John Staughton, Senior Reviewer

About John Staughton, Senior Reviewer

Providing exceptional writing, editing and publishing services to hundreds of international clients, ranging from nutritional copywriting and long-form ghostwriting to substantive editing, assessment/analysis of academic texts and structural/content editing for bestselling novels.

Review: Pride of Ashna (Foundra Book 2) by Emmanuel Arriaga

Pride of Ashna by Emmanuel Arriaga

The fate of the Huzien Empire is once again threatened by unknown cosmic forces in Pride of Ashna by Emmanuel Arriaga, a jaw-dropping and imaginative sci-fi adventure that expands and improves on the first installment of the Foundra series.

Neven Kenk’s humble heroics continue in this fast-paced sequel, particularly once he discovers that the woman he loves is onboard a pleasure cruise that has been taken over by merciless space pirates in the Outer Rim. A dauntless warrior scarred by the trauma of intense loss as a child, Serah’Elax is a new and incredible protagonist in this female-fronted second installment, […]

2022-04-08T06:02:36+02:00June 6th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: The Quantum Code by Mark Langlois

The Quantum Code by Mark Langlois

A slow-burning thriller that mixes modern science with ancient prophecy and philosophy, The Quantum Code by Mark Langlois is an ambitious novel that will leave readers with as many questions as answers.

Two physicians from Christ Hospital, Jason Dolan and Sabrina Hawthorne, become inexplicably tangled up in a sprawling plot after Dolan is falsely accused of stealing narcotics and selling them on the street. When the FBI arrives at the hospital after a terrorist attack, Dolan’s arrest seems imminent, pushing him into the desperate decision to clear his own name as a vigilante investigator. Following a rapidly expanding ring of […]

2021-06-07T07:30:32+02:00June 5th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Simple Book of Reminders for The Youth by Zakiya Fatin

Simple Book of Reminders for The Youth by Zakiya Fatin

In Simple Book of Reminders for The Youth, author Zakiya Fatin poses thought-provoking questions for young readers, who may be interested in exploring themselves and enhancing their future vision. This collection of 75 reminders, which double as writing prompts, offers to guide readers toward a deeper relationship with their feelings, stressing that many of the answers to our problems lie within ourselves if we are only bold enough to start the conversation in a meaningful and open-minded way. Simple as some of the reminders may be, Fatin’s prompts could generate a daily, weekly, or even lifelong habit of writing […]

2021-06-07T06:29:22+02:00June 4th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

What’s Real What’s Not and Somewhere In-Between by Zakiya Fatin

What's Real What's Not and Somewhere In-Between by Zakiya Fatin

In What’s Real, What’s Not, and Somewhere In-Between by Zakiya Fatin, readers are led through a raw and unfiltered collection of advice from an author who understands that a broken heart is very different from a broken spirit. Bouncing authoritatively from advice on when to move on and how to show love, to what red flags to watch for and who to trust with your time, this energetic read is both reflective and inspiring. Most everyone has experienced the struggle of losing someone they love, and while Fatin’s advice is largely directed at women about their experiences with men, there […]

2021-06-07T06:29:45+02:00June 4th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Book of Reminders by Zakiya Fatin

Book of Reminders: Daily Downloads to Reset Your Mind by Zakiya Fatin

For those who need the occasional nudge of guidance, Book of Reminders: Daily Downloads to Reset Your Mind by Zakiya Fatin is an ideal bedside companion. From the simple bits of wisdom many may have forgotten over the years, to deeper, more thought-provoking musings that will center you on a more truthful path, this well-edited compendium of knowledge is far greater than the sum of its parts. Some of the reminders pose actual questions, along with ample page space for reflection and response, so this seemingly simple book could also inspire a reflective journaling practice. While at first glance these […]

2021-06-07T06:33:24+02:00June 4th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Pimping Out My Sister-in-Law by Sheldon Charles

Pimping Out My Sister-in-Law by Sheldon Charles

A short story collection cheekily unrelated to its title, Pimping Out My Sister-in-Law by Sheldon Charles is the first volume in a three-part series of well-penned, deeply human stories. From watching characters get lost in their own mutual fantasies to finding patience in the face of familial frustration and anger, these are easy-to-read stories that feel universally relatable in their themes. Sheldon Charles’ ability as a thriller author is well-established, and here he wields casual conversations and emotional reflections as deftly as erotic passages and bursts of conflict in this brief collection, showing that his skill as a short story […]

2021-06-04T09:51:36+02:00June 3rd, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Bridges: To There by Gary W. Burns

Bridges: To There by Gary W. Burns

A thoughtful and meditative collection, Bridges: To There – Poems for the Mind, Body & Spirit by Gary W. Burns is filled with poetry that is both accessible and uplifting. From reflecting on ancient philosophy to reinforcing the powerful depths of love and our capacity for it, Burns’ poems read like stirring mantras – sometimes just a few lines or words long – but they stick with a reader like subtle prayers. Though some of these brief verses could be expanded to be more impactful, or perhaps combined into longer pieces, this collection is nourishing and inspirational for readers who […]

2021-06-04T08:59:52+02:00June 3rd, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Review: The Book of True Believer by M. Funk

The Book of True Believer by M. Funk

Author M. Funk dives deep into religion, power, love and deception with The Book of True Believer: A Tale of Awakening, a fearless and unforgettable novel that speaks to the fundamental flaws of human nature, exposing them with sharp and rare insight.

On the verge of leaving the world of faith healing forever, the enigmatic Jeremiah Promise is rejuvenated by the unexpected support of True Believer, a woman he had miraculously healed years earlier. Reinvigorated in his faith, and believing that their meeting was the sign he’d long been waiting for, he easily convinces her to join him on […]

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