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So far SPR has created 585 blog entries.

Amazon Eliminates Two Promotional Options

Sending emails to users, Amazon announced that Kindle Matchbook and Amazon Giveaway are shutting down.

Amazon GiveawayFirst, Amazon Giveaway is shutting down, which allowed authors to run giveaways similar to Goodreads Giveaways.

Amazon alerted users:

After careful consideration, Amazon Giveaway is retiring. Thank you for participating in the program. Our records show that you have credits from previous eBook giveaways. These credits can be used to create new giveaways until October 10, 2019 and customers can enter giveaways until October 17, 2019. You can also download any remaining eBook credits as Kindle claim codes from the Amazon Giveaway dashboard. Claim

2019-10-03T07:00:58+02:00October 3rd, 2019|Categories: News|Tags: |

The Sons of God by Anthony Marnell

The Sons of God by Anthony MarnellAuthor Anthony Marnell has constructed a well-researched treatise concerning the Biblical Book of Revelation and its relevance today in The Sons of God: A Discourse on the Christian Revolution.

A Christian Revolution, Marnell believes, will occur during the End Times predicted in Revelations, and he proposes that time is now. We must choose between Babylon – the life of sin we are born into – or the mount of Zion, representing God and His plan. Marnell exhorts us to recognize and steer clear of the evil plots of Satan, who rules Babylon but will be destroyed in the final […]

2019-09-17T10:33:32+02:00September 16th, 2019|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

An Interview with Stephen C. Perkins: Author of Sky Parlor

Stephen C. PerkinsIn less than three years, the thrilling, suspenseful, and sometimes controversial book titles of Stephen C. Perkins has managed to gain a loyal and rabid audience. For a preview of the prologue, book cover, and product description of the newly released science fiction/fantasy/supernatural/thriller Sky Parlor, go now to, the only source for real alternative news! While enjoying Sky Parlor, be sure to check out the author’s other available titles at, and don’t to forget to come by for a visit and follow the author on Twitter.

Tell us about your book.

My latest […]

2019-08-05T09:06:27+02:00August 5th, 2019|Categories: Interviews|

A Predator and A Psychopath by Jay Kerk

A Predator and A Psychopath by Jay Kerk

A visceral hard-boiled thriller, A Predator and A Psychopath is certainly not for the faint of heart, as the character at the heart of the novel is both terrifying and realistic. Jay Kerk vividly paints the mind of a psychopath with no moral compass and a tenuous hold on reality where you begin to see the world through his corrupt lens, which is a testament to the strength of Kerk’s writing. For fans of dark thrillers and crime fiction, this novel will not disappoint.


2019-07-26T08:15:35+02:00July 26th, 2019|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

My Memory Told Me a Secret by Jeremy C Bradley-Silverio Donato

 My Memory Told Me a Secret by Jeremy C Bradley-Silverio Donato

An astounding work of contemporary fiction, My Memory Told Me a Secret focuses on issues core to LGBTQ identity, but also issues that affect every reader. Austin and Noah’s relationship is a heartfelt and sometimes harrowing account that will be relatable to anyone in a relationship, as each character and each moment is so well-drawn. Far from being a mere issue-laden novel, it touches on universal issues such as the devastation of illness, broken friendships, and how people tend to show or lose their humanity in times of crisis, written with great empathy and keen observation.


2019-07-25T11:36:28+02:00July 25th, 2019|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Embrace of the Shade by Amanda Muratoff & Kayla Mansur

Embrace of the Shade by Amanda Muratoff & Kayla Mansur

Evocatively written, Embrace of the Shade is an extraordinarily strong intro to a new romantic fantasy series. The pull of the characters towards each other draws the reader into their lives with a similar intensity, with their secrets building suspense throughout. This is a novel where the authors have clearly put a lot of care into each element of the story’s creation. The characters, the world, and the magic are all thoroughly well-constructed, making Embrace of the Shade a classic fantasy story that will please devoted readers of fantasy, as well as romance.


2019-07-24T10:50:11+02:00July 24th, 2019|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Writing a Book Through Ill Health

We all face a bout of sickness in our lifetime at some point. But what if this hits as we are writing a book?

“I was literally in the middle of a three-month sabbatical to write my book when I was diagnosed with Lupus. Plagued with fatigue and nausea, as well as insomnia, I had no idea how I was going to finish what I had started,” says Pam, a self-published author from London, UK. “And I had a deadline of less than two months. After that, I’d have to go back to work.”

Cathy had planned her time off […]

2019-07-24T10:53:06+02:00July 22nd, 2019|Categories: Features|Tags: |

An Interview with Patrick Finegan: Author of Cooperative Lives

Patrick Finegan Patrick Finegan was born during the latter half of the Eisenhower Administration and graduated during the Carter and Reagan Administrations from Northwestern University and the University of Chicago Law School and Graduate School of Business. He worked more than thirty years in law, corporate finance, management consulting and risk management. He has a wife and grown daughter and has lived in the New York metropolitan area his entire professional life – most of it in the same residential cooperative. Cooperative Lives is his first work of fiction.

Tell us about your book.

Cooperative Lives centers on two middle-aged, multi-racial Manhattan […]

2019-07-19T10:26:55+02:00July 19th, 2019|Categories: Interviews|
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