping fast. Boasting a female lead who is far more than a pretty face […]

2021-03-04T07:19:42+02:00March 4th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Review: Growing Pains: Volume 1 (Raw Mind) by Evan McMillan

Growing Pains by Evan McMillan

Evan McMillan releases a torrent of biographical poetry in his raw and unabashed collection Growing Pains: Volume 1 (Raw Mind).

Notably, there is a clear autobiographical story woven through these bursting lines of passion and vulnerability. The poet is a man who has faced numerous heartbreaks and disappointments, he’s been failed by multiple systems, and he has even been betrayed by his own body’s desires, so the collection often feels like a cry of rage into the void.

As he explains in his introduction, there is “… no trying to say the right thing. It’s pure expression, spilling out […]

2021-04-28T04:39:35+02:00March 3rd, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: Beezie the Baby Bumble Bee by Dr. David Florence, Illustrated by Jesse Maloney

Beezie the Baby Bumble Bee by Dr. David Florence

Dr. David Florence pens a whimsical and colorful tale for children in Beezie the Baby Bumble Bee, a tender and message-rich tale.

Being a little bee who gets tired on long flights makes it hard to get a full belly of pollen every day. Young Beezie takes an eye-opening adventure, aided by a number of other helpful creatures – and a human honey man – in an effort to get ahead and find some pollen. The wisdom of owls and the generosity of eagles help save the day for this adorable little character.

The subtly beautiful (and occasionally silly) […]

2021-04-06T08:11:01+02:00February 25th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Heaven’s Door by J. Kilburn

Heaven's Door by J. Kilburn

A brutally raw and riveting look at the inner workings of a fictional Canadian biker gang, Heaven’s Door by J. Kilburn comes in swinging and rarely stops. This intimate crime thriller is gritty and relentless, as the reader spirals deeper into an unforgiving criminal underworld. Peppered with savage language, unexpected explosions of violence, and a slow burn of suspense, the stream-of-consciousness narrative feels experimental and manic, at times. Reminiscent of Hunter S. Thompson’s gonzo insurrection of the Hells Angels, Kilburn tosses readers into dark and messy fiction torn from real-life tales. A thorough edit would certainly improve the pace and […]

2021-02-25T09:03:29+02:00February 25th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Review: Beyond the Rainbow by James S. Bergquist

Beyond the Rainbow by James Bergquist

James S. Bergquist delivers a devastating novel of tragedy, deceit, and resilience with Beyond the Rainbow, a heartbreaking tale of perseverance.

After discovering a terrible secret about his troubled ex-partner and young daughter, Ethan does his best to move forward in the relationship and mend some very dangerous wounds. However, he also wields the dark secret like a weapon, or at least a looming threat, and consequently has his life ripped away by a cruel lie. Following the dramatic, stage-setting opening chapters is an in-depth peek at the criminal justice system, as well as the circuitous, time-intensive nature of […]

2021-02-25T08:13:07+02:00February 24th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Scars of Redemption (The Spirit Hunter Series Book 2) by D.S. Quinton

Scars of Redemption (The Spirit Hunter Series Book 2) by D.S. Quinton

D.S. Quinton continues the shadowy and supernatural Spirit Hunter series with Scars of Redemption, another grim dive into the heart of 1960s New Orleans, and its newest young heroine. Del is searching for a real story, something that will launch her career, but when children begin disappearing into dark corners at her old orphanage, she realizes that her more mystical skill set will be required. Quinton wields a wondrous pen, creating an atmospheric gem that is unpredictable, suspenseful, and aesthetically enthralling. From bursts of bayou charm to palpable scenes of horror that send shivers, this well-penned novel dances between […]

2021-02-24T09:03:56+02:00February 23rd, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|
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