Top Selling Self-Published Books from Indie Reader
Interesting tidbit in this recent New York Times article about how Amazon is ripping apart the publishing industry.
[…]For a sense of how rattled publishers are by Amazon’s foray into their business, consider the case of Kiana Davenport, a Hawaiian writer whose career abruptly derailed last month.
In 2010 Ms. Davenport signed with Riverhead Books, a division of Penguin, for “The Chinese Soldier’s Daughter,” a Civil War love story. She received a $20,000 advance for the book, which was supposed to come out next summer.
If writers have one message drilled into them these days, it is this: hustle
[…]Lulu wants to make sure that your title is available to every potential customer on the planet, starting with the 120 million+ readers who own an iPhone®, iPad®, or iPod touch® or Barnes & Noble’s NOOK™ brand of e-reading products and shop at our eBook distribution partners.
You can
Ebookit charges a flat fee of $149:
What WE Do:
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Fine print on #7: they take 15% of royalties. However, that’s the same as Smashwords – but at Smashwords you have to meatgrind your book yourself. This is also 15% on top of what you’d get from the 30-70% at Kindle, […]
[…]“Amazon read about it and approached me with what is essentially a hybrid deal, the best of both worlds,” Eisler tells NPR’s Lynn Neary. Eisler retained control over packaging and business decisions that were important to him. The digital title was released about a month after the manuscript was finished. And he
[…]I published Burn Out on April 1, 2011. I thought April Fool’s day was a fitting date to try self-publishing my first novel. That was a short five months ago and since then my world has been turned upside down. My sales went something like this.
124 in April
375 in May
2339 in June
6762 in July
10K in August
In July I finally hit the Top 100 paid sales chart. I have been bouncing around in the Top 10 in Action/Adventure and Top 20
So what’s Storify – the main way it’s used is creating an embeddable post of Twitter links. What makes these posts so useful is that there’s a retweet/reply button next to each tweet, plus the ability to embed the entire post on another blog. […]
I suppose on the surface, it seems OK – Facebook is creating an environment where you get a real sense of the web. With the new Facebook changes, it is now becoming required to add apps to your timeline before you can access certain content. So when a friend links to a New York Time article, don’t be surprised when it doesn’t take you off-site and instead asks you to install the New York Times app. What this means is that not only will you be broadcasting on your wall that you read that article – but EVERthing you […]