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So far SPR has created 585 blog entries.

An Interview with Dele Babalola: Author of The Bible in a Nutshell

Dele BabalolaBorn in 1961, in northern Nigeria, of parents from south-western Nigeria, I spent my primary school years in Ibadan and secondary school was completed in the famous Dr. Tai Solarin’s Mayflower School, Ikenne. Both towns/cities are located in western Nigeria.

I discovered reading very early and was artistically inclined as well. I loved to draw and paint before I was attracted to writing. I started to write seriously from my late secondary school years. My passion is very strong for writing. I know a lot of my patients and friends will disagree because they think I have a natural love […]

2018-12-21T09:56:35+02:00December 21st, 2018|Categories: Interviews|

Review: Practicing Mindful Living by Dr. Debra Webb

Practicing Mindful Living by Dr. Debra Webb

In Practicing Mindful Living: A 365-Day Workbook for Mindfulness Practitioners, Dr. Debra Webb offers poetry, meditations and consultation to foster awareness each day of the calendar year.

A blend of self study and sage advice, Webb’s book presents a special, intentional guide to activities and concepts that can aid the thoughtful reader determining the overall tenor of his or her day. The entries begin with a short, directed poem. Here is an example, the entry for February 19th:

Wobbling down the sidewalk,
Ponytail flying behind her
Determined to master
Peddling and steering
Fall after fall
She asks for

2019-01-22T10:29:31+02:00December 17th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

Review: Israeli Settlements: Land Politics Beyond the Geneva Convention by Martin Blecher

Israeli Settlements: Land Politics Beyond the Geneva Convention by Martin Blecher

In these times of intense attention focusing on the state of Israel from all portions of the political spectrum, a Swedish political scientist examines what seems to be the most contentious issue: the country’s settlements in Palestinian territory.

In Israeli Settlements: Land Politics Beyond the Geneva Convention, author Martin Blecher calls this issue “an infected question,” while taking on himself the challenge to examine it thoroughly. Most people, influenced by common sources, are convinced that the Palestinian settlements are illegal, but Blecher would rather refer to them as “imprudent,” beginning with the assertion that what are usually considered Palestinian […]

2019-01-21T12:39:51+02:00December 17th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |

Review: Mother Teresa Canonized or Crucified by Gerard

A Catholic Christian writer asserts that the Vatican sought to prevent the canonization of Mother Teresa, the Albanian-born nun who created a community convent in the slums of Calcutta, in Mother Teresa Canonized or Crucified: Liberate Catholic Church from the Corrupted Kingdom of Vatican.

Author Gerard presents his case against the Catholic hierarchy with a combination of cold logic and heated diatribe. He believes the loving service of Mother Teresa should serve as an example for all Christians and that the Church should open the roles of priestess and bishopess, cardinal and even Pope, to women, giving Catholic men […]

2019-01-11T13:38:51+02:00December 15th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: The Bible in a Nutshell by Dele Babalola

The Bible in a Nutshell by Dele Babalola

A scientist and a Christian, Dele Babalola has composed a book of Biblical analysis directed towards those of his faith and any others who want to share in the blessings of the coming end times in his treatise The Bible in a Nutshell: An Invaluable Aid to Understanding Creation, Life, The Rapture, End Times, Death and The Afterlife.

Beginning at the creation of all life, Babalola points out correctly that science is still baffled over the precise way the universe came into being. He examines the many theories – Big Bang, primordial soup – yet none of these show […]

2019-01-22T10:30:00+02:00December 14th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Read to Succeed by Stan Skrabut

Read to Succeed by Stan SkrabutStan Skrabut, an instructor and tech expert, offers cogent suggestions for developing reading techniques to enhance professional success in Read to Succeed.

Skrabut’s manual covers a wide breadth of topics related to reading, with an emphasis on self-improvement. Reading improves memory, enlarges vocabulary, increases knowledge, and is inexpensive or even free. Many of the founding fathers, US presidents, military leaders, and business leaders have been dedicated readers. Establishing reading’s relationship to success, Skrabut lays out a foundation for effective learning. For example, libraries can help organize reading interests, and one should choose books geared to their profession. Kindle and […]

2018-12-12T12:30:22+02:00December 11th, 2018|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

An Interview with O. Ryan Hussain: Author of The Outlandish and the Ego

O. Ryan Hussain: Author of The Outlandish and the EgoO. Ryan Hussain is the new voice of comedic fiction and satire. The characters featured in his debut novel, The Outlandish and the Ego, are vibrant creations from a true genius. There is currently nobody better at blending truth, comedy and dirty fun.

Tell us about your book.

The Outlandish and the Ego is a comedy that is really about a few things—the absurdity of our political system, mental health, policing, and news and information being manipulated. It’s only through the wild mockery of those things that this book can claim to be comedic.

What do you think are […]

2018-12-07T12:50:09+02:00December 7th, 2018|Categories: Interviews|

Promises of Betrayals: The History that Shaped the Iranian Shia Clerics by Fazle Chowdhury

Promises of Betrayals: The History that Shaped the Iranian Shia ClericsPromises of Betrayal: The History that Shaped the Iranian Shia Clerics by Fazle Chowdhury tells the story of the fall of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi in 1979, which altered the course of the second half of the twentieth century up to the present day.

Partly due to internal factionalism, Chowdhury asserts, Iran and its oil reserves were traditionally an easy target for outside domination – Ottoman, British, Tsarist, Soviet, and American. After long centuries of oppression as a minority sect of Islam, the Shias finally rose to prominence after their successful 1979 rebellion. But Shia leaders now face major internal […]

2018-12-05T10:49:05+02:00December 3rd, 2018|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |
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