Reflections of an Anxious African-American Dad by Eric Heard Written by a father for his son, Reflections of an Anxious African American Dad by Eric L. Heard stands out as a contemporary gem. Having grown up in a time and place when segregation still reigned, the perspective of Heard is striking, particularly when overlaid with how race relations are playing out in the streets today, and how current events can still be triggering, for a moving and timely memoir.

Many young people of color in America experience “the talk” in their formative years, not about the opposite sex, but about the dangerous impact of their skin color, and the legacy of white supremacy and violence in the country. This book is a natural extension of that common and painful necessity, an in-depth look at how one man has processed his own trauma, along with the earnest hope that he can prevent such trauma for his own child.

The writing is not fully polished, and in many cases this would be a criticism, but the rugged honesty of the prose enhances the book’s power and message. There is no need for elaborate descriptions or complex imagery, as the rawness of the story carries the message from father to son in such an immediate way, broaching challenging subjects with poignancy and vulnerability.

While Heard’s struggle to speak truth about his own situation is evident on the page, the end result is an inspiring memoir that will resonate with many parents today.

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