John Staughton, Senior Reviewer

About John Staughton, Senior Reviewer

Providing exceptional writing, editing and publishing services to hundreds of international clients, ranging from nutritional copywriting and long-form ghostwriting to substantive editing, assessment/analysis of academic texts and structural/content editing for bestselling novels.

Review: Pike’s Passage by John J Spearman

Pike's Passage by John J Spearman

Taking an unexpected turn in the Sandy Pike series, Pike’s Passage by John J Spearman is a stellar second installment of his sci-fi saga. Capturing the same authenticity in terms of detail and world-building, this follow-up turns inwards to a more adventurous and character-driven drama, rather than a sprawling epic.

When Sandy Pike sees his lifelong dream of being a starship captain slipping away as the Alliance stumbles into an unthinkable cosmic defeat, he refuses to let the mistakes of other men steal his shot at happiness. The idea of entering the freight business means a smooth transition away from […]

2021-09-16T03:50:24+02:00August 12th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Rand by Silvia Shaw

Rand by Silvia Shaw

A sprawling and majestic epic start to a fantasy new series, Rand by Silvia Shaw is an empowering and timely piece of fantasy fiction, bridging two worlds with grace and a whip-smart pen. Readers are drawn into a brilliant world with a detailed history that is unlike so many other carbon-copy realms in the genre. Driven by an intrepid protagonist imbued with the mind of an academic and the courage of a warrior queen, this read populates these pages with a pantheon of unique female characters, and cleverly ties off loose ends. From backstabbing court drama and savage magical battles […]

2021-08-12T03:39:21+02:00August 11th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

The Authors of This Dream by Seth Mullins

The Authors of This Dream by Seth Mullins A radical, character-driven exploration of philosophy, meaning, music, and life itself, The Authors of This Dream by Seth Mullins is a rare piece of heart-baring fiction.

Brandon is the volatile and vulnerable lead singer behind The Edge of the Known; he’s a passionate musician seeking to exorcise his demons, but often inviting more along for the ride. Bursts of violence, drug use, existential crises, and manic episodes initially seem like the price of being a rock star, but it also triggers memories of his traumatic childhood. Suffering spells of nihilism, bursts of creative genius, and a lifetime of seeing – […]

Zombie by Clifford Benjamin

Zombie by Clifford Benjamin

An allegorical work of fiction that feels very close to home, Zombie by Clifford Benjamin is a controversial landmine of a novel, parodying deadly political villains and many of America’s recent woes. A vile, racist, and power-hungry POTUS flexes his cruelty across his people and the world in this dystopian reimagining of societal and political collapse. While the story is gripping and graphic, some of the formatting and technical details need improvement, including inconsistent capitalizations, a multitude of misspelled words, and other grammatical issues. With so many rough edges, Benjamin’s powerful and timely commentary loses a fair degree of impact, […]

2021-08-11T03:21:46+02:00August 11th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Review: Eudora Space Kid: The Great Engine Room Takeover by David Horn

Eudora Space Kid by David Horn

A precocious little rebel with her eyes on the stars makes a name for herself in dramatic fashion in The Great Engine Room Takeover by David Horn, the first book in the Eudora Space Kid series. A fun-fueled tale of a young girl chasing down her dreams at light speed, this is an accessible and entertaining start to the series.

With a gentle bipedal wolf for a mother and an octopus-headed humanoid father, Eudora Jenkins’ family is anything but normal. She also lives on Athena, the flagship of AstroFleet, and has a very hard time staying out of trouble, meaning […]

2023-05-02T10:54:59+02:00August 10th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Vale of Darkness by T.C. Elofson

Vale of Darkness by T.C. Elofson

A newly forged legend and an uncertain leader work to overcome their own guilt and dark shadows in Vale of Darkness by T.C. Elofson, the second installment of the Waterbringer Series. Deepening this masterfully crafted world with even more lore and legend – and an even greater evil that threatens a nascent empire – the author defies stereotypes in the genre, blending cultural traditions from fantasy and historical realms alike. With lyrical precision in scene-building, and an ominous blanket of suspense over much of the prose, this richly imagined adventure is exhilarating, and delivered with a savvy pen.


2021-08-09T05:28:55+02:00August 9th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Review: Pandemic by Dieter Gartelman

 Pandemic: How Deadly Will It Get? by Dieter Gartelmann

A novel that strongly argues the point that reality is stranger than fiction, Pandemic by Dieter Gartelman is a fictional retelling of the pandemic still wreaking havoc around the globe, and a hypothetical fate we all may still face. Blending true history with semi-hysterical visions of the future is a storytelling gamble, but Gartelman hits the mark in this prophetic and troubling portrait of America.

Having a diverse range of protagonists provides a uniquely well-rounded perspective on the global crisis at the center of this story. Michael Thompson’s expertise in public health, his wife Dorothy’s intrepid reporting skills, John Othallo’s […]

POMSILv2 by Sheldon Charles

POMSILv2 by Sheldon Charles

A thoughtful and emotional collection of short fiction, POMSILv2 by Sheldon Charles is a captivating and unpredictable group of stories. From young lovers finding connection on a dance floor to Covid-inspired casino drama, future fiction about terraforming, and hard-hitting reflections on military legacy and PTSD, Charles once again proves his versatility in subject, mood, and execution. Some of the narration suffers from telling, rather than showing, but the pace of the stories is consistent, and the characters are cleverly crafted. With an ear for authentic emotions and an eye for both contemporary and classic themes, this collection is in turns […]

2021-08-09T02:44:38+02:00August 9th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|
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