John Staughton, Senior Reviewer

About John Staughton, Senior Reviewer

Providing exceptional writing, editing and publishing services to hundreds of international clients, ranging from nutritional copywriting and long-form ghostwriting to substantive editing, assessment/analysis of academic texts and structural/content editing for bestselling novels.

Review: Once A Man Indulges by Tony Kelsey

Once A Man Indulges by Tony Kelsey

Wartime loyalty, dangerous dames, and mountain mobsters collide in Once a Man Indulges, a PI thriller from the meticulous pen of author Tony Kelsey.

This neo-noir tale is set in post-war 1949, when ongoing survival was far from promised, and the soldiers who had come back were often scarred in ways too complex to explain. An unexpected reunion with a past military mentor sends Harry Thorpe, rough-around-the-edges private detective, spiraling into the dark depths of Denver’s seediest realms, in this gritty blend of mystery and history.

Harry Thorpe is both original and familiar – a scarred protagonist with a […]

Destiny Control by David Garrahan

Destiny Control by David Garrahan Evidence that truth is often more incredible than fiction, Destiny Control by David Garrahan is the spectacular memoir of a dauntless, determined, and extraordinary life.

Spanning eight decades, and capturing the atmosphere and energy of generations past, Garrahan vulnerably reveals the riveting details of his challenging childhood on the streets of New York, an identity-forging adolescence, and a truly exceptional adulthood. From the colloquial buzz of Brooklyn to the ring of Russian curses in the Pennsylvania countryside, Garrahan’s tumultuous life is anything but predictable. Chapter breaks peppered with old photographs give readers an even better sense of the author – […]

2021-04-01T05:21:17+02:00March 31st, 2021|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: The Dragon’s Zenith by Jason F. Boggs

The Dragon's Zenith by Jason F. Boggs

Strap in for a nonstop cosmic ride in The Dragon’s Zenith, the final book in the Dragon Trilogy by author Jason F. Boggs. Wrapping up a galaxy’s worth of loose ends in style, this novel delivers an ultimate showdown loyal readers may not be expecting, as well as unexpected new allies, strange alien worlds, and that engaging blend of fantasy and sci-fi that this series has done so well from the start.

With the world-building basics and character exposition out of the way, this third and final novel dives right into the action, as well as the personal entanglements. Alene […]

2021-05-04T03:37:42+02:00March 30th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Reality by DC Wince

Reality by DC Wince

Near-future fiction at its finest, Reality by DC Wince is a thrilling and unpredictable leap into fight or flight mode. In bits and pieces, readers are submerged in a strange carnival of limitless power, the desperate search for truth, and the raw potential of humanity’s survival instinct.

Charlie, Dale, Blaze, and Ernst make for an odd quartet of protagonists, particularly because they spend a decent amount of this novel hunting one another in a winner-take-all death race in the desert. However, the backstory passages of their lives, and the strange events leading up to their Lord of the Flies face-off […]

The Morbid Museum by James Pack

The Morbid Museum by James Pack

Readers are lured into a gallery of gore and an exhibition of evil in The Morbid Museum by James Pack, a collection of stories that circles themes of death, loss, and darkness like a vulture. Whether exploring the psychotic logic of a serial killer or the inherent violence of humans towards those deemed lesser, these sinister stories are often disturbing, but always thought-provoking. Bouncing between genres and storytelling formats, there is a broad range in the writing, yet every story maintains an ominous edge. Some of the prose feels rushed, or inconsistently edited, particularly when it comes to syntax variation […]

2021-03-29T04:08:26+02:00March 29th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

The Chosen: Breaking Bonds by Michael Williams

The Chosen: Breaking Bonds by Michael Williams

Three young meta-humans are plunged into the adventure of a lifetime in The Chosen: Breaking Bonds by Michael Williams. The petty pressures of high school life are hard enough without discovering that you have powers that are only getting stronger, not to mention a new job protecting the world, but that’s precisely the case for these young heroes. Capturing the cadence and personality of YA speech, as well as the uncertainty and insecurities so common during adolescence, Williams is an undeniably authentic storyteller. A more careful edit could eliminate the grammatical errors and tangential moments of prose, as well as […]

2021-03-26T07:49:24+02:00March 26th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

The Last Portal by Robert Cole

The Last Portal by Robert Cole

Robert Cole begins a wildly creative and inter-dimensional new YA saga with The Last Portal: Book 1 of the Mytar Series. With a classic premise of young outsiders finding their way in a strange realm, and gradually embracing incredible powers that just might save the world, the foundation of the story isn’t entirely unique, but Cole’s execution is fantastically original, and the core characters leap off the page with energy, attitude, and personality. Exploring themes of otherness, confidence, finding your tribe, and self-acceptance, this is an easy-to-read adventure with strong messaging, quick wit, and complex protagonists who will carry […]

2021-03-26T07:24:27+02:00March 26th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Beyond Mercy by Morgan James

Beyond Mercy by Morgan James

Readers return to the mysterious mountains of North Carolina in Beyond Mercy, the second installment of Morgan James’ thrilling Beyond Mysteries series. As this saga’s fearless protagonist makes the sleepy and superstitious town of Beyond her permanent home, it becomes clear that not every resident is happy with her arrival, nor her curiosity about the town’s tangled secrets. There is a sinister edge to this story from the start, and James masterfully maintains an eerie, threatening mood that makes it hard to put this novel down. There are some plot gaps and loose ends, as well as occasionally awkward […]

2021-03-23T09:51:30+02:00March 23rd, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|
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