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CreateSpace and KDP Print are Merging

KDP PrintIt’s finally underway: after launching KDP Print in 2016 and announcing the phase-out of CreateSpace, Amazon’s Print-on-Demand wing is now retiring. If you currently have books are on CreateSpace, they will be automatically moved to KDP Print in the coming weeks. From KDP:

In a few weeks, we’ll automatically move all accounts to KDP. If you’d like to get a head start, you can move your entire catalog yourself in a few steps. To ensure a quality experience, we’ll enable the ability to move your CreateSpace books to KDP in phases, so authors may see it at different times.

2020-02-21T04:32:33+02:00August 30th, 2018|Categories: News|Tags: |

Review: 2018 Tax Reforms: And What It Really Means for You by C D Leonard

2018 Tax Reforms – And What It Really Means for You?

2018 Tax Reforms: And What It Really Means for You, C D Leonard’s examination of the new tax laws of 2018, is a well-organized, accessible analysis of a generally complex subject.

In this comprehensive overview, Leonard aims to clarify both the facts and the myths regarding the new US legislation known as the Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA) enacted this year by the Trump administration. Because the details of the TCJA can be daunting to a layperson, Leonard endeavors here to try to explain the basics of the new legislation to those who will be affected by it.[…]

2019-01-22T15:29:49+02:00August 28th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , , |

Review: The Transitioners: The Purple Blues by Indigo Cox

The Transitioners: The Purple Blues

The Transitioners by Indigo Cox, the first book in the Purple Blood Lineage series, is a beautiful coming of age story that just happens to have one of the most refreshing superhero journeys at its core.

Misty is the first African-America student to make it into Girard, a high-profile music school. While an exceptional student and musician, she is still looked down upon due to the color of her skin. A fact that normal students can’t change, but Misty can. She is a Transitioner. A half-human, half-god being who can change her appearance with the assistance of music and meditation. […]

2019-01-11T14:50:50+02:00August 27th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

Review: The Life and Lessons of a Young Author by Sunayna Prasad

The Life and Lessons of a Young Author by Sunayna Prasad

Reflections with instructions from a young writer, Sunayna Prasad’s manual, The Life and Lessons of a Young Author, is a solid source of information about creating books in the 21st century.

By the time Prasad was 25, she had already had successes and failures in the complex, mostly online, world of writing and publishing. When she was a child she began writing stories, illustrating them with her own drawings. By third grade she had written a complete chapter book. Then followed a lull in her creative life, until age 16 when a full-blown idea came into her head […]

2020-02-21T07:17:31+02:00August 23rd, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

An Interview with Elias Aractingi: Author of Five Souls in a Dream

Elias AractingiI am an international banker. My first book, Boosting You, was about helping people become better executives. It was published in 2010. After that, I have written many articles about relationships on Thought Catalog.

Why did you want to write a book?

Through observation and experience, I believe I have an answer to many of the questions we ask ourselves in the field of romance and relationships. I felt it my duty to share these answers with others, especially that I found an original plot to do so.

Why did you choose to self-publish?

Major publishers will not consider you […]

2018-08-21T09:27:42+02:00August 21st, 2018|Categories: Interviews|

Review: The Imaginary Economy by Mario Fabbri

The Imaginary Economy by Mario Fabbri

A pioneering Italian businessman reveals hidden truths about the framework of modern economics in The Imaginary Economy: A New Conception.

Beginning with the proposition that standard economic theory is based on “egregious mathematical mistakes” that don’t fit with real life, author Mario Fabbri notes that economic growth in the US from its inception until now has been amazingly stable – 1.9% per annum. There have been some deviations, as during the Great Depression, but these quickly self-correct. Why then do economists and politicians continue to assert that a particular policy or method would make huge changes in our economy?[…]

2022-03-25T05:43:48+02:00August 19th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |

Review: Burden of the Monarch: Blade of Rails by Josh Perry

Burden of the Monarch: Blade of Rails by Josh Perry

Burden of the Monarch: Blade of Rails by Josh Perry is a steampunkesque novel with a soldier that doesn’t consider himself a soldier any longer, mysterious demons living in a distressed town mine, a train that carries a community within its belly, and plenty of intrigue and action.

Readers are introduced to Bell in the first chapter as he sits on the edge of The Tristram – a three car, red and gold war-train which hovers above the prairie. His demeanor is calm and one wouldn’t know at first that he and his comrades are on their way to a […]

2019-01-11T14:50:59+02:00August 14th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

An Interview with Maria Beta: Author of The Girl from the Moon

Maria BetaMaria Beta as a child asked her mother to change her name to Rainbow Brite. Lucky for her, her mother didn’t agree with it. Many times she tried to prove if the Force really existed, but despite pens and mugs not moving, she realized that even if they don’t, it was fun to think they could.

After her mother brought home, by mistake, Flash Gordon instead of the My Little Pony movie, that was the final jump to imagination beyond Earth. With a math and economics background, passion for history, and a ‘bit’ of imagination, she is creating The Elemental […]

2018-08-08T06:58:28+02:00August 8th, 2018|Categories: Interviews|
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