Interview with SPR Editor in the Sacramento News & Review
Melanie Glover: How long has the site been up and running? Why did you start it?
Henry Baum: I started it in December 2008. It’s only six months old, but it’s now listed #2 […]
Melanie Glover: How long has the site been up and running? Why did you start it?
Henry Baum: I started it in December 2008. It’s only six months old, but it’s now listed #2 […]
[…]99%+ of the time, however, these books are either written by the functionally
[…]Smashwords is evolving to become a full service ebook distributor. Smashwords will soon begin distributing ebooks to major online retailers, the first of which is Barnes & Noble and their various properties including, Fictionwise and their eReader app. We’re thrilled about this development, because these new distribution relationships will dramatically expand your digital shelf space.
Not all Smashwords books will automatically qualify for distribution. To qualify, the
A commenter said:
[…]I read the book and loved it! A book the average person can enjoy. This review is just one of many examples of why those from the self titled publishing
The cover blurb on this novel says, “…one of the most interesting and well-written books I’ve read in sometime [sic] – Sort of like The Da Vinci Code and just as disturbing. A ‘must read’ for anyone…” – Kaye Trout’s Book Reviews. Despite the typo in the blurb – which is unfortunate and the sloppiest thing in the book (check those blurbs, writers!) – the description of The First Atheist by Eric Polfliet is accurate. The novel does for Hinduism what The Da Vinci Code did for Christianity.
First off, it should be said that this is not really […]
[…]The key here is: cloud-publishing (and Book Oven) will provide the tools to allow groups of people to easily coalesce around the production, distribution and sale of a particular book or books. How those groups organize themselves will look different from book to book. But Book Oven’s tools will mean that book makers can focus on the important thing, the content, and not worry about the technical hurdles of making, printing & distributing books…
They’re wrong. For one thing, if you are trying to get a book deal via the traditional route, it’s […]
[…]There has been a revolution bubbling in the book world, and digital has arrived: ebooks, print-on-demand, and online sales mean you don’t need