It's Hard Out There for Everyone
This could be an argument against self-publishing: […]
This could be an argument against self-publishing: […]
The reason I started this site in December 2008 was because I knew I’d be releasing a […]
Though this site applauds developments in self-publishing and sees the value in […]
[…]If you haven’t heard of Shortcovers, they’re a hot startup created by Indigo Books, Canada’s largest book retailer. They offer a family of free e-reading apps supporting all major smart phone platforms, including the iPhone, Blackberry, Palm Pre and Google Android. They also support several eInk devices.
The mobile channel, Shortcovers’ strength, is extremely important to the future success of all authors and publishers. Already, more ebooks are read on cell phones than on dedicated e-reading devices. Over the next few years, billions of ebook-ready smart phones
Asked whether the agent would be interested in web fiction, the answer was –
[…]If your blog got thousands of hit per
Recently, Book View Cafe released a press release about their straight-to-digital publishing collective:
[…]Traditional publishing, new media, ebooks, and now “vooks”… the publishing world
On the heels of the post, Ebooks are a Disaster, here’s something a little more positive. The annoyance with the number of formats aside, I find this commercial for the Kindle fairly amazing. Looking past the saccharine sweetness of the commercial it’s a very interesting development:
What you have there is not just a commercial for the Kindle, but for books itself – for the act of reading. And that’s not something you usually find on mainstream TV. It doesn’t appear that commercials for actual books are going to take off any time soon – certainly not on mainstream […]