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So far SPR has created 585 blog entries.

Review: Passion, Purpose & Profits by Courtney Hunt and Emily Scheyer

Passion, Purpose, & Profits by Courtney Hunt and Emily Scheyer

Authors Courtney Hunt and Emily Scheyer, dubbed The Prosperity Sisters, challenge readers to examine their aspirations in Passion, Purpose & Profits: An Interactive Guide to Figuring Out What the Heck You Want Out of Life.

The commonly dispensed advice about finding and following one’s passion and purpose is sensible, but many of us don’t know how to follow through, which the authors try to unveil in a dynamic process of questioning and journaling. When asked what we want from life, we may respond with vague generalities, such as a nebulous idea of happiness. But to lead a passionate and […]

2021-06-16T08:50:52+02:00April 22nd, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: The Authentic You by Kristina M. Holle

The Authentic You by Kristina M. Holle

A human resources coach, Kristina M. Holle, has devised an original method for developing our finest qualities by looking into our emotional and psychological self-image, in The Authentic You: Unleash Your Leadership Potential.

A curious mixture of self-help and business manual, Holle combines some familiar self-help tenets with the tenets of leadership and management, which are often held separate. As one might behave much differently in an office environment than at home or with friends, it can be difficult to meld these two “selves” together, so Holle takes an interesting approach to this conflict.

Holle asserts that just as […]

2021-06-15T09:05:39+02:00April 20th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Amaranthine by John Eric Ellison

Amaranthine by John Eric Ellison

A mind-boggling sci-fi epic. Summoning philosophical questions through an extreme sci-fi lens, this story is a prophetic parable for our times. The blending of technology with the natural world, and questions of computers becoming a part of human evolution, is a primary message that will continue to resonate for any curious thinker who makes their way through this densely packed explosion of creativity and outside-the-box storytelling.


2021-04-16T03:36:22+02:00April 16th, 2021|Categories: Editorial Reviews|

Amazon Starts New Royalty-Driven Story Platform

Kindle VellaAmazon has announced a new platform called Kindle Vella in which authors can earn royalties per chapter.

A new way to earn royalties.

To access episodes, readers will purchase Tokens and use them to unlock episodes. Authors will earn 50% of the money readers spend on the Tokens used to unlock their story episode.

To make it easy for readers to find stories they love, the first few episodes of every story are always free!

As authors have often revealed short teaser books in a series in order to grab readers, this may be an alternative to that model. In […]

2021-04-14T07:49:59+02:00April 14th, 2021|Categories: News|Tags: |

Review: In the Company of Wolves by Erick W. Nason

 In the Company of Wolves by Erick W. Nason

Melding fact and imagination, author Erick W. Nason provides vivid scenes of warfare and snippets of the daily lives of America’s earliest settlers in In the Company of Wolves: The New Campaigns of Ranger Captain Jacob Clarke, an impressively detailed and entertaining work of historical fiction.

Having arrived in the continent of North America in the 1700s, both French and English colonials have territorial claims. By mid-century, the zeal to acquire more lands drives the two nations into war. As part of their defense, a stalwart band of special British operatives is formed. Roger’s Rangers are intrepid, fearless, and […]

2021-04-14T00:38:25+02:00April 13th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: Braving the World by Pam Saylor

Braving the World by Pam Saylor

A dynamic couple decide to make retirement a gateway to shared overseas adventures in Braving the World: Adventures in Travel and Retirement by Pam Saylor.

This engaging memoir covers all the highs and lows of an ambitious stay abroad. Pam and her husband Dave each had areas of expertise and both were highly detail-oriented, which would be crucial to the year-long escape they envisioned, the “bel sogno,” the beautiful dream: a year in Italy, half in Rome, half in Venice. Before they could leave they had to rent out their home, find a year-long dog sitter, sell their cars, store […]

2021-05-25T04:14:55+02:00March 31st, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

A Lullaby in the Desert: One Woman’s Fight for Freedom

Author Mojgan Azar

A Lullaby in the DesertWhat if by questioning injustice and standing up for the oppressed, your words were met with threats, captivity, and execution? Would you still stand up?

Imagine being born without rights. From bicycle bans and compulsory clothing to mandatory beliefs, what’s worse than being born in a society where your gender alone is a crime? Millions of women are held captive, whether behind bars or behind barriers, for what they believe, what they wear, and what they say. They are suffering at this very moment. Some, like Susan, decided they wouldn’t take being held in the grip of a society’s invisible […]

2021-03-16T11:57:24+02:00March 16th, 2021|Categories: Features, Member Blog|

Review: Mr. Smitty Notes: Genesis 1-11 by Mr. Smitty

Mr. Smitty Notes: Genesis 1-11 by Mr. Smitty

An older mentor writes to a boy named Sammy to explain why and how our views of morality and spirituality have changed since the founding of America, basing his case on the biblical creation story, in Mr. Smitty Notes: Genesis 1-11.

The author introduces this lively viewpoint by explaining to the reader that Mr. Smitty, the “author” of the narrative, would be someone with whom Sammy has “an important relationship,” expressing his concern for the boy’s future by acquainting him with elements of the past with which Sammy may not be entirely familiar. He reminds the reader that the […]

2021-04-21T08:34:58+02:00March 12th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |
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