
About SPR

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So far SPR has created 583 blog entries.

An Interview with Suzanne Boisvert: Author of The Awakening: Fate in Motion

 Suzanne BoisvertSuzanne grew up in Richardson Texas with her sister and two brothers. She learned from her parents that everyone can make their dreams become reality, and that life is a combination of luck and skill. She began to dream big at a young age and feels extremely lucky in this life being the mom of four incredible children.

Immediately after graduating from high school, Suzanne was discovered and left for Paris to pursue her modeling career. She traveled around the world living in Tokyo and Milan, and then ultimately moving to London with her former husband. After eleven years in […]

2018-11-09T08:57:25+02:00November 9th, 2018|Categories: Interviews|

An Interview with William H. Coles: Author of McDowell

William H. ColesWilliam H. Coles is a literary fiction writer, winner of multiple awards including finalists The William Faulkner Creative Writing Competition, The Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction, among others. His fiction publications include five novels, collections of short fiction and three books on the writing of literary fiction stories.

To learn the art of writing fiction he studied in more than 100 courses and workshops with instruction from more than seventy-five authors, editors, and teachers and created storyinliteraryfiction, a website with resources for fiction writers, illustrators, and avid literary-fiction readers.

He was an ophthalmic surgeon specializing in ocular-injury repair and […]

2018-11-09T09:22:09+02:00November 9th, 2018|Categories: Interviews|

An Interview with Dr. Debra Webb: Author of Practicing Mindful Living

Dr. Debra WebbDebra Webb is a wife, mother, grandmother and life-long learner. As a teacher she learned the power of believing in yourself and positive self talk. She started her own journey of choosing to live in balance with a sense of peace and joy over 30 years ago and continues to practice the thinking and skills to increase this in her life. She lives in Phoenix, AZ and Gleneden, Oregon with her husband where she enjoys family dinners, gardening, and walking in the desert or on the beach.

Tell us about your book.

Practicing Mindful Living has been in process spanning […]

2018-11-07T11:37:53+02:00November 7th, 2018|Categories: Interviews|

Transcending Vision: Christian Theology in an Age of Empiricism by Don McIntosh

Transcending Vision: Christian Theology in an Age of EmpiricismChristian writer Don McIntosh effectively demonstrates how Christianity is relevant for all people and for all times, despite the modern, scientific and humanist tendency to downplay its eternal truths in Transcending Vision: Christian Theology in an Age of Empiricism.

The author speaks of the opposition of empiricism (that proof must come from experience) and foundationalism (that proof can be, and often is, accepted on faith). Faith, or fideism, is a virtue precisely because it offers no evidence. Jesus did not ask for intellectual understanding. The God of Christianity wants us to vest our hopes in Him, acknowledging that our […]

2018-11-07T10:15:25+02:00November 6th, 2018|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

An Interview with Dave Dröge: Author of Julia’s Memories & The Interflow of Things

Dave DrögeMy name is Dave Dröge (Vlaardingen, 1966). I worked in ICT (development and design) and graduated in psychology at the Erasmus University and the Open University, including getting a BAPD qualification for diagnostics. From 2010 I mainly write novels: the first two years a trilogy about three writers who have an ambitious plan, establish a metaphysical revolution through an artistic event, simultaneously held in Paris and Amsterdam. The following year I wrote a relatively short novel which describes a dream world faced with a harsh reality. Recently I wrote The Game Changer, a large-scale novel about a company doctor […]

2018-10-22T09:43:12+02:00October 22nd, 2018|Categories: Interviews|

Barnes & Noble Press Now Offering Pre-Orders

Barnes & Noble Press In a bid to compete with KDP Print, Barnes & Noble Press (renamed early 2018 from Nook Press), has announced some new options:

  • Print Pre-Order: Now available for all print books on sale. Set your publication date up to 180 days in the future without needing final cover or interior files. Don’t forget, eBook pre-order is already available up to 12 months in advance of publication!
  • Get one free correction for print book files: If your print book files aren’t exactly to our platform’s requirements, we’re giving you one free correction per cover and interior file, on us. Upload
2018-10-17T13:10:32+02:00October 17th, 2018|Categories: News|

Searching for My Heart: Essays About Love by Dawn Downey

Searching for My Heart: Essays About Love by Dawn DowneySearching for My Heart: Essays About Love by Dawn Downey is filled with beautiful and personal stories of the different types of love one can encounter in the world, as well as the fight with one’s self to find that place we can call “home.” Following the author on her journey from adolescence to adulthood feels in a way like reading her diary, an intensely personal and honest examination of one person’s journey through life.

Downey’s focus is not necessarily on romantic love, but on the larger concept of love for all things, especially oneself. This is not a book […]

2019-01-11T14:50:22+02:00October 14th, 2018|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Review: Autonomous Vehicles by C D Leonard

Autonomous Vehicles by C D Leonard

Autonomous Vehicles by C D Leonard is a well-considered, wide-ranging examination of self-driven vehicles and their implications for the economy, ethics, and everyday life.

This comprehensive guide begins by posing two questions: What is autonomous driving, and how does it differ from normal driving as we currently know it? Indications are that the development of the autonomous car will require further new technologies to improve, protect and finally eliminate the driver. There are six possible levels of autonomous driving, ranging from complete human control, through partial, conditional, high and finally full control by the vehicle. Vehicular control would require the […]

2018-11-20T08:01:00+02:00October 5th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |
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