John Staughton, Senior Reviewer

About John Staughton, Senior Reviewer

Providing exceptional writing, editing and publishing services to hundreds of international clients, ranging from nutritional copywriting and long-form ghostwriting to substantive editing, assessment/analysis of academic texts and structural/content editing for bestselling novels.

The Coward of Grimsby by Eric Ryan

The Coward of Grimsby by Eric Ryan

A stunning and tightly told work of historical fiction, The Coward of Grimsby by Eric Ryan is a swashbuckling, time-jumping story that you won’t want to put down til it’s over. From sunken Spanish warships and brutal mutinies to tragedies of the soul and the undeniable charm of a bygone era, this novelette twists readers’ expectations through a cleverly deconstructed plot that achieves a delightful level of suspense. Tied together with subtle themes and edited to near perfection, this satisfying read may require some suspension of disbelief, but it is a pleasure to get lost in Ryan’s original tale.[…]

2021-10-21T07:11:56+02:00October 20th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Seven Players by Adam Wodyk

Seven Players by Adam Wodyk

Set in a horrific dystopia where mutant scum with telepathic weapons manipulate those few unlucky survivors of the Extinction, Seven Players by Adam Wodyk is a head-spinning dive into humanity’s dark future. Shifting traditional perspectives and twisting narrative rules, the book plunges readers into a wholly inventive, but daunting world – the “acting dreams” of the main character, Max, who is little more than a psychological puppet for the entertainment of the Emperial masses. While the exposition is occasionally clumsy, and some narration is overly explicit, this cerebral slice of dystopian fiction is boundlessly creative and entirely unique, which more […]

2021-10-20T07:43:16+02:00October 19th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Birthday? Birthday!! Birthday!!! by Michael A. Brown, Illustrated by Lovyaa Garg

Birthday? Birthday!! Birthday!!! Impatient Patience's Special Day by Michael Brown

A charming tale about patience, self-control, and motherly love, Birthday? Birthday!! Birthday!!! Impatient Patience’s Special Day by Michael A. Brown is a relatable and delightful new read for children. Brought to life with exceptional illustrations by Lovyaa Garg, this story is packed with subtle lessons, particularly about the importance of family, slowing down to appreciate the world, and how love can thrive over long distances. Some of the prose could be improved, including unnatural word order and awkward meter in certain sections; adding an extra preposition or conjunction could help some lines flow more smoothly within the sing-song rhythm. However, […]

2021-10-19T06:47:07+02:00October 19th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Once Upon a Murderous Delusion by A.G. Russo

Once Upon a Murderous Delusion by A.G. Russo

A string of grisly killings disrupts the quiet life of a small town in Once Upon a Murderous Delusion by A.G. Russo, a probing look into the murky depths of mental health, trauma, and the unexpected origins of evil. Capturing the shock and sinister suspicion that can arise in a terrifying moment of crisis, the rich cast of investigators, nurses, patients, and suspects make this novel hard to put down, and even harder to unravel the gruesome mystery. Boasting visceral language that occasionally turns the stomach, and a suspenseful style of patient storytelling, this macabre slice of pulp fiction delivers […]

2021-10-19T07:15:13+02:00October 19th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

My English Teacher and I by Mikhael Aroni

My English Teacher and I by Mikhael Aroni

Delving into the delicate nuances of language, connection, belonging, and loss, My English Teacher and I by Mikhael Aroni is a passionate exploration of love and the complicated layers of power that inevitably exist within every person. Boasting vivid, three-dimensional characters from across the world – expats, teachers, travelers, and students – this novel offers a vulnerable peek inside the transient and challenging world of living somewhere you can’t quite call home. The cover doesn’t quite reflect the care and artistry inside, but the prose makes up for this, as the rich language of this novel is effortless, erudite, and […]

2021-10-18T05:46:04+02:00October 18th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Review: Trump You by Art Cohen with Dan Good

Trump You by Art Cohen

Capturing the deceitful nature and history of greed that has long defined America’s 45th president, Trump You: Promises, Lies, and Corruption: My Battle with Donald Trump’s Fake University by Art Cohen is a scathing personal memoir of one man’s titanic struggle against a capitalist giant.

Not only functioning as a fascinating, and at times painful-to-believe legal thriller, this book is also a detailed unraveling of the Trump University fraud – a clumsy yet lucrative scheme to cheat thousands of people with empty promises. The name “Trump” alone has become synonymous with a great many things in recent years, but this […]

2021-10-18T06:16:19+02:00October 17th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Giving Back: Memories, Reflections, and Lessons Learned by Edward A. Joseph

Giving Back by Edward A. Joseph Wisely worded recollections from slightly simpler times, author Edward A. Joseph bares his soul in Giving Back: Memories, Reflections, and Lessons Learned, a heartwarming, powerful, and easy-to-read collection.

With an impressive career as a published storyteller, these personal and previously published stories are healthy, honest, and unafraid to probe the deeper meaning behind the simple joys and moments of life. From cinematic childhood misadventures as a caddy to his brief but hilariously recounted time as a car salesman, Joseph peels back his losses, victories, and discoveries with a smirk and a shrug.

Summoning full-bodied characters, eras, and visceral moments, […]

2021-10-13T08:05:25+02:00October 13th, 2021|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Behind the Veil by E.J. Dawson

Behind the Veil by E.J. Dawson

A haunting Gothic drama triggering humanity’s deepest and oldest fears, Behind the Veil by E.J. Dawson is a powerful reflection on mortality and the lengths some will go to find closure or their own separate peace. A suspenseful but patient ride from start to finish, Dawson has created an empathic and endlessly engaging protagonist in Letitia – tortured, but hardened and indomitable. The mystery of the kidnapped children unfurls in fits and starts, at its own pace, but the plot is well supported by a poignantly penned cast of characters that readers can envision and invest in. Emulating a 1920s […]

2021-10-12T07:31:16+02:00October 12th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|
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