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So far SPR has created 585 blog entries.

The Little Black Book of Human Resources Management by Barry Wolfe

The Little Black Book of Human Resources Management by Barry WolfeBarry Wolfe’s The Little Black Book of Human Resources Management doesn’t exactly on first glance seem like a riveting read, but it is clear that Barry Wolfe kept this in mind, as he has injected the humor and levity that helps communicate his message, offering a comprehensive and even entertaining look at the topic.

The book covers all the bases, from interviewing new staff to changing the work culture of current staff. Reading through, you will find that a lot of what is said not only applies to HR, but to all other aspects of the workplace. Whatever the […]

2018-05-02T12:29:53+02:00May 2nd, 2018|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Mondays With Morty: Offbeat Lessons for Success by Jim Tilberry

Mondays With Morty by Jim TilberryJim Tilberry’s Mondays With Morty: Offbeat Lessons for Success is a hilarious romp about an unlikely duo and the exploration of success.

Poetry graduate Walter has a terrible low-paying job, no prospects for a better one, no girlfriend, his car is falling apart, and he has to sponge off his parents to survive – an underachiever all around, or as his mentor puts it, a loser. His mentor is Morton J. Goldberg, known as the Professor to his underlings (even though he’s far from one), and every Monday he and Walter meet to discuss the secrets of success.

This setup […]

2020-02-21T06:29:15+02:00April 26th, 2018|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Surviving the Twenties Transformation by K.L. Martin

Surviving the Twenties Transformation by K.L. MartinSurviving the Twenties Transformation: Empower Your Soul and Change Your Life by K. L. Martin is an informative and passionate work of self-help aimed at millennials looking to enhance or begin a relationship with God. Concentrating on practical issues that affect people in their twenties, such as money, family, friends, and other core issues, Martin’s emphasis is on helping people in their twenties find their spiritual center and strength.

K.L. Martin’s book has a clear line that runs through it: beginning with everyday issues that are unique to millennials, it then moves on to ideas of the self and the […]

2018-05-09T10:19:35+02:00April 24th, 2018|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , , |

An Interview with Brit Chism: Author of Mnemosyne’s Daughters

Brit ChismMr. Chism had a whole other career in registered nursing, but now he writes short stories about women protagonists. He holds two bachelors degrees, one in English, and one in registered professional nursing. He lives on the west coast of Florida and loves to cook, garden in pots, and ride his bicycle around the trendy warehouse district looking at murals.

Tell us about your book.

Mnemosyne’s Daughters is a book of short stories about women protagonists. They explore issues like glass ceilings, trafficking, outdated social mores, patriarchy, unfaithful lovers, and assault. Several were inspired by ancient myths. I took the […]

2018-04-18T12:39:58+02:00April 18th, 2018|Categories: Interviews|

Review: Whither, Willie Wicked? by Jan Ewing

Whither, Willie Wicked? by Jan Ewing

In Whither, Willie Wicked? Jan Ewing has produced a terrific piece of work, tackling hard subjects that are both topical and magical, melding the real with the imagined.

The story follows Thomas Llewellyn Gareth, known as Gareth, a private investigator tasked with locating the punk rock star Jeff Christopher after his disappearance in light of a rape accusation. All is not as it may seem, with rumors that Jeff Christopher has turned into someone else, Willie Wicked, and questions arise as to his father’s intentions after Gareth learns Jeff squeezed him out and lost his father a lot of money.[…]

An Interview with Daniel McFatter: Author of Miguel Traveler #1: The Man from Texas

Daniel McFatterDaniel McFatter has worked in the oilfield industry for over fifteen years and he believes Spanish should be required learning in Texas schools. He lives in Houston with his wife, Johanna, and a gaggle of animals where he is currently writing his next book.

Tell us about your book.

Miguel Traveler
is a post-apocalyptic novel that centers around Miguel Morgan, an oilfield worker from Houston in the year 2012, who suddenly finds himself in a desolate future where civilization has all but vanished. As he tries to unravel the mystery of how he ended up in the future, he must […]

2018-04-13T11:40:27+02:00April 13th, 2018|Categories: Interviews|

Review: The Building (Furnass Towers Trilogy Book 1) by Richard Snodgrass

The Building (Furnass Towers Trilogy Book 1)

The first book in Richard Snodgrass’ Furnass Towers Trilogy, The Building is an evocative work of literary fiction, in which the construction of an apartment tower acts as a pivot to unveil an eccentric cast of characters, allowing Snodgrass to deftly weave the stories of the people in this struggling mill town.

Usually, with a cast this big, it is possible to lose focus and drain tension. However, The Building works in the opposite direction: every point of view reveals a little bit more and every switch has the satisfaction of putting the right puzzle piece into place – slowly […]

2019-01-22T11:00:06+02:00April 13th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

An Interview with Belinda Kroll: Author of The Last April, Winner of the 2017 SPR Book Awards

Belinda KrollBelinda Kroll is the author of three historical novels. She is also the author of non-fiction and children’s storybooks under the name Binaebi Akah. With a masters in Human Computer Interaction and a minor in English, she helps make websites and software intuitive by day, and puzzles away at her writing by night. She lives with her husband and two dogs in Ohio. Go Bucks!

Tell us about your book.

Spontaneous, fifteen-year-old Gretchen vows to help heal the nation from the recently ended Civil War. On the morning of President Lincoln’s death, Gretchen finds an amnesiac Confederate in her garden […]

2019-04-12T14:16:29+02:00April 5th, 2018|Categories: Interviews|
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