John Staughton, Senior Reviewer

About John Staughton, Senior Reviewer

Providing exceptional writing, editing and publishing services to hundreds of international clients, ranging from nutritional copywriting and long-form ghostwriting to substantive editing, assessment/analysis of academic texts and structural/content editing for bestselling novels.

Emily: Courage Amid Shadows of the Confederacy by Ken DeHaven

Emily: Courage Amid Shadows of the Confederacy by Ken DeHaven

Shining a light on “the forgotten women and children of the Civil War,” author Ken DeHaven delivers a stirring tale of fortitude and bravery in the face of injustice with Emily: Courage Amid Shadows of the Confederacy. This visceral story of righteous rebellion captures the imagination with immersive prose and a keen attention to detail. The dialogue is occasionally heavy-handed, particularly when used as a vehicle for exposition, and some of the language choices feel too modern or colloquial, but Emily is a powerful focal point as a protagonist. DeHaven explores dark, timeless themes of America that remain painfully […]

2021-03-11T05:58:15+02:00March 11th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Review: The Second Arrow by Sahli A. Cavallaro

The Second Arrow by Sahli A. Cavallaro

With a pervading air of mystery and curiosity, poet Sahli A. Cavallaro probes the puzzles of life, love, connection and meaning in The Second Arrow: A Book of Illustrated Poetry, an exploratory and experimental collection.

With poems that range from the whimsical and musing to the heavy and emotionally vulnerable, this gathering of work is linguistically unique, and buttressed by detailed illustrations that break up the experience for readers. One could argue that this is a dark collection, but it is more varied than that, with plenty of existential weight mixed with splashes of playfulness and intrigue.

In “Comfort […]

2021-03-11T06:01:30+02:00March 10th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Dynasty of Summer by Ticana Zhu

Dynasty of Summer by Ticana Zhu

Author Ticana Zhu transports readers thousands of years back to ancient China in Dynasty of Summer. Summer and Winter are the ultimate royal sibling duo in this innovative work of historical fiction, where history and myth mingle in the life of a dauntless young princess with enemies on every side. The richly layered prose, deeply researched setting, and unpredictable adventures in the wild give this book all the makings of an exceptional historical epic. Though some of the prose is declarative and less emotionally engaging than more lyrical passages, Zhu has built a wondrously textured and high-stakes world, with […]

2021-03-10T10:53:55+02:00March 10th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

A Cabin in the Woods by Marek Záhorec

A Cabin in the Woods by Marek Zahorec

Mysterious stalkers, the rocky roads of marriage, and a strange case of writer’s block converge in A Cabin in the Woods by Marek Záhorec, an eerie and slow-burning novella. With two intertwined plotlines – an author and his created characters – this uniquely structured read is decidedly unsettling, particularly as the lines of reality begin to blur and readers realize that their narrator is anything but trustworthy. The declarative nature of the prose and dialogue sometimes inhibits the dramatic suspense, but as a whole, this is a quick and compelling slice of psychological terror.


2021-03-10T05:14:04+02:00March 10th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Black Chaos by James Pack

Black Chaos by James Pack

A raw and revealing collection exploring an all-too-often taboo subject, Black Chaos by James Pack is a spiral into the darkness of depression, but with vital sparks of hope. This vulnerable confession in verse speaks plainly, with a prose-like storytelling to the poetry, yet poignant word choices and subtle enjambment create a consistent mood. From the real talk of “Sometimes Getting Up is Courageous” to the painfully relatable sentiment of “Friends Leave When You’re Awful,” Pack is transparent and fearless in his writing. There is occasionally a lack of creative depth, and some redundancy in the content, but the intense […]

2021-03-09T07:52:02+02:00March 9th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Museum Exhibit by Tom Brown

Museum Exhibit by Tom BrownExperimenting with form, content, and emotion, Museum Exhibit by Tom Brown is a surprising, probing collection that runs the gamut from classical odes to modern free verse.

Some of these delicately penned poems resemble snapshot musings of cultures and older times from around the world, flowing smoothly between the Middle East examined in “Pashmina,” to the simple homage of “Philadelphia Highboy,” and the sound of “Virginia’s Violin” in the echoing beauty of the Shenandoah Valley.

Nature, emotion, and philosophy also blend freely in these pieces, as in the poet’s natural worship in “Wildflowers,” with their “exquisite fine art perfuming in […]

2021-03-09T05:29:27+02:00March 9th, 2021|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: Beowulf: A Verse Translation from the Anglo-Saxon by Andrew B. F. Carnabuci

Beowulf: A Verse Translation from the Anglo-Saxon by Andrew B. F. Carnabuci

More than 1,000 years after the epic poem of Beowulf was first penned, Andrew B. F. Carnabuci continues a long tradition of demystification and offers up his own take with Beowulf: A Verse Translation from the Anglo-Saxon.

What remains unchanged in this accessible and unbiased translation is the story itself: the tragic and triumphant life of Beowulf, a great Scandinavian warrior whose bravery and leadership has become the stuff of legend. Beginning with his youthful battles in Denmark against the infamous monster Grendel, and Grendel’s even more malevolent mother, it doesn’t take long for the Beowulf to demonstrate his […]

2021-04-08T11:27:24+02:00March 8th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Isle of Dragons by L.A. Thompson

Isle of Dragons by L.A. Thompson

Fallen royalty, a rescue quest, and the promise of redemption drive Isle of Dragons by L.A. Thompson, an edgy steampunk thriller that blends genres in an exhilarating way. Largely dialogue-driven, and peppered with exposition that only hints at the details of this world, this femme-led fantasy adventure is perfect for YA readers, and is tightly woven with themes of friendship and family, as well as independence, creativity, and the importance of taking big risks in life. The storytelling is often guilty of that classic criticism – telling rather than showing – and there are long sections where the pace slows. […]

2021-03-05T08:41:19+02:00March 4th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|
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