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So far SPR has created 585 blog entries.

Review: Legacy of Dolyn: Volume 1 by Amelia Guillem

Legacy of Dolyn: Volume 1 by Amelia Guillem

Told in the format of blog posts, Legacy of Dolyn: Volume 1 is an entertaining modern fantasy, replete with pop culture references and nods to anime.

Glendolyn Villem works as a secretary in a police station, with everyday problems that are easily relatable, like searching desperately for guy on an app called “Mingle.” Then, to her great dismay, she is ordained with magical powers and joined by a cat confusingly called Gwen, who, whether Glen likes or not, will be her mentor.

Glen must deal with the burden of being a sorceress and the complexities of her powers in a […]

A Kiss of Little Consequence by BC Hartwell

A Kiss of Little Consequence by BC HartwellA Kiss of Little Consequence by B.C. Hartwell is a novel filled with adventure and romance waiting at every turn. Parker Moon, a guide with Tourcey Travel Company, is convinced that he is destined to find true love and that it might just be on one of the tours he leads. Relying on his “vibe” he finds himself drawn to different females, hoping against hope that one of them will be “the one.”

While finishing up a tour in an exotic beach location, Parker receives a spiritual reading from a woman named Zafrina who had given him the “vibe.” She […]

2019-01-11T14:51:15+02:00July 26th, 2018|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

An Interview with Keith Martin-Smith: Author of Only Everything

Keith Martin-SmithOnly Everything is Keith’s fourth book and first novel. A collection of short stories, ‘The Mysterious Divination of Tea Leaves’, was published in 2009, followed in 2012 by the award-winning memoir A Heart Blown Open and its follow-up, The Heart of Zen. He is also a professional book coach.

Tell us about your book.

Only Everything is a reflection on the costs and promises of following your dreams, and what it means to live a life on your own terms. It also explores the sometimes terrible costs of doing this, through the lives of a number of artists who […]

2018-07-26T10:12:37+02:00July 26th, 2018|Categories: Interviews|

An Interview with Roger Rooney: Author of True North

Roger Rooney: Author of True NorthRoger Rooney is a Canberra-based historical fiction writer and is a graduate of Deakin University with a BA (Hons) in International Relations and Strategic Studies. He has performed 22 years of public service with all levels of government, having worked as a Senior Researcher with the Australian Government’s Refugee Review Tribunal, where he sat on the China and South-East Asia desk.

His first novel, True North, was released in April 2018 and was developed over four years, with Roger getting up at 5 am in winter to write 250 words per day. He collaborated with award winning author and […]

2018-07-26T09:54:06+02:00July 24th, 2018|Categories: Interviews|

Bridges: To There by Gary W. Burns

Bridges by Gary W. BurnsGary Burns’ Bridges: To There is an evocative collection of poetry, but lacks the visceral immediacy of his earlier collections of meditative poetry, such as Clouds: On the Wind.

Within the first of the four sections, the poems contain the same mixture of Haiku-esque observation, yet contain a childlike rhyme scheme. For example, in  “The Wind All About”:

In the trees, with ease
The bird flees the stir of leaves
When the spirit of the wind
Stirs us
Go we must

The effect this has is to draw the reader away from the actual words and images and focuses […]

2018-07-18T08:15:24+02:00July 18th, 2018|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

An Interview with Armani Martel: Author of Electric Order, Winner of the 2017 Baum Book Prize

Armani MartelArmani, from Montréal Canada holds a BA in Political Science. He works as a writer, entrepreneur and barber. Armani has also worked for political parties, boards of directors, Brazilian start-ups and served drinks. His writing, fiction or otherwise is a search for the reasons behind our actions and whether they really help us as a people. Electric Order is Armani’s first novel.

Tell us about your winning book

Electric Order is a story that looks at our modern societies in the near future. It’s a dark future and relatively sooner than some dystopic authors tend to portray the possible horror […]

2018-07-17T11:48:17+02:00July 17th, 2018|Categories: Interviews|

Eaters and Overlords by Blaine C. Readler

Eaters and Overlords by award-winning author Blaine Readler is a contemporary science-based novel that will keep the reader guessing from the first word to the last. An interesting take on human and alien interaction, the novel makes the reader reconsider some previous notions about alien life that are so common to other books in the genre.

Terri and her teacher and friend Siderai find themselves in the middle of an alien expedition when they investigate a strange group of creatures that they run into during an excursion in the forest. The investigation quickly turns into them becoming captives of their […]

2018-07-16T11:48:59+02:00July 15th, 2018|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: Sex and God and Other Essays by William J. Cataldi

Sex and God and Other Essays by William J. Cataldi

Sex and God and Other Essays is a curious collection of writing that sticks long after closing the book. Some of the subjects are so outrageous and so taboo, that at times it’s hard to believe they have been written. But thankfully, Cataldi has, given the instant impression of a brave author.

Considering the background of the writer, which he explains in the prologue in detail, the work is shaded with a whole other quality. A gay-Christian-Taoist-Leatherman who doesn’t agree with vegetarians? That’s about as niche a viewpoint you’ll ever get.

Never once does it feel thoughts are disingenuous, and […]

2019-01-22T11:37:17+02:00July 14th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |
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