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So far SPR has created 585 blog entries.

Tai Solarin by Dele Babalola

Tai Solarin: Africa’s Greatest Educationist and Humanist

Though most certainly of interest to former students of the school who may have known the educator, this biography is a fascinating portrait of a dynamic and complex man. It is not just a story about educational methods, but of a man courageously fighting against a rigid system and charting his own path, and in turn the path of all of his students. In this way, the biography is an inspiring story of perseverance and ultimate success, which is a story that can speak to many readers.


2019-06-25T10:11:13+02:00June 12th, 2019|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

The Last April by Belinda Kroll

The Last April

A gripping and thought-provoking work of YA historical fiction. As pure entertainment, Kroll’s book is top-notch, but it is also full of fascinating and important historical detail. Far beyond it being a great read – which it most certainly is – the book raises an important moral dilemma about helping one’s fellow man when that person happens to be the enemy. A thoughtful and well-written novel, The Last April is highly recommended for readers who may never read young adult or historical fiction, as the themes Kroll covers are timeless and vital.


2019-06-25T10:10:43+02:00June 11th, 2019|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Something Olde by Denis Jay Klein

Something Olde

Denis Jay Klein writes dry and humorous lines, and Something Olde is an out-and-out comedic runaround. Klein’s own apparently detailed local knowledge of Bermuda, its history, and the sea and plane-faring technicalities needed to venture there at all, add up to a really cozy kind of read. A cocktail of mayhem that basically anyone looking for a light and very entertaining read will enjoy.


2019-06-25T10:10:10+02:00June 11th, 2019|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Electric Order by Armani Martel

Electric Order by Armani Martel

Electric Order holds no punches in its startling and unique vision of the future. The prologue has a razor-sharp hook that will grip you from the very start. The world of the book is written with vivid clarity. The reader can almost touch the Metropolis, as Martel is expert at establishing setting. His knowledge bleeds onto the page and sets the foundation for a believable, extraordinary world. A must-read for fans of action-heavy dystopian fiction, Electric Order is an impressive science fiction debut.


2019-06-26T12:37:33+02:00June 11th, 2019|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

How Authors Can Help Other Authors

Another author’s success can sometimes sting. But remember: we’re all in this together – that’s why something like #WritingCommunity exists. If a writer is successful, that’s a success for everyone, as books are the underdog in the media landscape.

It can feel counterintuitive to support another author’s book, as they can seem like a competitor in your own field, and you may feel like you should be spending your time only on your own book. However, self-promotion is not normally as effective as word of mouth, so if you spend your days wondering why you’re not receiving enough attention, the […]

2020-02-21T06:49:14+02:00June 3rd, 2019|Categories: Features, Resources|Tags: , |

An Interview with Camden Mays: Author of Shattered Shield

Camden Mays is the author of the Cameron Cole thriller series. He finds the most fascinating stories to be those where an everyday person is placed in extraordinary circumstances and rises to the challenge. He loves aviation, football, and good music – just don’t ask him to dance.

Tell us about your book.

It’s the story of a disillusioned CIA officer contemplating his future as he gets swept up working to stop terrorists’ attacks with the help of an interagency team. Along the way he falls for the FBI liaison agent. However, as the team pursues their enemy, they come […]

2019-06-04T03:27:49+02:00May 31st, 2019|Categories: Interviews|

An Interview with Sheldon Charles: Author of Blood Upon the Sands

Sheldon CharlesSheldon Charles is a decorated Air Force veteran, whose career has taken him around the globe, and given his writing a unique international flair. He is the author of Three Paperclips & a Grey Scarf, Blood Upon the Sands and From Within the Firebird’s Nest. His last book (From Within the Firebird’s Nest, the third book in the Evan Davis Trilogy) held the Number One Bestseller spot on Amazon for Russian Historical Fiction, and was in the Top Ten for War Fiction, for 2018. Sheldon currently resides in Michigan, where he is a member of Michigan […]

2019-05-29T12:45:44+02:00May 29th, 2019|Categories: Interviews|

The Best Premade Cover Designers for Indie Authors

In this day and age, there’s no reason to have a bad book cover. Though there are more tools available to make your own book cover, that doesn’t mean you should, as designing a book cover takes as much finesse as any creative art, so if you all you can draw are stick figures, you have no business getting into graphic design.

This is especially true because the cost of book cover design has come down a lot in recent years, while the quality has gone up. This is true as well for premade book covers. You supply the […]

2019-05-23T11:55:07+02:00May 23rd, 2019|Categories: Features, Resources|Tags: |
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