A Kiss of Little Consequence by BC HartwellA Kiss of Little Consequence by B.C. Hartwell is a novel filled with adventure and romance waiting at every turn. Parker Moon, a guide with Tourcey Travel Company, is convinced that he is destined to find true love and that it might just be on one of the tours he leads. Relying on his “vibe” he finds himself drawn to different females, hoping against hope that one of them will be “the one.”

While finishing up a tour in an exotic beach location, Parker receives a spiritual reading from a woman named Zafrina who had given him the “vibe.” She tells him that he will find love on his next trip, but doesn’t give him many details as to who it will be, thus causing Parker to be on high alert while guiding tours in Austria.

When a fellow tour guide named Jack quits unexpectedly, Parker finds himself fulfilling Zafrina’s prophecy about his trip to Austria as well as embarking on his journey to find “the one” though he isn’t aware of it. Parker is just being himself, the guy who does everything for everyone but himself as he rushes to help out fellow guide Sally as well as Lorrie who is the glue that holds the tour company together.

The plot of the novel is terrific and balances adventure, suspense, and romance very well. The characters are well-developed, and their personalities shine through via Hartwell’s vivid writing. However, there were many places in the book where missing words could have been caught by an additional edit, and it takes away from the flow of the book. Additionally, when Parker finally finds the woman of his dreams, the reader may find it a bit predictable.

Despite issues with editing and the predictablility of the main character and his love interest, A Kiss of Little Consequence is a great read that will certainly please readers of romance.

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